View Full Version : I am missing my Son already

Snowy's Mom
04-01-2002, 07:20 PM
Hi all,

It's been a really long time since I have posted (My ID was Snowy's Mommy, but wanted to re-register, so now I am Snowy's Mom).......I have really missed all of the kind, helpful people on the board.

I need help. I am moving into an apartment this week with my fiance (recently got engaged!) and it is kind of small, so I decided to have Snowy live with my Mom for a year until we get a house, so he can run around, have lots of room, play, etc. I don't think it is fair to keep him in an apartment with nowhere to run around. He has lived with my parents and I and their dog Poo Poo since we got him, so he is very used spending time with them.

I will be seeing Snowy once a week (my parents will be living 1 1/2 hours from me) and I am heartbroken, but I want to do what is best for him, and he LOVES my parents and Poo Poo. How can I make this an easy transition for him (as well as myself)?

This is so hard. I feel as though I am giving up my child for adoption. Please, any advice or thoughts would be so helpful.

Thanks so much,

Snowy's Mom

04-01-2002, 08:22 PM
I don't know if I have much advice that will make the transition easier but I can tell you that you made a very unselfish decision. You only wanted what was best for your baby and you gave it to him! I am sure somewhere deep down Snowy understands that. I know that it won't get easy, but time will make it easier because every day that goes by takes you one day closer to the time when you will be living with your baby again! Just remember that and keep your chin up.

Congrats on your engagement!!

Maybe you could take the year in the apartment to foster sick kitties (or dogs, but cats may be easier for you in an apartment) for a shelter or something? Might help pass the time and you'd use the time without Snowy to help some other critters.

04-01-2002, 09:38 PM
I agree with Aly on this one. You did made a unselfish decision. Many years back my Mom had to move from her house to a assisted living apt. and her poodle who was 10 years old came to live with me and my husband. And her dog also had spent lots of time in the past at our house and got along great with our dog (lab/greyhound). Of course she really missed her baby but felt that she was being taken care of and had a fenced yard to play in. When my mom would come to visit the dog would get so excited! Of course she always brought toys/treats. I think the dog understood that she couldn't live with her but she still loved her and hadn't left her for good. Sorry I got carried away with my own story.
Welcome back Snowy's mom!

04-01-2002, 10:15 PM
Sounds like Snowy will have good company and be well taken care of so I think your transition will be more difficult. Just keep in mind that you are being unselfish and you're doing the right thing whenever you feel down.

Snowy's Mom
04-03-2002, 12:59 PM
Thank You all for your advice.....you are right, I am trying to do what's best for him.......

Aly, I am going to to try to foster some animals here, as you suggested!

Thanks to all,

Snowy's Mom;)