View Full Version : thats right Blair, you just had a bath...

12-08-2005, 02:31 PM
lol Blair is so suggestable! Happy and Misty got a bath so when I took out the blow dryer he came over for his normal after bath blow dry..so I blow dryed him just to humer him, and I swear he though he had actually had a bath! he started running around "drying" himself on the chairs, and shaking off etc..! it was hilarious, then he came back for more blow drying..so I humored him some more and blow dryed him pretending he was wet, then when I finnished I patted him on the head and said "there, all dry!" then he proceeded to prance around happily like he does after being groomed! I am not sure how he thought he got wet in the first place, the fact remains..he thought he had just had a bath, meanwhile my mom and I are stiffiling our laughter lol

12-08-2005, 02:36 PM
Wow, thats funny. I wish my dogs enjoyed getting dryed that much, lol!!

12-08-2005, 02:51 PM
LOL. That is sooo funny! Cutie patootie!

12-08-2005, 03:08 PM
Dear Blair,

* GASP * You Like "Spa Day" ?!?!? :eek:
You are silly!

LOUD Louie