View Full Version : Why do I always get involved in this kind of argument?

12-02-2005, 09:28 AM
Actually I only wanted to visit my mother after work, but she had visitors, cats owners. So she probably thought it was a good thing to start a cat discussion. I noticed right from the start that these people had a different view on how a cat (or an animal in general) should be treated, so I didn't say much and was already about to leave, when the man (who had upset me before with his rude and disrespectful comments towards cats, and he thinks it's okay to hit his cats with a newspaper) made a comment that made my blood boil: "A man is a man, and a cat is a cat", which means nothing else that a human is always superior to the cat and that the cat has to submit. It was that moment that I started arguing, and when I noticed they didn't take me serious and tried to convince me I was wrong (with my opinion on treating cats like friends and not to punish them or yell at them, and about taking compromises; and they were so stupid that they didn't even get what I was trying to tell them)); I'm afraid I wasn't very nice to them in the end.

I really hate arguments and they make me sick, and I'm so tired of discussions with ignorant people. Seems to me that this generation (my mother's generation) is especially bad and stubborn.

I really know why I prefer the felines to most humans! :(


12-02-2005, 10:04 AM
I get in to those disscussions too useally with my Mom she thinks cats are just barn animals. (guess why it took along time for me to understand cats as pets) Lately she's been on me to make my pregnant daughter get rid of or put house cats out side. Thankfully there is about 6oo miles between us so she doesn't waste the money of long distance on it for long.
You can't change some people. Just pray for their animals and hold your tongue when around them .
You should just leave in these situations.

Laura's Babies
12-02-2005, 10:07 AM
I find a lot of people don't know how to treat cats or pets in general. They are just "things" to them so something else they need to CONTROL! Nothing ticks me off more than that "they are just dumb animals" remark. They ARE living, feeling, loving beings that God put here for us to love and enjoy.

I am right there with you on that I would have argued with him but then again, my Mama always said "There is NO need to argue with drunks and idiots! It's a waste of good time!"

I had someone on the boat try to get me to argue about cats saying that cats are so nasty that there isn't another animal out there that would eat them and he went on and on with his idiot remarks against them. I am SO glad he couldn't read my mind. It was so obvious what he was trying to do and I just sat there and smiled at him and let him rant on. It showed HIS stupidy and I just sat there and let him show the rest of the crew how stupid he was. At that time we had a crew that loved cats and most had a cat at home.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-02-2005, 10:50 AM
That hind of people always upset me so much too! It is impossible to make them listen, because they are so full of themselves :mad: . Some people I know have a lovely cat, but it is NEVER allowed to come indoors. She MUST always stay outside, no matter what the weather is like. When I mentioned that winter was coming, they just said that she always has the possibility to go and hide in the shed... :mad: . Poor girl! Then they also refuse to spay her :eek: ; they say that this is not necessary because the tomcat from next door is "done"... :rolleyes: . Arrghhhh, stupid people!!! How about putting them outside in the garden, in the middle of an icecold snowstorm??

12-02-2005, 10:54 AM

I see a big "L" on that guy's forehead. What a LOSER!!! They both sound dumber than a back of dust. I would've gotten up and walked out.

I'm with you. The more I know people, the more I like my cats.

12-02-2005, 11:45 AM
As a matter of fact he is not following his own words. If he punishes a cat he is not treating it as a cat but as a human. A human who has killed another human feels guilty and will never forget it. So if he is punished he knows why and (maybe) learns that he should show a different behavior.

A cat who killed a flower jar never will know that it did something that is not socially acceptable. It is just cat behavior without any knowledge what the jar costs and that water is bad for the carpet and that means punishment - especially later, when you come home- will not have any effect at all. Cat simply has forgotten all about it and does not understand why he's punished. And of course he won't learn and can't learn from it. So it's just senseless cruelty to him.

We all know that if we want to discourage a cat from a certain behavior it only works on the spot (as you know very well from Luna ;) ).

So if he'd really understand the differences between cats and humans he wouldn't talk that stupid stuff.

12-02-2005, 01:20 PM
I have heard Radio Commentaters on CFRB Toronto 1010 AM,say that they cant see any reason for Cats,that they are useless.
The worst Offender is a clown named Bill Carroll,who onced said that if his Dog passed on,that he would mourn by letting a tear trickle down his cheek.
Thats why I no longer listen to his nonsense.And hes the News Director.Hes for animal experimentation,as animals are there for our use.
Theres no place,and when you write you get a form letter.
If anyone contradicts,or argues,they get hung up on.
A waste of life,on that station.

12-02-2005, 05:49 PM
I follow that old saying about not getting involved in any kind of discussion with drunks or fools, it really is just a waste of time. I also prefer animals to most people.

12-02-2005, 06:28 PM
I agree. The guy was an idiot.

.... But I always took the saying 'a man's a man and a cat's a cat' to mean cats and humans come with different ways of viewing the world and both species have to learn ways to live together.

Having spent most of my life with cats...I like their way of viewing things much better than the human. Remember (I think it was Twain and I may be paraphrasing rather than directly quoting) the saying "If men were crossed with cats, it would improve the man but degenerate the cat."

12-02-2005, 07:42 PM
My son once said something that I believe is very true, "You can tell how a person treats other people by the way they treat animals". Animals are dumb? I don't think so. When my son first started riding horses, his instructor told the troop that a horse has the intelligence of an average two year old. I ask you, have you ever known a dumb two year old? Let's consider our own wonderful pets... who owns who? They sure know how to get what they want from us. Is there a PT kitty that doesn't have his or her owner wrapped firmly around its little paw? We share our world with all animals and in many respects they're more humane than most people I know. We can learn a lot from them about getting along with others!

Laura's Babies
12-02-2005, 11:40 PM
Yes momcat, you can tell how a person treats other people by how they treat their pets. The fella that tried to get me to argue was a backstabbing, BULLY!

I do judge people by how they treat animals. I've never known a animal to be wrong yet about a persons character.

smokey the elder
12-03-2005, 08:17 AM
I'm pretty sure Gandhi had a comment about how one treats animals and people. And there is loads of evidence showing that people who disrespect animals are only a few steps away from dissing people.

I like the idea about not getting into it with drunks and idiots. I am very fortunate in that there are a disproportionate amount of cat lovers where I work!

K & L
12-03-2005, 08:28 AM
I gave up arguing with these types of people a long time ago. I guess you could take his comment a couple of ways! :D A cat is a cat alright, which means it's much better than him as a man! A REAL man (like my husband) has a heart and respect for cats, or any animal. People like this just want to stir you up on purpose and get your reaction. I find if I don't react it upsets them more than their STUPID comments upsets me. Just take him for what he is and know you're the much better person. :)

12-03-2005, 03:27 PM
Laura, what an idiot! :mad: You did right not to comment that and let him show his stupidy.

You and others here who have said it's a waste of energy to discuss with this kind of people, but sometimes I just cannot keep my mouth shut. :( And I'm afraid that was just what that jerk wanted - to provoke me and get a reaction.
