View Full Version : Sigh, here I go again!

12-03-2005, 06:39 PM
I am getting a new foster -- not even sure if he's in the rescue yet.

Long story made really short: my daughters work at an ice-cream shop and the (and this one is for Moosmom) crackwhore that lived in the apartment next door moved out, she left her BEAUTIFUL black kitty behind. He's been living outside and dumpster diving. they brought him into the basement at night, and have tried several times to adopt him out themselves, but tonight was the last straw.... someone wanted to adopt him. The ice-cream shop owner and my daughter went to the lady's house to deliver him, and she CALLED THE COPS on them!!! She told the cops she didn't want the cat. Which is really funny, because the ice cream shop owner's hubby is a cop in the town.... so the cops just laughed and let them go. :p

So.... I have an email into the rescue saying "What do I do with this kitty?" and he's on his way to live in my basement until I can figure out what to do about the diarrhea my guys have (oh yes, the diarrhea is back in full force. :( )

He is the SWEETEST black kitty with emerald green eyes. Once I have him and he gets settled, of course I'll take pictures! :D

12-03-2005, 06:50 PM
Kim, I'm so glad that you're able to take this black kitty in and give him the love and shelter he deserves until a suitable forever loving home can be found for him. :) I'll never understand how people can just move away and leave their animals behind. :mad: The woman who said that she'd adopt him and then called the cops must have also been a nutcase so at least he didn't get stuck with her. :mad: He sure sounds handsome and I can't wait to see pictures of him. Good luck. :)

12-03-2005, 06:52 PM
Good luck helping him. I can't believe that woman did that! What a dirtbag. Hey, there's an empty pane in your sig. Where's Nicki? I haven't seen her in ages.

12-03-2005, 07:07 PM
If things work out we will both have a Black Cat,as Coalmine is getting closer,and My Vet is coming Wednesday.
A Black Cat in many parts of the World is Good Luck,Bless you for taking that Poor Cat in.

12-03-2005, 07:08 PM
snicker, snicker......once you foster you NEVER stop, it is in your blood. :D

Now go snap those photos, he won't care. ;)

Whatcha gonna name him?

12-03-2005, 07:13 PM
Ok, he's officially a One By One Kitty.... and now for the name (if another 1x1 kitty didn't already have it) He was living outside Ladd's Ice Cream Shop, so I want to name him Aladdin.... get it? Aladdin? LOL

Right now he's in the basement and VERY upset. My basement is a mess.... just think general dumping grounds for everytthing nobody needs. At lwast its warm and dry (well, until we get a heavy rain, then we have a little river running through :rolleyes: ) and we're expecting some snow tonight.

I have to finish disinfecting a litterbox for him and pictures will be forthcoming! :)

12-03-2005, 07:16 PM
Cute name.

How soon do you think you can get him in to be vetted? (I wonder if Monday is wishful thinking?)

12-03-2005, 07:49 PM
Guys this is seriously a SWEET cat! Luckily, he has no stipes ;)

Yeah, he knows he's handsome

But he just wants to be loved

He sat there making biscuits the whole time my daughter was petting him while I took photos.... look at those NAILS :eek: :eek:

And just look at the look he's giving my daughter (aaaawwwwwww)

PS: I SWEAR his eyes were emerald green! They are copper yellow now! How odd!

12-03-2005, 07:54 PM
He is so beautiful. Love the name :)

12-03-2005, 08:11 PM
Wow! It's a male Saphirah! What a handsome boy, and he looks like a real sweetheart. :)

12-03-2005, 08:43 PM
Are you going to keep him? He's handsome even if he isn't a tabby.

12-03-2005, 09:20 PM
VERY handsome. You might as well adopt him now. :p

12-03-2005, 09:42 PM
VERY handsome. You might as well adopt him now. :p
Nope, no stripes. I am immune to his charms! :D :p

12-03-2005, 09:59 PM
Aladdin's magic carpet ride worked again! :D Kim, just face it, fostering is now in your blood.

Oh, about the diarrhea ... it's going around here now! :eek: I bought a large bottle of Albon from my vet this week, and am dosing my 4 adult females ... all the latest mom cats. *SIGH*

Laura's Babies
12-03-2005, 10:19 PM

HELP! Will someone come help me up off the floor??

(LOOKIE HOW HANDSOME he is!! I am in LOVE!Just fell hard for a blackie male....)

12-03-2005, 10:52 PM
Rides over to Laura's house. http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/reiten.gif Picks her up and places her back on her computer chair. There ya go Laura, you should be okay now.

Rides back home to see this black beauty again.

What a scumbag of a person to leave this gorgeous kitty behind. Words cannot express how much I detest people who do that. Bless your daughter for calling you to help this kitty.
:eek: though, those nails are L-O-N-G. I wouldn't want to be scratched by those. OUUUCCCHHHYYY!!!

I love the name you picked out Kim. It suits him.

Keep us posted on this sweetie pie, okay and I am so sorry to hear that you are going through the diarrhea again with the cats. Poor you and poor kitties.

12-04-2005, 06:31 AM
Nope, no stripes. I am immune to his charms!

You know, black cats are REALLY tabbies, but they are black on black (vs. brown on black or silver on black). ;) Remember how little black babies show their stripes until they get older? :D

12-04-2005, 07:21 AM
JenLuck is right. Remember the kittens that Mattie Grace had that LOOKED pure black. Well, lo and behold Sassy's tail had very faint stripes on it. Keep looking! I see a black tabby in your future!! ;)

12-04-2005, 01:22 PM
Well, somebody definately has all his bits in place ;)

I was spending some time with him and he finally used the litterbox (this was his first time and it was quite a production... poor thing must have been holding it in since who knows when last night) and hooooooooweeeee, what a smell! Oh my! :eek: :eek: I of course had to investigate the fullness of his little bits, and yup, they are quite "fluffy"

Poor thing is going to have a very long vet visit -- shots, shots, more shots, and a neutering.

I tell ya guys, this boy is PURE LOVE. I am already in love with him. Nice try, trying to tell me blackies are tabbies with black stripes :D :p

Though he does have a slight biting/nipping habit. I'll have to work with him on it. Its not his fault that nobody ever taught him otherwise. And I tell ya, his nips HURT :eek:

12-04-2005, 02:30 PM
He sure is gorgeous and I love the name you picked out for him too. :) I bet he'll work his magic on you and you'll have another kitty before you know it. ;)