View Full Version : New diabetes medicine, side effects, frustrations!

12-05-2005, 11:19 AM
I just wanted to let my cat side friends know that I have recently started on a brand new (on the market) diabetes medication called Byetta. It is an injectable that I have to shoot into my belly twice a day. It is supposed to almost be a new miracle drug, as it is thought to actually help restore the pancreas ... which would definitely be a miracle. Only problem is it comes with alot of side effects ... mostly being nausea, and other stomach / bowel discomforts ... and I have had some chest pain as well. Right now it has only been on the market for less than 6 months, so all of "us" who are using it are still guinea pigs. It is very promising, as it tends to cause weight loss as well, but also very scary!!!

I am just now getting to the stomach distress part, and here is where I could use PRAYERS and support! I am also an emetophobic BIG TIME (fear of vomiting) and any threat of that would make me stop my medication. :( In fact I waited an entire week before I even started it when it was prescribed ... simply out of total FEAR! I finally felt like I was robbing myself of possibly my best opportunity for getting my diabetes under control, so I took the big plunge and started. For the first 3 or 4 days, I felt fine ... but then the nausea started. I REALLY need to get through this, but I am having panic and anxiety, and so afraid that I will get really sick from this drug.

I had posted a bit about Byetta on General and got no responses, so I hope that you don't mind me posting this here. I just am feeling very vulnerable right now and down right scared. I cried myself to sleep last night because I missed my hubby so much. I just am feeling very frightened right now.

Well, I have rambled enough, but prayers would certainly be appreciated.


12-05-2005, 02:33 PM
Hi! Wish I'd seen your previous post about this. You are absolutely right. diabetes is frustrating especially when you do EVERYTHING your doctor says and you still can't get it under control! I've been on insulin for 15 years now. For the most part things have gone okay but there were a few problems along the way. This past summer during a major heatwave I ended up in ICU because my sugar went from 39 to 740 in about 36 hours. After a whole lot of tests and lab work they were able to determine that I was on the WRONG insulin for almost a year. After that I changed doctors and we're still trying to get this straightened out. Please pm me, I'll give you all the support I can with this. It seems that being frustrated and discouraged go with the territory and right now I'm both! One more thing... you may want to ask your doctor about using the pen, I've been using it since October and love it! I'll do my best to help you through this..... promise!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-05-2005, 02:33 PM
Good thoughts and prayers on the way, Kim!

12-05-2005, 02:39 PM
Kim, I'm sorry that you're having such a rough time right now. :( Please know that you can always come here for emotional support. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

12-05-2005, 02:45 PM
I dont know much about diabetes, but is there something you can take to counteract the nausea symptoms? Something like gravol or similar to settle your stomach?

I've also heard mint can, and perhaps researching on the net something natural might be a better alternative than more meds.

Could it be one of those side effects that eventually dissipate once your body gets used to the new drug?

It must be horrible for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

12-05-2005, 03:04 PM
Thank you for the replies. Momcat, how scary that must have been for you ... WOW!!! I sure am glad you got away from that doctor who obviously didn't know what the heck he /she was doing!! :eek:

Actually the Byetta IS in a pen, I have never used a real syringe yet. Is Byetta an option for you, or are you Type I? I am Type 2 ... have heard that it can't always be used for Type I's but sometimes. I do know that some are using it along with insulin. I really appreciate your coming forward and offering to help.

I just stopped by my Diabete's Educator's office to get more pens, and I mentioned the chest tightness and pain I have had a couple of times after injecting. Now I have to wait for the "on call" doctor to get back with me. My DE said that it wasn't a normal side effect, so to see my doctor. Of course my regular doctor is on maternity leave ... lol ... "always SOMETHING"! :rolleyes:


12-05-2005, 03:22 PM
Hi again, Kim! Right now I'm on Novolog and Lantus. What I really like about the new doctor is the nurse-educator and dietician are great, very thorough. There's some uncertainty as to if I'm Type I, Type II, or insulin resistant. Had some blood work done a week or so ago that should answer that question. I determine my Novolog dose by how many carbs I'm going to eat and how to figure out how much to take in addition if I'm over 120. Confusing at first but it's getting easier. For now, I'm keeping my options open and ask my team a lot of questions.

12-05-2005, 03:40 PM
Sending hugs and feel better soon wishes your way Kim!
I'm always really stubborn about trying any new medicine.
I hate how all the side effects can make you feel worse than your original condition!
I hope your Dr can get you on a medication that makes you feel better instead of so much worse.
Samantha sends you kitty kisses and purrs hoping that you will feel better soon! :)

12-05-2005, 04:11 PM
Kim could you be getting yourself so worked up that you are cauxung anxioty attacks just from the nerveousness? I do that every time they switch my diabetes meds. Prayers for you.

Laura's Babies
12-05-2005, 05:50 PM
Hang in there Kim..... you are already braver than I am in trying a new medicine... I am so scared of new meds that when I got a RX for Celebrex, I wouldn't take it, ended up dumping it in the garbage....(glad now I did!)

Is this a medicine that will heal you completely and you won't need injections anymore?

I remember a thread where you mentioned a new medicine the doctor wanted you to try.

Pepermint is good for a upset upset tummy usually or just munch on a cracker every so often, sip hot tea. Side effects AAAaarrrrrgggggg!

12-05-2005, 06:43 PM
I take 20 Units of Humulin at Night,5 Metformin,and 4 Glyburide a Day.
I am sorry atht you are having such side effects with the Bayette.
I am due for an Evaluation on the 20th,and I hope thats its Good News!
We are praying for You,Kim!!

12-05-2005, 07:26 PM
Prayers for you Kim. I know nothing about what you are going through, but I will hold your hand every step of the way.

12-05-2005, 07:42 PM
I really do appreciate all of your support and prayers! I did weigh today at my doctor's office, and have lost 5 lbs this first week. Of course, who wouldn't lose when you can't eat anything! :rolleyes: I have been trying to remain so positive about this ... even taking late night walks in 23 degree weather ... to get in some exercise. It has GREATLY improved my blood sugar readings, which is truly what it is supposed to do. The promise of weight loss is so easy to get obsessed with though ... I have to keep reminding myself of the real reason I'm on this medication. :rolleyes:

Oh ... I heard from the doctor about my chest pain, and he said since it just started with the BYetta, that surely it is just heartburn. He suggested I take one of my Nexium (acid reducer) between Byetta doses. That sounds fine with me ... may even help curb that nausea. Tonight I only ate about 2 small bites of chicken (I had put too much marinade on it) and a few bites of egg noodles ... not hardly anything. This morning for breakfast I literally ate about 2 or 3 spoonfuls of my Cheerio's and banana and poured them down the sink. If this keeps up, surely I will lose more weight. But by the same token, you HAVE to eat something or your body goes into starvation mode and sits at your current weight. *sigh*

Thanks for letting me vent.


12-06-2005, 07:52 AM
Have to say that I have no knowledge or experience of diabetes but just wanted to say that I hope everything works okay with the medication, and make sure you take proper care of yourself too as it all helps.

12-06-2005, 08:00 AM
Will be thinking positive thoughts from my end of the world as well. I just turned 37 and I was diagnosed when I was 12 so I have a bit of experience with diabetes :rolleyes: good luck and I completely understand the need to vent...every once in a while it just takes over....

To make this cat related...one of our RB babies, Morgan, used to wake me in the middle of the night if my sugar dropped too low. We finally figured out that my body odor would change and that is what would alert him. I got used to having my nose swatted... :D When he passed away, my mom, who is NOT a cat person, asked "Well, did he train anyone else to take over?"

12-06-2005, 08:51 AM
Will be thinking positive thoughts from my end of the world as well. I just turned 37 and I was diagnosed when I was 12 so I have a bit of experience with diabetes :rolleyes: good luck and I completely understand the need to vent...every once in a while it just takes over....

To make this cat related...one of our RB babies, Morgan, used to wake me in the middle of the night if my sugar dropped too low. We finally figured out that my body odor would change and that is what would alert him. I got used to having my nose swatted... :D When he passed away, my mom, who is NOT a cat person, asked "Well, did he train anyone else to take over?"

I have heard of cats doing that before ... that is INCREDIBLE! Wow, what a blessing!!! Surely out of all of my kittie, SOMEONE would smack me!!! :eek: :D

12-06-2005, 09:02 AM
That would be nice if one of The Found Cats would swat me during the night,if I needed help.
JJJ3 does,but I think that he has Temptations,the kind in the Multi Colored Packages!!
And The Found Cats All told me,that if I couldnt eat,they would certiainly help with the Meat courses!
We wish you well Kim,and its good to have you where you belong!!!

Mad Mags Moo
12-06-2005, 09:56 AM
Hi Kimlovescats
I have been living with diabetes for 17 years now (diagnosed at 17 years old!) and yes it is a pain in the butt! I also love my chocolate....very bad I know but when you are told not to I find I do the opposite! I am now going to get hypnotherapy to stop me eating chocolate as my eyes have very mild changes and I do not want to lose my sight just for my love of chocolate.
I am on insulin 4 times a day and have my bad days and good days! Humalog and Lantus
I have not heard of that new drug that you are on so would be interested in finding out more. For nausea can you not ask your doctor for an anti sickness medication?
PM me anytime and I can give you support cyberstyle!!! :D

Oh and on a cat note...my cats can sense when I am not feeling so great and either completely ignore me when I am cranky! or give me lots of fuss when i am feeling down.....they are my therapy! :D

12-06-2005, 10:59 AM
My Merlin(dog Iknow) was my self trained alert dog. Sure miss him had to many problems since he has gone to the bridge.Hoping to soon find an other one to train .

12-06-2005, 12:23 PM
Hi Kim! Congratulations on your weight loss and better blood sugars! I hope this is the beginning of getting everything under control. By the way, the American Diabetes Association has a very informative website. Don't remember the web stuff but put American Diabetes Association in search and it will take you there. That's where I found the endocrinologist I go to now. It may give you information to discuss with your doctor. Please keep me posted on how you're doing?

12-06-2005, 05:27 PM
((((((HUGS)))))) and prayers on the way Kim, that all the side effects from this new medication will subside once your system gets use to it and that it will help you have more control on your diabetes.

Vent away my dear, if it helps you deal with your situation.

12-06-2005, 10:31 PM
Hi, Kim.
I was just passing through PT and saw your post. I hope your GI troubles will dissipate so you will be able to take the new med. Ginger tea can be very helpful for nausea, etc. Just take some ginger root (a piece about the size of your thumbnail), chop or smash it up and then steep in hot water. Take care and you certainly have lots of good thoughts and prayers coming your way. Best of luck ;)