View Full Version : My 2 kitties and their worms

12-05-2005, 05:41 PM
I brought them to the vet today and got them dewormed/vacinated. I had to sell a kidney to get the money, well not a kidney exactly but I did something really bad to get it. I cant believe nobody could help a poor person. It makes me cry

But I "think" they're okay now. I asked the vet questions but he never really answered them. So I must turn to the trused Pet Talk friends. Please help me

I got them dewormed and he gave me medication for it. But do the worms stay away forever? And when can I start to play with my kitties again? When can they sleep in my bed? I dont want to get worms from them

thank you, you are all very nice to me. You are whats left, the GOOD!

Laura's Babies
12-05-2005, 06:00 PM
He wormed them at the office and gave you another dose to give them so many days later?

I will leave the answers to your questions to the experts with more experience here but I do know if you don't get rid of the fleas, they will get the worms back and with mine, even treating them, they kept getting them so I had to change the kind of flea treatment was I using and haven't had a problem since.

Good for you, getting them to a vet!

12-05-2005, 06:06 PM
The worms will not stay away forever and can return. Your safest bet is to make sure they do not eat other animals' feces (which is kind of obvious hehe) and also to keep them flea-free!! If you can do that then they should be fine! :)

12-05-2005, 06:23 PM
I hope that you can keep the Little Ones worm free,and get rid of the Fleas.
Neither is good for Baby Cats.
Good luck,with Your Little Ones!

12-05-2005, 07:03 PM
The medication should get rid of the worms but you have to prevent them from getting fleas again. There are numerous products but I like Revolution and have never had any problems with fleas. It treats heartworms, round worms, hook worms, and is a great flea preventative.

Good luck with the medication! I would make sure that you keep your kitties indoors and they shouldn't come into contact with any other "yuckies."