View Full Version : Help!!..my signature doesnt show up??

12-05-2005, 03:02 PM
I was posting a reply earlier this afternoon and I get the dreaded red "x" ??? in my signature space.
I believe that it working this morning just fine, so how on earth could it have become disabled? I have been at work all day and havent even been home till now. Laura (Laura's Babies) made it for me(in the fall) and she is probably gone off the sea by now :( I just don't know how to fix it..and that red "X" is ugly.....any suggestions????? :confused: :confused: :confused:
You can see what I am talking about by looking below :( :(

12-05-2005, 03:03 PM
Did you save it to your computer and upload it to your own web space (photo bucket account, etc)??

If you just copied the URL from where she had it uploaded to, chances are likely its been deleted.

PS: I'm using FireFox so I see no ugly red 'x' in fact I just don't see anything at all hehe

12-05-2005, 03:05 PM
No , it is not saved on photobucket. Laura designed it for me and I copied from her, as per her instructions :confused:

12-05-2005, 03:13 PM
Aww then she probably deleted it, then :(

OR, the server where its hosted could be down.

Even as a precaution I would ALWAYS save things to my hard drive, because space online can be unreliable. I mean, hey, servers are computers after all LOL

12-05-2005, 03:16 PM
Maybe Laura still has it saved. Try PMing her :)

12-05-2005, 03:28 PM
Well, she said she was over seas I think.

Do you not have it on your computer at all? If not then there's really nothing you can do except wait a few days and see if the server is resolved. And, I'm using FireFox also and instead of a red X it just doesn't show the picture, so it's not ugly on my end :)

12-05-2005, 03:31 PM
Okay I just opened this thread in IE and saw the X. I right-clicked to find the source and it is saved on Photobucket. As far as I know Photobucket isn't down so she most likely deleted it or her account has been deleted or something like that. If you don't have it saved you'll probably just have to wait until you can PM her or get another one made.

12-05-2005, 03:32 PM
Well, she said she was over seas I think.

Ahh, I must have missed that ;) I see it now

12-05-2005, 03:49 PM
Thank you for all the suggestions :) Im gonna PM Laura, but I am afraid it may be too late, she is probably gone off to her job by now :( and she is always gone for about a month :(

12-05-2005, 04:54 PM
Perhaps someone could make you a new one?? Even better, maybe one more festive for the holidays? Losing it doesn't have to be a bad thing hehe

Laura's Babies
12-05-2005, 05:28 PM
I am still home, I just had to go take my kitties to my son's and that is about a hour drive each way.. I get on the boat Wednesday (SOUTHERN CREW CHANGE AGAIN! YAAAAAAAY!)

I went in photobucket today and DID delete a lot of stuff and I deleted that off of my computer right after I sent it to you. Don't know if I have time to make you another right now or not.. I just have TO many pictures and have to weed them out on my computer and in photobucket from time to time. If I have a few minutes, I will make you something you can use until I get back...opps, need pictures to use though (got rid of those too).. I take HUNDREADS of pictires when I am home and just have to get rid of some of the ones I think I won't need or use again.. Sorry!!

12-05-2005, 05:57 PM
Oh thank goodness you are still home :) I thought you had already gone back to work. Unfortunatly I did not save the signature(I didnt know I was supposed to :eek: ) But I will in the future ;) I will try and send you a few photos , if is not too troubling, if not that is fine too...I understand completely :) I feel like such a pesty pants :eek: I am so sorry.

Laura's Babies
12-05-2005, 06:08 PM
:D :D :D Well, little Miss Pseky Pantsy, that NAME cracked me UP! I am laughing my butt off at that! How in the world did you come up with that..... toooo CUTE! :D

I have searched and found a few pic's I thing I can work with..

12-05-2005, 06:15 PM
I see your signature just fine here!
No Red X at all.

12-05-2005, 06:17 PM
I see your signature just fine here!
No Red X at all.

That means its still saved in your cache!!!

Can you take a screen shot of it or try saving the image to help her out??

12-05-2005, 06:21 PM
lol!! I actually call Abby .....Pesty Pants ,because,...well....she is! :D Everytime the phone rings, or she hears me talking on the phone(when I call out) she is a pesty pants in that she always has to sit on my lap and mush on me while I am trying to have a conversation. she purrs very loudly, rubs her nose to my face,walks all over me,kneads and is just generally a pest, .....but of course I love it!! :D and let her do all the above because she is just so very spoiled and she knows it :eek: LOL!!

Laura's Babies
12-05-2005, 06:56 PM
Ask Little Miss Pesky Pants if she approves if her newest siggy!


I saw those two at the top that somebody else did for you and those are just TO pretty not to use them too!

12-05-2005, 07:06 PM
Oh Laura...Thank You so very much, it is beautiful!!! Little Miss Pesty Pants has put her pawprint of approval to it too :) funny thing is just as I posted the message about her "telephone pestyness" the phone rang, and on my lap she quickily jumped up on and started witjh her usual mushing..lol she is just too cute :) Thank you again...you have made my evening :)

12-05-2005, 07:09 PM
Hooray!! It works :D :D

Laura's Babies
12-05-2005, 09:04 PM
I rather like it myself, I liked the other one too but you were past overdue for a newer one..

REMEMBER! Save this one to your computer and upload to where ever you store them online. I am so glad Miss Pesty Pants approves, tell her now I can breathe easier knowing she approves.