View Full Version : What is "Spa Day"?

12-06-2005, 05:28 AM
A message from Louie...

Ut Oh! Mama has that look in her eyes... and I think she's filling the huge water bowl in the bathroom. Oh NO! Here she comes... ewww, she's gonna say it... She's gonna say that word... B A T H. UGH!

"Hey, Louie! Let's go have a Spa Day!" ... Huh? Hey, what's a "Spa Day"? Is there gonna be food? How about Tennis Balls? I love tennis balls... Mama, why are you wearing shorts? Don't you know it's winter? .... Wait, Wait! Why are WE going into the huge water bowl?!
NOOOOOOO! Daddy! Help! *Sploosh* UHG! I hate WET. :(
Aw, Mama, I worked so hard to get that great "Doggie Smell". Why don't you like "Eau De Earthworm"? I like it! Are WE finished yet? We are? Good. *ShAkE*
Yippeeee! I'm Fre- What? You mean "Spa Day" is not over? :eek: Hey aren't those Nail Clippers in your hand? Mama, why do you have one of MY cookies in your mouth? Oh. I see. I get the cookie when "Spa Day" is done? Ok then... are we finished yet? Can we play ball now?... Where's MY cookie?!

Note to all my Fuzzy Friends:
BEWARE! "Spa Day" is really just another word for B A T H!
Don't be fooled!
.... I Loathe "Spa Day".

MMMMM... the cookies were good!

LOUD Louie

Sorry no pictures yet, as Fearless Daddy was sleeping. :(

12-06-2005, 07:02 AM
LOL Louie was it that bad??? :p

12-06-2005, 07:15 AM
Dear LOUD Louie,

We know just how you feel. We had to get baths a few days ago and it was so terrible to get so clean! When we were finished all we could do was run around the house trying to get that clean stink off us. We got treats afterwards, but it wasn't worth it!! It will take us a long time to get back to smelling normal. :(

~Marta & Adele

12-06-2005, 08:58 AM
Poor Louie....I hope you've recovered from such awful abuse. I know you'd rather stink, but now you're all clean & fresh for the holiday's.


Ginger's Mom
12-06-2005, 09:15 AM
LOL :D Oh Louie, you gave our secret away, now we can't use the Spa Day ploy. Oh well, now that you are all nice a spiffy, I bet Santa will leave you lots of goodies.

12-08-2005, 09:50 PM
Now Louie, you know you shouldn't go telling our human secrets;)

Roxey, Huney and Bon are soooo glad that we don't have SPA DAY around here...they get to go BYE-BYE for that :p

12-09-2005, 06:21 AM
Poor Louie, i hope you have recovered ;). Think of the cookies little man.