View Full Version : Bikerdog!

04-01-2002, 07:40 PM
WOW! Me & Roxey just got back from our first bike ride together! It was absolutely wonderful!!!!:D :D THANK YOU DEB! Does anyone else have one of these? I just don't know how we ever lived without one! Sound crazy don't I? But I think I had just as much fun as Roxey did! She was so excited, she pulled me most of the way. We only went a little over a mile, but man, she was ready to go as soon as we came back in the house! Anyone who has a dog who loves to run & can't, needs to have one of these! I would be their spokesperson for them if I could! :D

04-01-2002, 08:01 PM
Have a bike? I have a bike and ive had it since i was about 10... it was a $350 racing bike. i ride it all the time and it still loks brand new, i always used to polish it and everything! Simba comes with me too.. he likes it except when we stop because he keep going lol

04-01-2002, 09:04 PM
I do sometimes, I love biking, am am always doing it so I figured I'd take Jo. I'm just freaked sometime she might see something and run infront of me or something like that (the lease is short so she can't but you never know) she liked it when we did though :]

Deb Motter
04-03-2002, 01:11 PM
So glad you and Roxey like the Bikerdog! At our house we have to talk about it in code (did you BD today?) If we say the word, Bonnie starts barking like crazy. All the neighbors laugh and wave when they see me, (a middle aged lady and NO athlete) with Bonnie running along and trying to get me to go faster. It is really fun because I see how much she enjoys it.

04-03-2002, 04:52 PM
I just went to bikerdog.com, that looks really neat! With my dog I've always found it way too dangerous to ride with her on a leash - she always pulled to the point where I couldn't control the bike, especially when squirrels were in sight. This looks like a great solution.

04-03-2002, 05:55 PM
It sounds like fun and I'm sure Bella would love it, but I am afraid there would be broken bones (mine! :D) if Bella was to decide to chase a squirrel or rabbit. She might be only 35 lbs. but she is one powerful pupster when she is motivated! :)

04-04-2002, 06:31 AM
Andrew and I take Drake with us when we go mountain biking on trails. He make a game out of chasing us and trying to bite or ankles. He!He!He! :D It is so funny to watch. He loves it!

04-04-2002, 06:38 PM
I swear that girl just loves biking! We've been going twice a day since we got it Monday, and she knows already when it's time to go. We go right before breakfast, and a little after supper. Only about a mile or so each time. I thought she was getting used to it and was going to pace herself, but, NOT! Sometimes she runs just as fast as she can, and I have troubles keeping up, so, I just let her pull me, she don't seem to care a bit:D