View Full Version : blood in stool

12-08-2005, 02:33 PM
Beenie had a little blood in her stool yesterday and a little today too.
Should I be worried? :confused:
It's not a lot, just a few drops.

12-08-2005, 02:34 PM
It could be due to worms, but if it doesn't go away after a day or so, I would definitely schedule a vet appointment.

12-08-2005, 02:37 PM
Can she get worms even if she takes Heartguard once a month?
Well, I will call if she has some in her next poops (probably late this afternoon).
I thought it might be because of a ground rawhide stick she ate yesterday morning.
Maybe a piece scratched her insides.
Do dogs get hemorroids?

12-08-2005, 02:47 PM
Heartguard is a preventative for heartworms. She can still get tapeworms by eating other feces or even by having fleas (grooming herself she can eat the flea feces).

So I suppose the answer would be yes, she can still get other TYPES of worms eventhough she is on the heartworm preventative.

And yes, dogs can hemorrhage but I would think there would be a lot more blood than you'd described if that were the case!

12-08-2005, 02:49 PM
Hemorroids... not hemmorage. :)
Thx for the info. I will definately call tomorrow morning if I still see some.

12-08-2005, 04:20 PM
what color is the blood, the clear red indicates blood near the end of rectus, and dark red indicated almost from stomach.and also smell putrid smell(blood smell, i know poop smells but with blood involved it smell different)indicates serious intestinal disease.
and if it really just a spot it could be that it got scratched, even from feces, but just to be unworried get her checked, it does no harm and gives you peace of mind.

12-08-2005, 04:26 PM
I'd keep an eye on her and maybe call the vet at least to ask what they think. I hope it's nothing! :)

12-08-2005, 05:14 PM
Kodie had tapeworms and he didnt have any blood in his stool. I would call the vet just to be safe :)

12-09-2005, 08:16 AM
what color is the blood

It was very light red.
But I checked her poop yesterday afternoon and this morning and there was no more blood.
She went normal this morning.
Thanks for your help guys.

12-09-2005, 09:30 AM
Did it look like the blood was mixed in with her stools or more just on the outside?
If it seems that it was mixed in with the feces than she's probably got some sort of intestinal parasite, irritation or illness.
But if it seems like it's just on the outside it may be the rawhide irratated her intestinal tract. Or even if the stool was very formed (hard) it may be that part of her rectum was torn a little bit (the rawhide could cause that too).

Glad to hear she's all better. I hope she continues to do well. I love that girl!

12-09-2005, 09:48 AM
No, it wasn't mixed in. The few drops were at the very end of her "present".
I mean... I watched while she did it and it was at the very end.
She seems fine now.

12-09-2005, 10:27 AM
No, it wasn't mixed in. The few drops were at the very end of her "present".
I mean... I watched while she did it and it was at the very end.
She seems fine now.

She probably just ripped her anus a little bit. Nothing to worry about.

12-09-2005, 03:19 PM
From what you describe, it doesn't sound too serious to me although certainly merits watching. I'm glad to see that her stool looks normal now.

I am placing my bet on it being the rawhide too. Back when I had my collies I used to give them rawhide treats sometimes, but then Willie had upset stomach and a little blood in his stool once, and Cody got a piece kinda stuck in his throat (it gets so sticky and adhesive) and I had to reach in and pull it out, so I decided no more rawhides for them. Mine get Nylabones and dental bones for chews and bully sticks which seem safe and the dogs just love them. I've read since then that rawhide can cause bowel obstruction too. I know some dogs just gnaw it and don't really ingest much of it but after what I've read and with what happened to my RB boys, I just stay away from it.

I sure hope Beenie is all back to normal! Those pups can sure give us worries sometimes :)

12-09-2005, 03:29 PM
I'm with you, I have heard too many tales of others losing their dogs to rawhide and/or having upset tummies and I just don't use them. On another board I had a member post about their dog ending up with a bowel obstruction and died from it and another had her dog almost choke to death on a piece of rawhide and she had to reach clear down his throat. Those things scared me too much to want to give them for myself. I think they are treated with something nasty like formaldehyde or something as well to remove the hair. I never used to know that much about it but what I have heard makes me steer clear. I give bullies and sometimes a knuckle bone.

I'm glad to hear Beenie is doing better and no more blood, like the others said it may have just scraped up her insides. Hopefull she won't have that happen any more, silly girl!