View Full Version : Two Towers

12-04-2005, 06:11 PM
The Two Towers is on CBC tonight, the 2nd movie in the trilogy, Lord of the Rings. Watch it everyone!

Here its on in one hour (7:00). It's also on in one hour in Toronto (8:00, I think). Anyway, watch it if you can!

The weird part is, about a year ago, the first movie was on tv, I remember watching it in the middle of November with my uncle. Well anyway, enjoy!

12-04-2005, 06:26 PM
Well, I don't get CBC... since I'm in the USA, other wise I'd watch it. Is it the extended edition? I've never seen that one. I might have to rent it.

They showed Harry Potter on tv a few months ago, and they showed all the deleted scenes with it. It was cool.

12-04-2005, 06:58 PM
Haha no, its not extended I don't think. I wish I could have seen the Harry Potter movie with deleted scenes! But I have seen the extended edition of Lord of the Rings (Just do a search, with the word 'marathon' and you should find my thread). Believe me, they are GREAT.

Haha, there's this one funny part where I think Eowyn made soup, and gave it to Aragorn, and he was eating it, and she was like "Is it good?" and he's like "Yes, very nice" or something. Then she smiled and turned around, and he started dumping the soup, and then she turned around to stay something else, and he was startled lol. She didn't notice though, I don't think. I think that was on the Two Towers one.
Anyway, I don't think I'm going to watch this because I realized they are only showing the first half, and I can't stand when they do that. But I had gotten so excited that I decided I'm just going to watch the first one, since I have it on DVD. :)

12-04-2005, 07:02 PM
Heehee. I really want to see the extended versions now!

Buddy Blaze Lover
12-04-2005, 08:56 PM
Haha no, its not extended I don't think. I wish I could have seen the Harry Potter movie with deleted scenes! But I have seen the extended edition of Lord of the Rings (Just do a search, with the word 'marathon' and you should find my thread). Believe me, they are GREAT.

Haha, there's this one funny part where I think Eowyn made soup, and gave it to Aragorn, and he was eating it, and she was like "Is it good?" and he's like "Yes, very nice" or something. Then she smiled and turned around, and he started dumping the soup, and then she turned around to stay something else, and he was startled lol. She didn't notice though, I don't think. I think that was on the Two Towers one.
Anyway, I don't think I'm going to watch this because I realized they are only showing the first half, and I can't stand when they do that. But I had gotten so excited that I decided I'm just going to watch the first one, since I have it on DVD. :)

Oh gosh, funny you should mention it...;)

Well, guess what??!! We have ALL 3 extended Lord of the Rings on DVD!!! lol:D:D And today I had three friends over and we all watched the extended Fellowship today! It was great! (again!);) (it's been a while since I've watched any of them though!!);)

Oh, I love that scene of Eoywn, Aragorn and the soup! It's so funny!:D

Oh...and the Lord of the Rings trilogy are the BEST movies ever made, seriously!!! (btw!) hehe:D

Buddy Blaze Lover
12-04-2005, 08:58 PM
Heehee. I really want to see the extended versions now!

Believe me, the extended scenes make the movies better!!:D;) Especially in the Two Towers and Return of the King!! (ROTK has like 45 minutes to almost an hour of extended scenes!!!:eek: Two Towers has like 30-45 minutes, same with the Fellowship)