View Full Version : can a year old feral cat be tamed....??

12-01-2005, 04:22 PM
I am curious as to whether this can be done and if so how,? has anyone tamed a feral to become a pet, I would love to beable to tame the little girl who will become a stray when my horrible neighbour moves on, but one i have no idea how to do it, or whether it is possible and if it can be done, will the shelter still take her, I would appreciate any advice , thanks.

12-01-2005, 04:55 PM
My friend had a feral cat which she did eventually tame, but it took a lot of time and patients. I'm not sure how long it took, but I'd guess a good year. The cat's name is Elvira and she would eat you up if you went near her, she was an absolute attack cat. She would always hide, but if you got too close she'd go into attack mode.
When my friend took her to the vet he (the vet) had to wear leather gloves because Elvira was attacking him. He couldn't examin her until she was sedated. She was examined and spayed. Many many months later she was starting to tame up a bit, she was still untouchable, but she was no longer hiding.
The turning point was when my friend found a tiny kitten. (I say tiny kitten, but he was old enough to eat on his own, still tiny though.) After having him examined by the vet she tried putting him with Elvira. She was very careful as she had no idea what the outcome of this would be. The outcome was amazing... Elvira bathed the Kitten (who was later named Onyx). That little kitten totally turned Elvira around. She became his "mother". It's one of the most amazing things. My friend has no idea what made her put the kitten with Elvira. She wasn't protective of him though (thank goodness). The kitten was not scared of my friend at all and would run up and play with anyone who went into the room, eventually Elvira started to follow the kittens lead.
This was a few years ago, now Elvira and Onyx are just as inseparable as ever. They are both very tame and absolutely wonderful cats. Elvira still hates the vet though, haha.

12-01-2005, 05:20 PM
Well, my friend tried once. The owners moved and the cat was left because the owners couldn't take it. Which, was bad enough. They barley cared about the cat though. He only came into there house to eat. It worked out okay. He is still bad with strangers but LOVES her and her family. Barley is his name. It may take a long time and if the cat is really feral then the shelter will probably put it to sleep. Shelters don't have the time or money to spend on pets that can't be well tamed. Good LUCK!

12-01-2005, 05:37 PM
Absolutely - with much time and patience. Paul's sister took in an adult feral of indeterminate age, and he is now a happy housecat. He'll probably never be a lapcat, but he is a fat and happy indoor guy (though recently got put on a d-i-e-t) and gets along with the other two cats in the house as well.

12-01-2005, 05:54 PM
If the cat was indoors at one time, chances are very good that she'll recall those happy times and turn around. The best way to do it is either to cage the cat, or put her in a small bathroom where she can't hide much. Be VERY careful around windows, and screens as a very traumatized cat is likely to smash into the window, or tear open screens to escape. :eek: If you can get a good sized cage, cover it with a sheet except for the front door. Place the litterpan, and food up front, and when you have to open the door up, always move slow so not to spook the cat into bolting out. Let her be for several days, and then one good way to test her out is to stuff a garden glove with some cotton, and tie it securely to a stick. Use this to pat her with, and you'll be less apt to lose flesh should she attack you. Never pat their heads at first, start low, and go for the rump, or back first. ;) Hope you can help clean up that awful mess those lousy neighbors left to rot. :mad: Good luck! :)

12-01-2005, 07:39 PM
Gosh. I am going to have to say that I really don't know if one can 'tame' a feral cat. While I would bow to the wisdom of K & L here, I can only relate my story of my cat, Minnie. I have had Minnie now for years, 3 maybe? And, she still lives in the closet, still runs from me, still cowers, etc. Sure, there has been progress. She does come out every night now (and poop and pee in Jonah's room :mad: ), but, she is still very anti-human.

12-01-2005, 09:39 PM
Gosh some of your stories were very inspiring and helpful, I am not sure I am the person who is able to do this to be honest, I have to really think long and hard about this, i could just continue to feed her if this neighbour leaves in the new year and keep an eye on her, i have mixed emotions and not sure what is the best to do for her, I cannot take her in myself, so really even if I tamed her , there is not many who will want to adopt her is there? oh well for now I will have to concentrate on getting them spayed and take it from there., Thanks a lot for the advice .

I just saw her today out with her kitten, she appears to have only one, the other sadly was dead, maybe she only ever had two is that possible, I am hoping to rescue bubs this weekend, and out to the shelter with it, and then trap mama for spaying, geez I am not sure i am cut out for all of this, it is very draining and worrying, but i have to do something., I always knew I was not cut out for fostering or rescuing ,now I am doing it all the same.