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View Full Version : pointless post, just have to vent..

12-01-2005, 08:24 PM
lol this is a completely pointless post, I am just annoyed, I read the review of the simple pane concert in the paper today and just got so mad because the revewer took simple plans lyrics completely out of context. this guy was just going on and on quoting bits and pieces of their songs to make his point, his point was that ALL their music is about NOTHING but kids not being understood by their parents. then proceeded to quote the song "crazy" with a single line "parents act like enemies" well jee allow me to finnish that verse for him "making kids feel like its world war 3" that line is about the friggin DIVORCE RATE! the song itself is about what is wrong with the world, that song is the real world put into song, how about another verse
"Tell me what's wrong with society
When everywhere I look I see
Rich guys driving big SUV's
While kids are starving in the streets"

the artical failed to mention the song "untitled" which is sponserd by MADD
and from the point of veiw of a good person who is dying after being hit by a drunk driver. or how 'bout "thank-you" essentially about peer pressure, or "promise", about a guy trying to convince a girl that he wont let her down, "perfect world" about a loved one who died, the list goes on/. and proceedes to go on and on about how "worst day ever" and "i'm just a kid" are pretty much the same song. they ARE a lot alike, however "Im just a kid" was written for a movie, it just happened to catch on lol all of the song I mentioned above were played at the concert. I dont care if someone does not like the band, but if they are going to accuse a band of something maybe they should try actually LISTENING to the songs being making assuptions about them :rolleyes:

ok I am done..perhaps this would do more good in the letters section of my paper lol