View Full Version : Sad news about Melissa (doolittleky)'s cat Jade

12-05-2005, 11:46 AM
I am not sure if she wanted me to tell you all, or her tell you all, but I wanted her to find some comfort in the grieving process.

Yesterday Melissa called me in hysterics. Her 13 year old companion kitty Jade, has been sick for a few weeks. The vets finally diagnosed it as a tumor on her pancreas. Melissa was going to go ahead with the surgery, but Jade has diabetes, and being 13, the surgery probably would not have helped, and Jade would have still been in pain. And the chances of her actually making it through surgery, were slim.
Melissa finally had to make the hard decision we all may have to someday face. She wanted Jade to be comforted, and with her during her final moments on this earth. She could not live with the fact of Jade dying during her surgery. So she had to put her to sleep.
Please everyone pray for her to be comforted and know that we all love her, and Jade. That she did do the right thing, and that we support her during one of the hardest times of her life.

Melissa, you are one of my VERY best friends. I am here for you. You know that. I know how hard it is to lose such a close companion. It hurts, you cant stop thinking about it. And you dont deserve this. You work to hard, and try to hard to help others. You feel betrayed, she was still so young. But all of this is worth it. Its worth the love, the hate, the hurt, all of it. Sokeep helping other animals, and know that Jade is at the RB, and waiting up there for you. You love her, and she loves you. *HUGS* Katie

12-05-2005, 11:52 AM
My heart breaks for Melissa, I'm so sorry to hear about Jade's passing.

Had to make this decision myself, for my beloved Katz, so I know her pain.

She's in my thoughts.


12-05-2005, 11:56 AM
I am so sorry for Melissa and Jade. It is such a hard decision. My thoughts go to them.

12-05-2005, 12:06 PM
I am so sorry. :(

RIP Jade

12-05-2005, 12:18 PM
I am sorry, Melissa. Play hard at the rainbow bridge, Jade.

12-05-2005, 12:39 PM
I am so sorry about Jade. Take comfort in knowing that you were with her during her last moments here on earth, and she is waiting for you at the RB.

12-05-2005, 01:12 PM
Melissa I am so very sad and sorry to hear about the passing of your beloved furbabie Jade, RIP sweet Jade, and Melissa huge hugs to you at this very painfully sad time.

12-05-2005, 01:27 PM
Oh Melissa, I'm so very sorry to hear the news about your sweet Jade. The right decisions aren't always the easy ones. Take comfort in knowing that because of you, Jade knew nothing but love and real caring. You gave her your unconditional love when you decided to stop her pain and suffering. Jade went to the RB with your loving voice in her ears. RIP Jade.....

12-05-2005, 01:52 PM
I am so sorry to hear this news about Jade. Bless you for putting her needs and concerns above your own. While it won't make things any easier in the coming months, you did the ultimate compassionate act of love and courage. RIP, sweet Jade, RIP. :(

12-05-2005, 01:54 PM
Sorry to hear :(

Laura's Babies
12-05-2005, 01:57 PM
Awwww! I hate to hear this. I am so sorry for your loss Melissa. I know how it hurts to loose one and know we here understand your pain and may it bring you some comfort to know people do understand.

12-05-2005, 02:25 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this. :( You made the right decision Melissa and thought of Jade before you thought of yourself. RIP sweet Jade. :(

12-05-2005, 02:54 PM
My heart goes out to you Melissa, that decision has to be the most traumatic thing I have ever had to face.

Just know that Jade understands you did it for her and that any suffering for her will now be non existant, you saved her.

You will meet again at the bridge.


12-05-2005, 02:59 PM
I'm so sorry, Melissa. May God comfort you in this very sad time.


12-05-2005, 04:23 PM
Every one has said it so well all I can say is (HUG)

12-05-2005, 04:29 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Jade; it's so sad when our beloved furbabies aren't with us here on earth anymore. I know your heart is breaking and there's nothing we can say that will make it better. Just know that we all have been there and it hurts.

Hugs to you ((((( hugs)))))

Rest peacefully, Jade.

12-05-2005, 04:44 PM
I am so sorry to hear about precious Jade. :( May she RIP, always.

12-05-2005, 05:15 PM
:( :( ((((melissa))))

I hate to hear this - I'm very sorry and sad for you. please remember you did just the best thing for your dear jade and I think he's happy to die around you. now I'll bet you that he's even happier up there, waiting for you. :)

I understand words can be so useless at this time but please know I'm thinking of you and jade, giving you my comforting hugs as much you need (best if I were there!) :rolleyes: -

:( ..gina

12-05-2005, 06:01 PM
Nothing can change the relationship you have with Jade. She will always be a part of you. She depended on you for everything, and to keep her from pain.
She will always know how much you love her.

Godspeed to the bridge, Jade.

12-05-2005, 06:35 PM
We will have a New Angel in our Lunch Club,and Tomorrow will be Jades first day ,and we are going to the Mandarin Buffet.
Jade will have the First choice of the Shrimp,Chicken,Beef Or Pork Stir Fry.
And she knows that you did what was best for her Melissa,and she will see you in a Better Place,One Fine Day.

Ally Cat's Mommy
12-06-2005, 10:08 AM
((((MELISSA)))) I am so sorry about dearest Jade. No words can comfort you right now, but know that this final act, which hurts YOU the most, also helped JADE the most - it is the final act of kindness and love we can offer our furkids - to help ease their suffering and be with them when they pass to the bridge.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-06-2005, 11:35 AM
I feel so sorry for you Melissa. That sure was a VERY hard decision you had to make.... :( .
Godspeed to the Rainbow Bridge, Jade!

12-06-2005, 05:05 PM
Melissa, I am so sorry to hear that you had to make that painful decision for your beloved Jade. As other's have already said, it was the right decision. You loved her enough to let her go peacefully and pain free.


Rest in Peace dear Jade.

12-06-2005, 08:22 PM
I had to make the agonizing decision yesterday afternoon to put Jade to sleep. I had gone to the vet to visit her and totally didn't expect to have to make that decision yesterday. She had been admitted to the hospital the day before. She hasn't been feeling well or eating and had lost a little weight. But she goes through spells like these. Her tummy was bloated and at first the vet thought it was because of her diabetes and having intestinal problems( I don't know if I got that explanantion right or not) but Saturday I took her in because she was dehydrated againi and not eating and the vet wanted to do an xray and she thought that Jade had a tumor on her pancreas. I had two choices as of then, to do the exploratory surgery and hopefully it would be something that could be fixed or to put her down. At that point I planned on doing the surgery. But yesterday when I came to visit her the vet said she had had 2 or 3 seizures that morning and was real worn out from them. She explained to me that I was going to have to decide that if they went ahead and did the surgery if they went in and found something that couldn't be fixed whether to humanely put her to sleep on the table or to sew he back up just to have to put her to sleep afterwards. She said I should say my goodbyes today. She showed me a huge syringe full of fluid that they had drained from her abdomen and said there was alot more. I was in shock and devastated. Jade is my sweet baby, who looks at me with those big jade colored eyes of hers. As long as I was there with her she knew she was safe. This all happened so fast, and it wasn't enough time for me to absorb it all and prepare myself for it. So for the next four hours or so I sat in the room holding Jade and telling her how much I love her and how much I will miss her. All the time her arms were wrapped aroung my neck as she was purring. Two of my favorite nurses came in and we talked. Jade was one of their favorites because she was just the sweetest cat ever and always so good. This never gets easier no matter how many times you go through it especially when you are so close to one like I was with Jade. I miss her so much and can't stand it that she isn't here with me. My heart is truly broken.

I wanted to thank all of you for understanding my pain and supporting me. This is so hard and I know all of you understand how I am feeling. Yesterday I went back to the vet to get an emprint of Jade's paw( something i always do with all my fur babies). One of my favorite nurses was there again and brought Jade to me. She looked so sweet like she was just sleeping. She always was so clean. Nikki(the nurse) had promised the night I put Jade to sleep that she would clean her up herself for me. Jade had had some diarrhea while i was visiting her and was a little messy. So when I saw her all clean and brushed out it made me feel so good. Nikki had given Jade a bath and blow dried her and combed her all out for me after I left the night I put her to sleep. She helped me with the paw prints. I ahve to sto now before I start crying again. I am at wrok and if I start crying I won't be able to stop. Thank you again.
These are older pictures but here is my sweet baby Jade








12-06-2005, 08:29 PM
I meant to do all those pictures so you didn't have to click a link but I am not thinking straight right now. here are a few more




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v414/Doolittleky/JadeonIndianblanket.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v414/Doolittleky/Jadelayingbycheese.jpg


12-06-2005, 08:40 PM
Oh Melissa, I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face. The love you have for your Jade just ooozed from your post. I know exactly how you feel about having to make that painful decision when you weren't prepared for it.
It sucks big time doesn't it.
What a beautiful girl your Jade is. Such a sweet, sweet face.
I am so sorry that you had to go through this and my heart is breaking for you.
((((((HUGS)))))) dear Melissa.

Rest in Peace sweet Jade and have fun on the RB.

12-07-2005, 05:26 AM
I am SO sorry about your devastating loss. :( But you have oodles of sweet memories that will come to comfort you in the days ahead. Jade was LOVED! And she knew it. :)

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} for you.