View Full Version : lil skunks

12-04-2005, 10:43 AM

I have three B&W tuxedo kittens (Rowdy, Blackberry & Goblin) approx 10 weeks old. Their mom is a Siamese Bobtail (Blue) their dad is unknown. At 5 weeks they all became ill (lethargic, loose stool). The vet diagnosed them with coccidia (a surprise to us as Blue is a very attentive mom who is a stickler for cleanliness and who goes outside to potty. We have learned that coccidia is in all municipal water supplies to varying degrees. It is dangerous to humans as well. BEWARE!) and treated them with Alban. The treatment continued at home for 14 days. Everyone came through with flying colors. We noticed during the treatment that their hair was falling out around their necks and down their backs. Now, 5 weeks later they are all sporting white stripes with black spots down their backs, they are starting to get black and white ringed tails and they have white hairs dispersed all over. We don't know if this is genetic because of their mom or stress induced.

Any ideas? Thanx!!