View Full Version : Why? Why? Why!

Laura's Babies
12-03-2005, 09:21 AM
Everytime I get in my car and hardly go any distance, I see dead cats on the road. I can not figure out why anyone would let a cat outside when they live on or near a busy road or street.If they live close enough for their own cat to get hit, are they blind that they haven't seen all the other ones every day that have been hit? Yesterday it looked like a Himalayan... WHY would anybody let anything this beautiful outside? :mad:


Just venting and getting it off my chest!

Ally Cat's Mommy
12-03-2005, 09:28 AM
I feel your pain - I drive past dead cats a few times a week. I actually keep trash bags and latex gloves in the boot now, and if I can safely pull over (and they are not too badly squashed) I retreive the bodies and drop them off at our shelter. You should SEE the looks I get from other drivers! I have some horrible images in my mind of cats I have picked up - but it beats driving past every day and seeing them getting more and more squashed:(

I'd say 99% of those are strays (as we have a constant epidemic of stray cats here) but I have picked up one with a collar - at least if the owners checked with the shelter they would find out what happened, and not be left wondering - but that's ONE at least that could have been saved by being kept inside !

12-03-2005, 10:40 AM
I see a lot of dead cats (but more dead deer) on my commute. It is only 13 miles but it is mostly rural and a 4 lane road. It really depresses me. It will ruin my whole day. They highway department is pretty good and picks the dead cats up quickly (they leave the dead deer to rot though...I don't know why) but I am on the road early enough I see them. :(

I have arrived at school crying many times. I remember driving past one of my professors in his car and I had to pretend I didn't see him because I didn't want him to see me crying over another dead cat in the road. :(

The good thing about the snow and cold is I haven't seen any more. Hopefully the farm kitties are hunting closer to their own barns, and staying out of the snow covered fields (which often means crossing the highway).

Now if only the poor deer would learn.

12-03-2005, 01:05 PM
There was a white cat that lived near the place where I work and I frequently saw him run across the road (a 2 lane back road) and it scared me to death. I once ran outside to see if he made it across safely. This is a 35 mph zone; we've seen drivers do 50 or 60 routinely. Yes, we've complained to the police, but they can't be everywhere.

I was out for a few days last week and came back to the news that he was hit. The girls didn't want to tell me, and I was very upset. They saw his/her poor little body beside the road and thankfully one of the neighbors picked it up, put it in a box and buried it.

It's a sight I do not want to see, and sadly, I see it again and again. :(

12-03-2005, 03:26 PM
There have been Cats hit around me too,because thses idiots jump in thier Cars,and then go right into drive,and are not looking where they are going!
Orangie was a Big Older Cat,that was hit in the Parking lot across the Road,and Orange Blossom was hit on my Front Yard.
I saw a thug speed up,and try to hit a Cat while I was waiting for a bus Today!
There are some people who do not deserve the gift of life.

12-03-2005, 04:28 PM
omg i know what you mean.It was only yesterday I was comming home from my moms and there was one laying in the middle of the road.Someone ran it over and left it there.I turned my head until we passed.Seeing something like that really is upsetting. :(

12-03-2005, 04:34 PM
Oh Laura, I know how you feel. Thankfully I don't think I have ever seen one in my neighborhood, so IF one of my kitties should get out, I feel fairly comfortable for their safety in that respect. I just don't understand people letting them out on busy roads either, it really upsets me to be driving down the road and see the remains of an innocent baby laying there.! :mad: :( :(

12-03-2005, 04:47 PM
Oh Laura, I feel your pain. I know exactly how you feel when you see a precious kitty on the road when it could have been avoided if the owner just kept it inside.

I've seen my share of dead cats also on my way to work and even seen a few actually get hit. It just ruins my whole day.

12-03-2005, 04:49 PM
I share your pain, too. I always cringe inside when I see such a precious life lost and wasted out there on the roads. Unfortunately, as long as we're living in a society which still believes that keeping a cat indoors is animal abuse (yes, I've been told that for not letting my cats outside!), these things won't change.

Inside, I cry for all these lives wasted out there. It hurts me everytime.
