View Full Version : Do you trim the fur between your dog's pads?

12-04-2005, 08:30 PM
I was just wondering how many people do this. I know that most people with long-haired dogs do it because it is very obvious that the hair is too long. However, I have short-haired dogs and still do it.

We have wood, tile, and vinyl flooring in our house as well as carpeting. Our dogs tend to slip a lot ... especially the Labs. I decided to start trimming the hairs between their pads about 6 months ago and it has helped tremendously! I just trimmed Luka's tonight for the first time and she freaked out a bit at first since I use an electric clipper (a small one for light trimmings). I decided to do Nova's first and she did better after watching her and getting used to the sound.

So, back on topic, do you clip that hair off?

FYI - this is a public poll because I am nosey :p

Lady's Human
12-04-2005, 08:36 PM
Not if I want to keep all my fingers!

Lady is VERY touchy about her feet.

Buddy Blaze Lover
12-04-2005, 08:37 PM
Not if I want to keep all my fingers!

Lady is VERY touchy about her feet.

Same here! Blaze hates when I touch his feet too much!:p;)

12-04-2005, 08:37 PM
Yes, I trim Mickey's. I think I heard it also helps to prevent ice from getting stuck in between the pads?

12-04-2005, 08:39 PM
Yes, I trim Mickey's. I think I heard it also helps to prevent ice from getting stuck in between the pads?
I'm not sure since I live in Florida ;)

12-04-2005, 08:42 PM
Haha, lucky. I love the snow, but I really hate the cold! I would really love to go lay on a beach somewhere right about now. It's -35 celsius tonight with the windchill.. BRR! Our walk was cut short tonight because we still haven't bought booties for Mickey's poor paws.

12-04-2005, 08:45 PM
Yes, I trim Mickey's. I think I heard it also helps to prevent ice from getting stuck in between the pads?

Yup that's very true :)

I do it with Charlie's cause his fur is MUCH longer than Jamie's. Jamie doesn't need it just yet. But since winter is here and Missouri gets at LEAST ONE good snowfall a year, I know I'm gonna have to do it soon. It also helps cut down on tracking in dirt and stuff into the house as well! :)

12-04-2005, 08:46 PM
I trim Wilbur's to keep it from matting up, Star's stays so short she doesn't need it, but I chcck it anyways. I hadn't thought if it as a solution to slipping on floors, so maybe I'll try it.

12-04-2005, 08:46 PM
Yes, Autumn's. It gets matted up between her toes and she also gets balls of fur stuck between her toes.

12-04-2005, 09:46 PM
nope only when they go to the groomers. it doesn't cause any probs though.

12-04-2005, 10:04 PM
Yes, I can't stand the appearance of fuzzy feet! It also helps a lot on the tile floor though and in the snow.

12-04-2005, 10:07 PM
No, never. Huskies have alot of fur on the undersides of their paws, it helps them have better traction across ice.

12-04-2005, 10:09 PM
yeah I was told i had to do it when i put zoey and t.j in agility trials :rolleyes:

12-04-2005, 10:35 PM
I've just started trimming Josie's. Zeke's fur is never long enough to cut (do younger dog's fur not grow? or is it a breed thing?)

Jo's fur was really long..so I cut it 2 weeks ago..ish. And it's already growing out! I never even thought about it much till I went to Amy's...haha! Nebo is SO perfect..like nails, fur, teeth....:o so inspiring. ;)

12-04-2005, 10:41 PM
What breed is Zeke? Short-haired dogs with no undercoat most likely won't need their fur trimmed. Breeds like Pit Bulls, Greyhounds, Vizslas, etc.

12-05-2005, 02:14 AM
I have a thing about MAXIMUS' paws.......I love 'em, and I can't get enough. But, I never concidered trimming the fur between. Just never occurred to me. His pads are "slippy" on the hardwood floor anyway. I don't think the fur has anything to do with it.

12-05-2005, 03:49 AM
well i don't do it myself, but i take him to the breeder that we got him from, about once a month, and she trins him everywhere.

12-05-2005, 05:07 AM
I trim Mandys, Lacey doesn't need it.

12-05-2005, 06:05 AM
I just had Tori's paws all trimmed up a few weeks ago when they went to the groomer's. That was the first time that I have had it done. I never even knew people did that until I saw Nebo and Anna also mentioned that she occassionally had Roxey's and Huney's done also. Tori's were finally looking so long and messy that I had them done. Her paws looked so neat and pretty after she had them done;). I don't know if it really serves any purpose though. She slides around on the flooring like she always has. Since she likes to dig it does make cleaning up her paws a bit easier though. Besides appearance, does anyone know if there is any reason why it should be done? I kind of figure huskies have all that fur between their paw pads for reason. Katie doesn't have nearly the fur between hers that Tori does.

12-05-2005, 09:30 AM
Besides appearance, does anyone know if there is any reason why it should be done? I kind of figure huskies have all that fur between their paw pads for reason.
The fur on the undersides of husky paws helps them have better traction across ice. Since Tori doesn't go on any long treks across ice fields (that you know about! ;) ) it probably doesn't matter if you trim it. I'll bet she looks dainty with her trimmed paws. Just tell her - no following Santa across those rooftops this year, yong lady! :)

12-05-2005, 09:36 AM
I do it. Nanook needs his trimmed every 2-3 weeks. Kaige's fur has just started to get long between his feet so he will get a trimming in the very near future.

The fur on the undersides of husky paws helps them have better traction across ice.
I have never heard that. I've been trimming Nanooks fur (part husky) his entire life. Sometimes I'd forget or whatever & I noticed that he'd slip even more with all the fur there, even on ice. :confused:

12-05-2005, 11:10 AM
Jo's fur was really long..so I cut it 2 weeks ago..ish. And it's already growing out! I never even thought about it much till I went to Amy's...haha! Nebo is SO perfect..like nails, fur, teeth....:o so inspiring. ;)

LOL that's what being a groomer does to you...:o Yeah, I'm a bit obsessive about Nebo's feet, it drives me insane if he has lots of fur sticking between his toes. I shave around the pads and also even trim around the outside edges and on the back of the leg up to the other pad (I always forget what that's called).

I shave around the pads of Reggie and Sydney when I groom them too.

The fur on the undersides of husky paws helps them have better traction across ice.

I have heard that before, but I've more noticed dogs with lots of fur just get snow and ice stuck between in their paws...I don't see how that could help them. But I'm not a musher either. ;) I've never let Nebo's grow out long enough to notice any difference.

p.s. photo attached of Nebo's feet lol I groomed him yesterday...I do it really short so it will take longer to grow out, it looks better when it's not quite this short.

12-05-2005, 11:21 AM
Yes, Visa gets her feet trimmed once a week. We usually do it Saturdays, but we didn't get to do it last Saturday, so I'll have to bring her to work tomorrow and get 'er done (even though Tuesdays are her day off :p).

12-05-2005, 12:20 PM
I trim both Bitsy's and Nova's feet every time I cut their nails.
Charlie, Buster, and Nacey don't ever need that done.

12-05-2005, 12:40 PM
No, Daphne's a natural pup.

12-05-2005, 02:36 PM
Nope, Micki, Mini and Kyra have no hair between their toes, once I start agility with Jack I will but I really have no reason to right now and I have thought about it with Shadow but have never actually done it...

12-05-2005, 02:44 PM
I never thought about shaving the hair though. You'd have to cut it less often. ;) Maybe I'll try that next time. I have a nice pair of dog clippers that I've only used once or twice. lol

finn's mom
12-05-2005, 02:45 PM
I did with my dog, Bruno, but, I voted no since I don't have to with Finn.

12-05-2005, 02:49 PM
I keeps Happys feet trimmed both for neatness and to prevent snowballs, I occaionally trim Blairs feet, but it looks weird on him because the hair all down his legs is all long and shaggy, so long and shaggy right down to his feet where it suddenly gets short and neat.. well that just looks weird lol I trim shadows as well but mainly beucuse it I dont she looks like an elf, the hair gets so long and splays out like a star and makes her look like she has 8 extra toes lol Ripley, Perky, and Mistys feet are short enugh as it is, there is nothing that CAN be trimmed lol

12-05-2005, 02:50 PM
I have heard that before, but I've more noticed dogs with lots of fur just get snow and ice stuck between in their paws...I don't see how that could help them. But I'm not a musher either. ;)

For most of mine I don't trim the fur. I used to have to trim Hoodoo's paws. He had longer hair than most sibes and he had would get huge ice balls in his paws.

12-05-2005, 03:04 PM
I never thought about shaving the hair though. You'd have to cut it less often. ;) Maybe I'll try that next time. I have a nice pair of dog clippers that I've only used once or twice. lol
I used to use clippers also, but it was such a pain. I saw this (http://petco.com/Shop/Product.aspx?R=6004&sku=671428&redirectURL=%2fShop%2fProductList.aspx%3fPC%3dprod uctlist%26Nav%3d185%26N%3d22%2520102&PC=productlist&Nav=185&N=22+102) when I went to PetCo one day and it works so well! I was very surprised that Mandy wasn't afraid of it, either.

12-05-2005, 03:10 PM
I used to use clippers also, but it was such a pain. I saw this (http://petco.com/Shop/Product.aspx?R=6004&sku=671428&redirectURL=%2fShop%2fProductList.aspx%3fPC%3dprod uctlist%26Nav%3d185%26N%3d22%2520102&PC=productlist&Nav=185&N=22+102) when I went to PetCo one day and it works so well! I was very surprised that Mandy wasn't afraid of it, either.

That looks awesome, my ex-b/f left behind a small mustache trimmer, I wonder if that would work?

12-05-2005, 03:17 PM
That looks awesome, my ex-b/f left behind a small mustache trimmer, I wonder if that would work?
LOL I'm not sure. hahaha

Suki Wingy
12-05-2005, 03:37 PM
NO I never clip Niņo at all!