View Full Version : The BRATS are back in business!

12-04-2005, 08:21 AM
Hello, Hello, Hello everybody!!!! :)

I have missed everyone so much! You wouldn't believe all the technical problems we have had. We finally found part of the problem, the splitter which is tucked neatly behind the computer desk so no kitty can get to it, was covered in kitty puke! :rolleyes: I don't know how they do what they do!

I will never get caught up with everything that has been going on so you guys fill me in on what has been going on.

Gosh I really have been missing PT so much! :(

Just to give a report on the Brats... All is well here. The original dozen are all doing well. The babies are now growing like crazy! We have had some problems with URI's and pnuemonia but I think we are finally on the upswing with all that mess.

Mud Pie is doing great and is now a BIG boy! I thought he was older than the other babies because of his size but his eyes changed color at the same time theirs did but he weighs in at 1.5lbs more than they do. I think he is going to be the size of Pete and Pepper. He was easily accepted by the other babies and is just one of their brothers now.

Life at the shelter is insane as usual and I'm working myself to death but I do feel very rewarded with this job. I've worked 18 lbs off, I'm covered in scatches from head to toe, smell like a litter box most of the time, but I'm basically happy. ;)

Life is exciting these days with six youngsters tearing down the house. :eek: You can't help but laugh but there are days when I'm sure I have lost my mind!

As soon as I figure out how to work this new PT stuff I will post some new pictures. I just had to say HI first!

Magoo is doing great, by the way. He likes the babies more now since they aren't trying to nurse him all the time. :p

I really really really really really really really really really (getting the point?) missed you guys!!!!

Please be patient with me guys cause it's gonna take forever to get caught up!


12-04-2005, 08:25 AM
Welcome Back Lisa ,and thats sensational News about Mud Pie!
We missed you,and are relieved to know that alls well with you.
We are hoping to see Photos,ASAP as I am sure there is curiousity about Mud Pie,and Scrappy Magoo and Friends!
How is your job at the Shelter going?
Lisa And Cats!

12-04-2005, 08:39 AM
Welcome back Lisa!!! We've missed you!!!!!

So much has happened since you've been gone, but everyone will help get you up to speed. Here's the abbreviated story of whats gone on here: Pouncer fell broke his paw & bit my mom when she went ot help him. Thanks to you and your Magoo bite, I knew to rush her to the ER. She still got an infection, despite the antibiotics! :eek: She thought I was over reacting when I whisked her to the ER and thanked me a 100 times afterwards! His foot is now healed, and mom's hand is now healed, so all is good again. Flutter had her leg amputated the other day -- whew, what a major upset for me! Angel is adopted and will be leaving for her new home this week, but I have a new foster as of last night. Harry is as bad as ever - how's my Leroy?

12-04-2005, 08:48 AM
I'm glad your back! I've missed you and Opie and all your 'brats'! It's great to hear from you again!

12-04-2005, 08:50 AM


I don't know what you missed. I adopted Shilo! A foster brought me and the cats ringworm. Had some adoptions. Got some new fosters. same old, same olsd

12-04-2005, 09:14 AM
Welcome back, Lisa! We sure have missed you and the brats. I hope your computer problems are over. When you get a chance, PM me your shelter's name and address. I want to send a donation for kitties.

Laura's Babies
12-04-2005, 09:32 AM
THIS is MOST exciting! I am doing the happy dance all over the place! LISA IS HOME!!! Without a doubt I am happy as a bug in a rug and doing the Happy Dance that you are back!


........waiting for pictures of the brats... Posting them is easy as a,b,c! You will have that figured out in no time!

12-04-2005, 09:33 AM
I feel like I've come home! It's a nice warm fuzzy feeling (or is it the three cats in my lap?) ;) Just kidding!!!
I love you guys!

Hi Gary! I missed you and the found cats a whole bunch!
Lady Zana I think about you everytime I look at my little Turtle the Tortie! ;)
Jen, I'm really not surprised that you adopted Shilo. That is one of the last things I remember going on. You were madly in love with that kitty! *cough*cough* After telling me what a major failure I was at fostering!!!! :p
Kim, Hi there! I'm so sorry to hear about Flutter losing her leg. That is so sad but I have no doubt that she will do fine. We stress more than they seem to notice the loss. I'm sure you were very worried to death!
WOW! Poor Pouncer and your poor Mom! I don't think anyone will ever forget the Magoo bite and is a good reminder to get antibiotics quickly! I will never forget that either! I'm so glad they are both doing ok now. You sure have been going through it here lately haven't you? Here's a {{{HUG}}} from me and the Brats!
Kuhio I will be glad to send you the address of the shelter and thank you so much for thinking of us. I haven't recieved a pay check here lately just so the kitties can have medicine. We are pretty poor! :(

I'm uploading some pictures now so they will be here soon!

edit: Hi Laura!!!! You were posting at the same time I was. You know I missed you! Magoo has been going through serious Aunt withdrawels! He really has needed you all to support him through this crazy kitten madness. They all love Grampy Goo but he was a little stressed during all the nursing craze!

12-04-2005, 10:58 AM
Hi Lisa ... glad to see you back. I know all about the "Catching Up" thing, I have been doing the same. ;)


12-04-2005, 01:29 PM
Welcome back Lisa !!!!!

Pet Talk isn't the same without you :)

12-04-2005, 01:49 PM
Lisa, it's good to see you back again!! :) We've missed you!

12-04-2005, 02:36 PM
Welcome back Lisa!!! :D I'm glad to hear that eveyone is doing well and I look forward to seeing some new pictures of your brats. :) All is well with my furkids and Starr is a little over 8 months old now and Pearl's a little over 6 months old and everyone is getting along very well. :)

12-04-2005, 02:38 PM
Yay!!! Lisa, it's so nice to hear from you! We missed you so much here, you know?

Good to hear that it's "only" technical problems that kept you away (even though I know this can be VERY annoying!), and that you and the feline gang are doing fine.

We all can't wait to see Magoo and the others again! :)

Welcome home, (((Lisa)))! :)


12-04-2005, 02:46 PM
WELCOME BACK LISA!!!! We missed you something awful!! Glad to see all the puddies are doing well and my, growing up SO fast!!!

12-04-2005, 05:58 PM
Im new so you havent met me yet.
What a cool nickname lol. Reminds me of the crazy lady in the Simpsons who throws cats at people lol.

Nice to meet you.

12-04-2005, 06:09 PM
Welcome Back Lisa! I can't wait to see gorgeous Magoo again and all your beautiful kitties! :D

12-04-2005, 09:52 PM
Welcome back!!! :D

12-04-2005, 11:33 PM
so glad you are back and everyone is ok!
{{hugs Lisa}}

Don Juan's mom
12-05-2005, 02:03 AM

Let's see.... Don Juan is relaxing on top of my iMac, and Zerlina is on the (shhhhhhhh) kitchen table. I'm still underemployed.

No other news at the moment.



Maya & Inka's mommy
12-05-2005, 06:25 AM
Yippie!! You are finally back Lisa!!
Where you still around when I adopted my newbie Zazou?
I am so glad to see you posting again, I really missed you and your furkids!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-05-2005, 09:16 AM
Yippeeeeeee!!! The Brats are back! Wooo hooo!!! :D

I didn't realize you had so many new babies! They are all adorable, but your description of Dopey Opie makes me want to meet her so bad. :D

I see you've posted pics of Goo and a snippet of LeRoy, but now what about Peanut Butter, Stubby, Pervy and the rest of your adult crew?

Gosh, we've all missed you so much! :D

12-05-2005, 05:41 PM
Lisa, seeing that you have posted almost brang tears to my eyes! I am sooo glad you and the brats are back!!! :D We have missed you all!

I'm glad everyone is doing good, and I can't wait to see all the brats again!

12-06-2005, 07:54 PM

It's so good to hear from you again and I'm glad that you finally got your computer up and running. Don't be a stranger now, ya hear.

You know about my Katie girl and that our Willy is growing like a weed. All the other boys are doing well.

Gosh it's good to have you back. :D

Going to check out your other thread to see the "Brats". Oh how I've missed seeing Magoo.