View Full Version : Oreo's pregnant

12-04-2005, 09:13 PM
I am soooo sorry to say that Oreo is pregnant. I need help, she is only 8 months old. She is a barn cat but we are moving her inside for the pregnancy. I care about her so much, can you give me info? How long is the gestation period?

I tried to tell my dad to spay her, I really did. He just woulden't listen to me. I am only 13, so I have no say in what we do. :( I feel awful enough so don't chew me out.

My dad won't even feed her kitten food, because quote: "It's a rip off. My cats when I was young survived just fine without kitten food when they were kitten's and when they were pregnant. She'll be fine with cat food."

Please help :( :( :(

12-04-2005, 09:15 PM
Well technically kitten and puppy is just a label put on food. You can feed adult food and they will be just fine. You just have to feed MORE of the adult food perhaps but theres nothing special in them :)

Secondly, maybe this will show your dad you need to get her spayed. Explain to him that now not only do you have to care for Oreo, you will also have more kittens to deal with. And you can't just stick up a "free kittens!" sign because who KNOWS what lunatics will reply wanting a "family" kitten, right??

I just hope the best for Oreo throughout and after her pregnancy and hope the kitties are all born healthy!!

12-04-2005, 09:18 PM
Thank you!! Appreciate you didn't yell at me. :D Well, when I try to sell these kittens, it will be nearly inmpossible to sell them. There are so many free kittens out there that people would rather have the free kittens. How should I sell them? Suggetions would be nice.

My dad is really gonna learn a lesson from this...

12-04-2005, 09:19 PM
Well LEGALLY you can't sell animals without a permit. What you could do instead is ask for an adoption fee and put it towards getting the momma fixed??

12-04-2005, 09:21 PM
Soory to hear that. We don't try to rip people's heads off. I swear! LOL

Regarding kittens food, it is not a rip off (though I know you know that) it has a lot more fattening foods in it. Years ago, there was no kittens food... just one type for all cats. My husband is a pigheaded guy like your dad. For years, he swore DSL was the telephone company's way of gouging more money from us. :rolleyes:

On to your problem: Whre are you located? AFTER the kittens are born and weaned, we'll help you find a low cost spay clinic. Some are even free. Yes, she is 8 months old and thats is plenty old enough to bear kittens. Unfortunately, she is so young that the risk of problems are higher because she is not yet fully developed. She might have stillborn kittens (that means they come out dead) and labor might be long and hard on her (and you) She needs to see a vet now to make sure she is healthy and all the kittens inside her are healthy.

One thing I do not get is people constantly say they can't afford spays - but then they are surprised their cat ends up pregnant. Truth be told, a pregancy is FAR more expensive than a spay, AND it increases the risk for cancer in the mama cat. PLEASE get your stubborn dad to learn the facts.

12-04-2005, 09:21 PM
I'll try. Is it bad to give them to a no-kill shelter if we can't sell them? My local shelter is no-kill.

I am located at Little Falls, Minnesota. But my dad is located at Foley, MN. (which is close to st. cloud) My dad won't spay them unless it's free. :( And most shelters around us don't even spay!

I bet he will spay oreo now!! (for a low price)

12-04-2005, 09:29 PM
They'll probably be adopted out very fast in a no-kill shelter.

Another thing -- since she is so young she may not know what to do with the kittens. She might need help .. some cats this young even have their babies taken away and bottle fed. She is still a kitten herself, she is going to have a hard time taking care of the babies :(

Well, what you need to do is: focus on the babies and making sure they're healthy, get momma fixed, post pictures on PT :p

12-04-2005, 09:33 PM
Its not bad to give them to a no-kill shelter (infact, its better than a regualr shelter) - just contact them NOW and see if they would be willing to take the kittens once born. Maybe they'll even help you if you agree to foster the kittens once here. I swear, working with a rescue will change your life. Maybe even change your dad's.

12-04-2005, 09:40 PM
well why would i take the kitten's away from oreo and give them to a rescue if oreo takes care of them??

What is the chance of oreo not taking care of them?? I really hope she does. :( :( I will get pics!

12-04-2005, 09:41 PM
oh and here is a pic of oreo 2 1/2 months ago.


12-04-2005, 09:44 PM
It has kind of been suggested already, but asking a small price to put towards spaying the mother can work well in several ways. When I was your age, I took in every miserable stray that showed up. After the first ten or so, my parents were no longer willing to foot the bill on fixing stray cats that might vanish as soon as they were done recovering. If a female had a litter, I would advertise the kittens, adding "please be willing to donate $5 (or more) towards getting their mother spayed." This seemed to be pretty effective in getting other animal lovers to help me out, and weeding out the folks who just wanted a 'disposable' free kitten. Best of luck with the litter.

12-04-2005, 09:48 PM
thanks so much. in the newspaper i will say that. i know i would do it for someone else's cat.

12-04-2005, 10:04 PM
Dab! I am only about an hour's drive from you!! I live in Blaine. Would you like me to help? Come on guys -- I have taken in a rescue or two before, but never a pregnant mama (I can't take in the mama here) but what can I do to help after the kittens are born?

12-04-2005, 10:10 PM
She didn't mean to take Oreo's kittens away as soon as they're born iif she knows how to take care of them, just ask the no-kill shelter how old they should be before you can bring them in if Oreo mothers okay. Usually 8 weeks, and then they're okay to go, as far as I know.

12-05-2005, 07:43 AM
If you are low on Funds,go to the Pets Mart,or any Pet Food Store,and take some Free Samples of Kitten Food for Oreo.
Theres a Purina Offer where they are giving away a Free Bag of Kitten Food.
We are praying for Oreo,and Her Kittens to be well.

12-05-2005, 07:47 AM
I know you didn't mean to take the kittens away as soon as t hey were born, but if you contact a rescue NOW, they MIGHT be willing to foot the bill for Oreo's prenantal care and the first vet visits once born, etc. Then once they are old enough for adoption, you'll have to help them frind homes.

Also, if you call a rescue now, they might be able to make room for them and plan on them, opposed you just calling one day when they are ten weeks old franctically trrying to find a place to send them.

12-05-2005, 11:06 AM
Please do ask some kind of an adoption fee . We just had a huge case here that Loin hunters were getting free kittens and using them to train thier dogs (it ment killing the kittens) The guy says if he had to pay for them he didn't even call. He's being charged with 3 counts (one family he got 3 kittens from) of anaimal abuse.

12-05-2005, 03:57 PM
Oh, that's so sad.

Dab! I am only about an hour's drive from you!! I live in Blaine. Would you like me to help? Come on guys -- I have taken in a rescue or two before, but never a pregnant mama (I can't take in the mama here) but what can I do to help after the kittens are born?

Really?!? Well do you know of a rescue that spays for free? Maybe ask around and see if anyone wants a kitten? The kittens will probably be black and white because Oreo and the probable father are both black and white.

I am excited and very anxious at the same time. I probably won't be at my Dad's house when they are born because I am only there 4 days of the month. I will tell my dad everything all of you said. PT is so helpful. :D :D Can any of you find a good page on pregnant cats?? Preferably one page and printable. Still trying to find one.... I am going to be kicked off the computer for a week, so I won't be able to answer much. :(

12-05-2005, 04:30 PM
Well, I do agree that they shouldn't be given away for free -- ask for something just to ensure a better chance at a better home for the kittens.

If you're only at your dad's 4 days a month, who will keep an eye on these kittens while you're gone? just asking ..

12-05-2005, 04:53 PM
The kittens will probably be black and white because Oreo and the probable father are both black and white.

Hehe actually just because both parents are black and white theres still a good probability of her kittens having all the colors (and patterns!) of the rainbow :D

But anyway GOOD LUCK in talking to your dad, and I would suggest asking for a small adoption fee even if its only $5 or $10!!

12-05-2005, 08:46 PM
I think the no kill shelter would be even better than trying to sell them yourself, they do some screening and usually require a spay/neuter upon adoption. Kittens usually have no problem finding a home, who could resist...it the older kitties that have the problems.

12-06-2005, 07:51 AM
If you're only at your dad's 4 days a month, who will keep an eye on these kittens while you're gone? just asking ..

well my dad will of course. he really cares about oreo and will care about her kittens.