View Full Version : I splurged and got the water fountain lol

12-06-2005, 10:01 PM
yup I could not take it anymore and went and bought the doggit water fountian today, its really neat, Happy loves it lol which is the main thing, she is the worst for refusing any water that is not completly fresh, the water cascades around the top of the dome, Happy likes drinking the water as in pouring down lol Perky likes it too, the rest have yet to try it, they are busy eating :p

12-06-2005, 10:38 PM
all doggies have now tried out the dish lol they all love it! Blair was afraid of it at first, so the detachable food dish came in handy, I attached it and tossed in his favorite treats, and that got him over it pretty quick lol you should have seen Mistys face, she had a HUGE bone for supper so she was very thirsty and drank and drank and drank some more, then she paused, and looked at teh dish wonderin why in earth the water level it exactly the same as it was when she started lol :p

12-07-2005, 01:35 AM
Lucky puppies, it sounds pretty cool.

12-07-2005, 02:17 PM
lol I am actually very impressed with this thing, as a lot of people who have similer fountains have said that when the water runs low it get VERY loud, but this thing is just as silent as advertised when the water ran so low it was almost completly dry it did not make a peep :D pluse its got the muti-surface drinking, my dogs ove this, like the bowl itself is not flat it has differnt leveled humps inside and the wated pours down over the enitie outside of the dome, so they can drink from the bowl or from anywhere around the dome, Happy and Misty like drinking it right off the dome lol and because of the bumps the water is never left on a flat surface keeping it both cleaner and cooler. :D