View Full Version : Today's vet visit #2

12-02-2005, 04:21 PM
Harry and Abby went for their first annual checkup. They got their shots, and were pronounced completely healthy.

The vet of course fell head over heals for Harry. She spent a good ten minutes just cooing to him, and he just ate it up :rolleyes: He's just under 17 pounds :eek: and though she's not worried about his weight for the time being, and she said she definately doesn't want to see him get any heavier. In fact she'd like to see him in the 14/15 pound range.... yeah, good luck! :p

She wanted to know if Abby was kissed by an angel to have the little orange heart on her forehead (awwwwww) and I think she was! I like that idea! Abby is 10 pounds (YIKES!) but the absolute perfect weight (so take that Jen, calling my baby girl a pudge ball! :p )

When all was said and done, I put Abby in the carrier, then opened up the carrier for Harry...... and he jumped right into it on his own! :eek: :eek: I stood there with my jaw on the ground.

Now.... I hope I do not have to step foot into a vet's for a good loooong time now! ;) I've had ALL of my cats to the vet for something the past month, and my pocketbook is in some serious pain from it. LOL

Killearn Kitties
12-02-2005, 04:34 PM
Kisses to all of your beautiful beautiful babies. May they stay out of the vets for years!!!

Laura's Babies
12-02-2005, 04:41 PM
:D :D :D I find all of mine are more that GLAD to get back in their kennels at the vets, even the worst fighter will zip right back in them once a vet turns them loose..

I had 3 of my 4 at the vets this time off and while I had what I figure to be a whopping bill (for me), I know it came nowhere near what you have put out.

Great news on the good health check ups for Harry and Abby. GREAT GOING SWEETIES! May you always be as healthy and happy as you are now!

12-02-2005, 06:15 PM
My Vet the Wonderful Peter Marsales,is coming over Wednesday,so this is going to be a MADHOUSE,with my Aunt Joan,and I rounding up,as many Cats as we can,and putting them into carriers for Dr Marsales to examine them.
That should be fun?
I am glad that your Cats all got that clean bill of Health,that makes it all worth while!!!

12-02-2005, 06:29 PM
Abby is 10 pounds (YIKES!) but the absolute perfect weight (so take that Jen, calling my baby girl a pudge ball
PERFECT???? Was the vet blinded by Harry's good looks??? ;)

I really am glad they are both healthy. I too just finished up my round of vet "yearly appointments". Just to start over in January. :rolleyes:

12-02-2005, 06:35 PM
PERFECT???? Was the vet blinded by Harry's good looks??? ;)
Oh boy, as if he didn't already have an inflated ego! :eek:

As a matter of fact, she met Abby first, and pronounced her perfect before she met the amazing Harry. I can't express enough just how much the vet loved my big orangie boy. The vet tech giggled and said she loves all my cats.... I think she favors Pouncer though, she gets a kick out of his escapades :rolleyes:

12-02-2005, 07:16 PM
It's really no surprise that your vet completely flipped out over Harry! Who wouldn't? How could anyone resist that boy's charm? Glad to hear that Abby had a good check up, too! Scritchies to all your kitties!

12-03-2005, 12:39 AM
That's wonderful news! Way to go kitties!!! :D

12-03-2005, 05:39 AM
Yay! Everyone is happy and healthy!! What more could you ask for???