View Full Version : Shadow pictures and personal uppiedates

12-04-2005, 05:55 PM
I haven't posted in FOREVER but I do visit PT everyday. I just haven't had the time/energy to post but wanted to let everyone know the kitties and I are doing well. I took some pictures of Shadow today. Enjoy!!

Look at that tongue!

I treated them with Revolution today and they all ran from me for about an hour. :( But then I fed them dinner and they got over it. :rolleyes:

Shadow was laying half on me/half on the keyboard. Silly girl!

Everytime I say her name, she looks at me with the sweetest "I love you" eyes. :)

She is getting along with her brother and sister fairly well. We still have some hissing towards Whisper but no pee spots on the carpet since the move. I haven't been able to spend as much time with them lately because I have been busy with work/school. I have finals on Tuesday and Wednesday. UGH!

My husband has found a temporary job (been there over a month now) working for a manufacturing company in their Accounting department. He has a job interview with the job of his dreams on Tuesday for an investment bank; please pray that he gets this. We really, really need the money and the benefits for him. We would eventually like to move back to CA when I'm done with school here and the company is located throughout the United States. We're hoping he can get this position and transfer when I'm done.

Everything else is going well and we're looking foward to Christmas. Hope everyone has a good holiday!

Sarah and the kitties xoxoxo

12-04-2005, 06:22 PM
I am in LOVE with Shadow!!! He is so handsome! He looks just like my Marina Mar (RB, 2001). She had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen.

Here she is at 9 weeks old.


12-04-2005, 06:25 PM
Oh shadow you are such a cutie pie :D

12-05-2005, 07:01 AM
Oh Shadow you are such a very pretty girl! just something about you looks very familiar........ :D ;)

12-05-2005, 07:39 AM
Its so good to see Shadow again.
She is such a Sweet Happy Cat,that we wish that you would post more often,so we can see her sweet Happy Face!!

Laura's Babies
12-05-2005, 07:41 AM
Good to seee you posting again and get a update on you and your gange. Don't you live those "I love you" eyes? Shadow is so pretty! I could handle a lapfull of her!

12-05-2005, 10:30 AM
Good to see you back, and hear that things are going well for you. I hope the job interview goes well for your hubby!
Love the Shadow pics! ;)

12-05-2005, 10:58 AM
Beautiful Shadow! I hope your husband gets the job of his dreams. Are your co-workers being any friendlier? Seems to be they were being kind of standoffish when you first got there. I hope things have warmed up.

12-05-2005, 11:21 AM
Thanks for asking Kuhio. I know that I will never be best friends with any of my co-workers and am trying to get over that. Everyone is nice but I'm just not their "type" (i.e. we don't have much in common). I've been meeting people outside of work and have one very good friend right now that I often hang out with. I'm just very slow at opening up to people, which might also be my problem at work.

I really love the research I am doing and my advisors are great. I wouldn't leave even if I could..so at least that is something positive.

12-05-2005, 11:29 AM
Shadow is soooo beautiful! And I think she knows it! :D

12-05-2005, 03:12 PM
Shadow is such a gorgeous girl and always reminds me of my RB Pepper. :) I'm glad that your furkids are getting along well and hopefully your husband will get the job of his dreams. :) Sunny would love to some new pictures of his girlfriend Callie.hint hint ;)