View Full Version : A close call for my little Pava Man this morning!!!

12-03-2005, 04:25 PM
This morning I heard a kitten making an odd and distressed cry in the living room. I went in to find Pava hanging from my lace door curtain. He had gotten his claw caught in it, and apparently started fighting and ended up spinning around several times until half of his paw was wound TIGHT in the fabric! :eek: At first I tried to pull it loose, but the fabric just tightened even more. He had been dangling and was breathing in a panicked manner, so I needed to do something fast. I finally just held him up as I literally unwound him from the grips of the fabric around his tiny paw. Thank GOD I found him, or he could have lost circulation and ultimately his little paw, or even worse! :( Kitties (especially babies) can sure get in some bad situations ... now I'm a nervous wreck about my little ones!


12-03-2005, 04:29 PM
They can get in so much trouble with the most ordinary things! Just when you think you've 'cat & kitten-proofed' your home, they find something else to get into.

Glad you were there to rescue him!

12-03-2005, 04:33 PM
Oh Kim, how horrible. :eek: Thank GOD you were home at the time and that you were able to rescue him. Deep breaths Kim. Slow and easy. :)

PAVO!!!!!! Don't you dare go and do something like that again and scare your new meowmie like that. Nawty, nawty widdle boy.

Now, I think meowmie needs to post some pictures of you so that I can get the terrible image I have of you hanging from the curtain. :D

12-03-2005, 04:57 PM
Oh Kim, I don't dare think what could have happened. :eek: I'm so glad glad you were home and got Pavo untangled. :) You never know what kittens get into.

Laura's Babies
12-03-2005, 05:02 PM
:eek: THANK GOD you were home! Let's hope that is the last time he trys to climb curtians! Poor baby, he must have been scared out of his widdle wits!

12-03-2005, 05:06 PM
I KNOW how you felt when you saw Pava hanging there! Mollie Rose was about 6 months old when she got tangled by the neck on a mini-blind extension chord. I went in there just in time!! Pava was very lucky. Give him smoochies for me.

Lesson Learned: Whenever you buy new curtains or blinds that have long chords, CUT THE CHORD!!!. It could save an animal's life.

Glad Pava is okay, but what trauma!! :(

12-03-2005, 06:39 PM
How scary!!! :eek: I'm so glad that you found him in time.

My Pearl is 6 months old and she loves playing with my window blinds and my vertical blinds for my sliding glass door. I've now had to wrap the long cord around the top railing so she can't reach it any more.

12-03-2005, 06:46 PM
Poor little dude! I worry so much about that stuff too! I am glad everything is handled and no harm done.

12-03-2005, 07:10 PM
I remember Pouncer falling behind the stereo,and getting caught in the Record in,and Out Cords of the Cassette Deck,luckily she and Scrappy started Howling,and I was awake.
Thank God,Pava was more scared than hurt!

12-03-2005, 09:40 PM
One of my fosters got caught in a small countertop metal winerack.

He was crawling through it, and I was taking pictures, and then suddenly he got a nail caught, and he was flipping around in the winerack.

Very scary.

Also, my husband was coming in the door, and one foster put her paw in the crack at the hinge side of the door. Bad news whichever way the door is moved. I thought for sure I'd be pulling out a mangled paw, but she was o.k. too. Now, all the doors have tape over them, hinge side, when fosters are around.

I hate those close calls, my body is drenched in adreneline.

I'm happy you found the little guy, Kim.

12-03-2005, 09:51 PM
Thank you everyone .... Pava is doing just fine! ;)