View Full Version : Cute roborovski pics

Miss Z
12-06-2005, 01:09 PM
I was looking through some old photos today and found some cute photos of a litter of baby roborovski hamsters that i had years ago. There were 5 girls, called Peppy, Swizzels, Squiggles, Sherbert and Lemon, and a boy called Squeaky. They were soooo sweet, but we had to unfortunately give them away to loving homes. I never knew what happened to them, but they'll have passed on long since then.

In the photos, they may all look the same, but i can still recognise each one! Squeaky was the largest, and Peppy was just a little smaller. Sherbert and Lemon were almost identical twins, that's why their names make Sherbert Lemon, but Lemon had slightly more white on her. Swizzels was small and had darker 'eyebrows'. Then Squiggles was the smallest, and she had a slight deficiency where she had no toes on one foot.

Does anyone else have or has had roborovskis? They're not a very common pet, so i wondered if anyone else has one:confused:

12-06-2005, 01:46 PM
I have 2 dwarf hamsters. One is a Campbells & the other is a Winter White (which I just foudn out this year).
They are all pretty similar but Robs are not very popular here in the states at all, in fact I've never even seen one in person before.
I loe my girls very much though.

Miss Z
12-07-2005, 12:03 PM
Aaaaw winter whites are soooo cute! I would love to see a pic:) !

Miss Z
12-07-2005, 12:26 PM
OMG i forgot to post the pics!!!! I am soooo stupid sometimes!

Here they are... I know that there are only five, Squeaky is missing from the photos as my mum was holding him at the time!:)

12-08-2005, 10:49 AM
What cute little munchkins!

12-08-2005, 11:50 AM
aww they look like permanent baby hampsters(unless they are babies then )lol

Miss Z
12-08-2005, 11:54 AM
aww they look like permanent baby hampsters(unless they are babies then )lol

They are babies, but the adults are just as sweet! They barely grow any bigger than 5cm in length:)