View Full Version : AWWW Gemini's 1st pic

12-01-2005, 02:03 PM
hey my 1 yr old cat is pregnant i need to know..........

how long is she going to be pregnant

what will happen when she is ready to deliver


:eek: please helpp :)

12-01-2005, 02:07 PM
I'll be the first to say it: you should have spayed her 6 months ago, and you'd not be worrying about this now. I don't know anything about you, your cat, or financial situation, but spays are inexpensive and often free.

Sorry to sound blunt and rough. I volunteer for a cat rescue and foster kittens in my own home at my own expense.... and it irritates me that somebody doesn't take the time to care enough about their cat to spay her. Then it irritates me that once she is pregnant they know nothing about what to do. I'll tell you what to do: GET HER TO A VET! She needs prenatal care just as a human does, and the vet will help you prepare for the kittens' arrival.

12-01-2005, 03:05 PM
1st of all my 'pregnant cat' got like that by this cat we thot wus a girl but it was a boy so it was a mistake ;)

12-01-2005, 03:07 PM
Well said, Catnapper.

12-01-2005, 03:09 PM
If all the cats were neutered/spayed that wouldn't happen.

12-01-2005, 03:17 PM
1st of all my 'pregnant cat' got like that by this cat we thot wus a girl but it was a boy so it was a mistake ;)

I'm sorry but..... HOW can you mistake a 'male' cat for a 'female'?? There are significant indicators... not very easily mistaken, at all.

And besides just because you thought you had two females does not cover up the fact that they still should have been spayed!!

But oh well, its too late for that now as she's already pregnant. Have you tried searching google for information on feline pregnancies??

12-01-2005, 03:19 PM
A cat's pregnancy goes for 62-65 days. Keep your cat indoors and feed her canned and dry kitten food for nutrition. She needs all the vitamins and minerals she can get at this point.

Get her to a vet, please. He'll be able to explain it much better to you. Once the kittens are weaned, please...


12-01-2005, 03:21 PM
Once the kittens are weaned, please...


And the kittens, too, if you plan on giving them away to good homes!

12-01-2005, 03:24 PM


12-01-2005, 03:27 PM
I'm sorry but..... HOW can you mistake a 'male' cat for a 'female'?? There are significant indicators... not very easily mistaken, at all.

And besides just because you thought you had two females does not cover up the fact that they still should have been spayed!!

Not only that but the vet should of been able to tell too. After all when you get a cat (or 2) you should take them to the vets right away to have them tested for leuk & fiv (god I hope the 2 cats are negative, it'd really stink if the kittens have one or both of those horrible diseases) and get them their vaccines & a general check up.

I strongly suggest you get them to a vet, at least to have the mom & dad checked for luek & fiv.

12-01-2005, 03:37 PM
1st of all my 'pregnant cat' got like that by this cat we thot wus a girl but it was a boy so it was a mistake ;)
Oh my! No, it was not kinda rude - the truth is what it is. and sometimes the only way to get through to people with excuses as to why their cat is pregnant is to hit them with the unsugar-coated truth. As expected, you gave me an excuse as to how your cat got pregnant. I don't care if a thief came in with a pack of male cats that impregnated her. The matter is your cat is pregnant because YOU did not do the proper thing as an owner and spay your cat.

Secondly, I have no idea how you could mistake an un-nuetered male for a female. The older they get, the more prominent certain "features" become.

Thirdly, if you had them checked by a vet, and altered at 6 months old, you wouldn't have had this issue.

12-01-2005, 03:41 PM
Well I think you have been offered excellent advice here, so please do take it, and get your kitty checked by a vet and have her spayed as soon as possible after the kittens are born, I hope you can find homes for these kittens, there are far too many unwanted kittens in shelters, wandering and becoming feral, and this whole thing could be avoided if only people would de-sex their pets as soon as they are old enough.

It is hard to be sympathetic, especially as of now I am dealing with a person in my neighbourhood who just lets her cats continually breed sick and feral kittens, I hope that you are going to be more responsible and do the right thing here, having said that well kitty is pregnant so take all the advice, act upon it and give mama and her babies the best chance possible ok.

I gather you are only young, so really this post is directed at your parents.

12-01-2005, 04:08 PM
Above are multiple reasons why your pets should be spayed and neutered, and below is what you may need to know if the mom cat dies giving birth, or neglects the litter. Be prepared, and please be more responsible!

12-01-2005, 04:36 PM
OK Hope I don't sound judgemental here but IF every cat was spayed then there would be all extinct

12-01-2005, 04:39 PM
Clare...the domestic cat will never become extinct from responsible owners spaying and neutering....first reason is because there will always be irresponsible pet owners, second, there will unfortunately always be strays.

12-01-2005, 04:39 PM
OK Hope I don't sound judgemental here but IF every cat was spayed then there would be all extinct

Let's leave the breeding to the reputable breeders and for everyone else they should have theirs' spayed and neutered to avoid overpopulation and homeless pets. Shelters are too crowded enough as it is.

12-01-2005, 04:50 PM
AH I see! ok ;)

12-01-2005, 04:50 PM
There is just no excuse necessary for your cat getting pregnant. She should of been spayed many months ago . And not to be blunt, but there are a few "parts" on a male cat that are very visable, gee..my cat was neutered at 4 months old and even though his "parts" are very shrunken, I can still tell that he is a male cat. Unneutered males are very pronounced since most walk proudly with tails straight up ;) and the "parts" are very noticeable.
Please listen to what the fine folks here are trying to tell you, because if you should ever go into a shelter and see all those precious little ones(and older ones too) peering out from "death row" (as sometimes I refer to it as) cages hoping to live a life in a wonderful home but somehow knowing it may never come, if you have a heart...it will be broken.. as some of them know that they will not ever get that chance. My two were both someone else's "mistakes" and both were "on death row" and I can see it in their eyes how thankful they are to me that I saved their life, but I (as a kind hearted animal lover) feel really sad that I can not save them all :( it just breaks my heart everytime I drive by my shelter knowing what is going on inside... :(

I apologize that this is so long...but I hope it will open your eyes and see what really has happened. If you love your cat Please get her spayed soon as ok'd by the vet ,and the kittens too.

12-01-2005, 04:50 PM
Very true. Everyone, great advice. For the sake of your cat and her kittens, hope the pregnancy goes well. It's true, it's VERY hard to mistake an unnuetered male cat for a female. You can tell without looked at their underside, you know.

12-01-2005, 04:55 PM
ok guys the fact of the matter is that the cat is pregnant, and what's done is done. What we should focus on right now instead of possibly scaring her off is educating her in how to properly take care of the pregnant mother, ensure she gets proper nutrition and is taken care of throughout her pregnancy. THEN we can preach about spaying/neutering ;)

12-01-2005, 05:53 PM
How long have you known that she is expecting?
If she seems to be swollen,and her nipples are heavy,I would find a quiet room to isolate her in,so she will have peace and quiet.I tried this,with Pouncette the Starry Cat,but she ran downstairs and had her Babies in My LP Storage Case.
I heard meeews,and there they were with thier Momma Cat.
I took them into the Spare bedroom,and closed them in.
They are all adopted now,and doing fine.
Good Luck with your Momma Cat,and her Babies!

12-01-2005, 06:18 PM
There are several folks here that are extremely knowledgable and experienced when it comes to cats. With the possible exception of a good vet this is the BEST advice you'll ever find!!! Your mommy cat to be needs veterinary attention NOW! Find out from your vet about her nutrition needs while she's pregnant, how to keep her healthy and comfortable, and most important...what to look for, what to do, and when to call the vet for help. While there, arrange for a spay and neuter ASAP. If money is a problem, look into your options.

12-02-2005, 02:02 PM
A cat's pregnancy goes for 62-65 days. Keep your cat indoors and feed her canned and dry kitten food for nutrition. She needs all the vitamins and minerals she can get at this point.

Get her to a vet, please. He'll be able to explain it much better to you. Once the kittens are weaned, please...


Thank you soooooooooo much for just telling me the info INSTEAD of telling me what a BAD owner i am

ps i'm not an adult :)

12-02-2005, 02:04 PM
How long have you known that she is expecting?
If she seems to be swollen,and her nipples are heavy,I would find a quiet room to isolate her in,so she will have peace and quiet.I tried this,with Pouncette the Starry Cat,but she ran downstairs and had her Babies in My LP Storage Case.
I heard meeews,and there they were with thier Momma Cat.
I took them into the Spare bedroom,and closed them in.
They are all adopted now,and doing fine.
Good Luck with your Momma Cat,and her Babies!

aww that is too cute my cat looks like your mommy cat except shes

has a grey mask :) what a purrrrrty cat

12-02-2005, 02:05 PM
ok guys the fact of the matter is that the cat is pregnant, and what's done is done. What we should focus on right now instead of possibly scaring her off is educating her in how to properly take care of the pregnant mother, ensure she gets proper nutrition and is taken care of throughout her pregnancy. THEN we can preach about spaying/neutering ;)

thank you for your support :)

i think its a blessing that gemini is pregnant everytime i say 'kittens' she starts purring

12-02-2005, 02:21 PM
My Found Cats and I are putting Your Meeowmy Cat,and her Babies to be in Our Prayers,and that they are all safe and well.
I hope that you have some old clean towels,and a nice quiet place picked out for her.
If you have little money,see if the Pet Food Stores will give you samples of Premium Kitten Food,as she will need the protien.
The Best of Luck,and please keep in touch.
Pouncette thanks you,I am sure from her New Home.
As do her Babies.

12-02-2005, 02:54 PM
Thank you soooooooooo much for just telling me the info INSTEAD of telling me what a BAD owner i am

ps i'm not an adult :)
There are many websites about pregnancies and cats, and what to expect. I do a LOT of rescuing, and sometimes have had to help abandoned mom cats birth babies if they come out breach (back legs first). And sometimes new mom cats won't chew off the placenta and umbilical cords, in which case you will need to know how to do that too. I rescued a litter of babies a while back (six babies & mom) from behind bushes in a dirt hole. I couldn't see the kittens the bush was so thick, but I reached in a pulled out a clump of babies. Took them all home and went to settle mom & her babies in, and found mom didn't chew off the umbilical cords on 5 of the 6! At that point the cords and placentas were dried out and impossible to separate the screaming babies so off to the vets. Two kittens legs had swollen up and turned black. Luckily with warm soaks and massage the kittens feet recovered and they didn't lose legs! Here's what the newborn babies foot looked like! :eek:
And after they were all separated, they were tucked in with mommy Marigold :)
All were spayed and neutered before they were adopted...very important to do as too many accidental litters are born and 3 out of 4 kittens never find a forever home. :(

12-02-2005, 06:12 PM
It is good that you are planning what to do for your cat and her babies. Everyone has given you good advice.... You will want to make sure that your momcat has a place to have her kittens away from the male that got her pregnant. Newborn kittens do not smell like cats to cats and some males (even those who are o.k. with older kittens) may try to hurt the babies (thinking they are strangely delivered food). This doesn't make the male bad... just confused, so make sure your girl has a safe space away from all other cats.

Sometimes young females that have not seen other kittens raised don't really know how to be moms, so monitor her to see that she is feeding and cleaning the babies.

I grew up in farm country where kittens were welcomed working members of the community. When the area changed, my cats became de-sexed house pets...mostly to keep them safe from idiot humans. Kittens are beautiful and watching them grow is a delight, but as everyone has already told you, finding good safe homes for kittens and cats is really hard.

Two of my cats, Captain and Artemis are products of a person who had so much fun with her accidental kittens, she let her cat have another litter and then could find no homes...(so I took two and my friend took one before she took them to be put to sleep. We also found a home for the female which a vet friend spayed at a discount.) Sometimes it is very hard to afford all the care my animals need so adding these two (although never regretted) was not easy.

By coming to this site it is clear you care about your cat. Enjoy her and her "blessings". Catmandu has given you good kitten box tips. Most cats have little trouble giving birth if they are well-fed and big enough. A vet trip will let you know if she is likely to be at risk or not.

Again, good wishes on this.

12-02-2005, 09:42 PM
we got rid of 'the boy cat'

12-02-2005, 09:43 PM
we got rid of 'the boy cat'

Was he a stray? or a pet? Hope he has found a nice home

12-02-2005, 09:44 PM
we got rid of 'the boy cat'

I'm hoping you adopted him out to a shelter or new family? :)

Adn please remember that getting rid of the male is no excuse for not getting the mother spayed after she has her litter.

12-02-2005, 09:57 PM
we got rid of 'the boy cat'
Got "rid of"? How so? I sure hope you didn't just toss him outside or dump him elsewhere. Even if you gave him to the Humane Society, you just handed him a death sentence. So, you are not an adult. That does not mean you cannot make mature and responsible choices that affect any animal's life.

As a kid, I would have been all over my mom til she got my pet spayed,... but then again, I wouldn't have HAD to be all over her. We knew that if you got a pet - you got it spayed at 6 months. and if I knew I'd have no influence over my parents and how they'd respect my pet, I'd tell them I wasn't interested in having one. And spays? Like I said, there are FREE ones out there, ones you as a minor can find and get for your pet even if you don't have a part time job.

We are not trying to make you feel like a bad pet parent. If you feel that way, its your own guilt reflected upon yourself knowing you are wrong. All that we have told you isn't something new and shocking. There have been "spay and Neuter" drives in every area of the country for a good 20 years. Ignorance doesn't make animal neglect right. And NOT spaying your cat is neglect. "Getting rid" of a pet is neglect.

Too darn bad if you don't like the truth.

12-03-2005, 07:31 AM
yeah we had to get RID of him sorry but we are TIGHT with money to afford 1 CAT now i dunno where we put that cat but we would never get RID of Gemini she is now happy he is gone but we gave him away to OUR neighbors but THEY had him for A WEEK they didnt like him HE WAS BAD

12-03-2005, 07:35 AM
i was just asking what i wanted to know then yall DRAGGED it to a NEW subject ok

12-03-2005, 08:19 AM
[QUOTE]We are not trying to make you feel like a bad pet parent. If you feel that way, its your own guilt reflected upon yourself knowing you are wrong. All that we have told you isn't something new and shocking. There have been "spay and Neuter" drives in every area of the country for a good 20 years. Ignorance doesn't make animal neglect right. And NOT spaying your cat is neglect. "Getting rid" of a pet is neglect.

Too darn bad if you don't like the truth"

Well put.


Hey, you asked for the advice and I gave it. But I want you also to know that I TOTALLY agree with Catnapper and everyone else here. We speak from experience, rescuing HUNDREDS not to mention THOUSANDS (right, Jan?) of cats abandoned, neglected and abused from the streets everyday. It breaks my heart.

Please do the right thing and have your cats spayed AND neutered when they become of age, not AFTER they've had 4 or 5 litters. If you want to experience it, rent the movie! :(

12-03-2005, 08:53 AM
A Cat is not bad,hes a Cat doing what Cats do,when they are not neutered,and is shunted from house to house.
Does that mean,that sadly hes a homeless stray?
Is there a No Kill Shelter near you,where you can take him,where he will have a chance at a New Home.
We are praying for that Poor Cat.
I see so many Boy Cats on the Porch,that someone didnt want,not to be sad over your former Companion.

12-03-2005, 12:13 PM
i was just asking what i wanted to know then yall DRAGGED it to a NEW subject ok

NOBODY here "dragged" it to a new subject. We're just going on what you tell us.

Getting rid of the male cat is in NO WAY a substitute for spaying the mother after she has her litter. PERIOD. If you think that "getting rid" of the male will solve your problems, you are terribly mistaken.

You say you can't even afford to take care of one cat now, but you have a pregnant mother?? You wouldn't have had that problem in the first place if you would have been a responsible pet owner and did the responsible thing. But now that you have kittens on the way, if you can not provide the mother proper medical care and attention throughout and after her pregnancy, and also vet bills for the kittens, then you really need to think of other alternatives.

Maybe this will be a learning experience for you in the future to get future pets spayed and neutered.

12-03-2005, 02:59 PM
LOLOL.... more excuses. :rolleyes: If anyone knows what its like trying to afford cats when you can barely afford to live yourself, it is me. Lets just say we barely make ends meet each month, and we are seriously in debt up to our eyeballs.... yet I do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure my cats are well taken care of and fed the best possible foods.

I plan for vet visits months in advance and sock away a few dollars here and there for their annual visits. I have friends who help me when they have emergencies, and I repay them as I can. I live on mac-n-cheese and PB&J sandwiches just so I can afford their special food.

Once again, this will be the THIRD time I mention it --- and I'll capitalize it this time so you don't miss it: THERE ARE FREE SPAY AND NEUTER PROGRAMS AVAILABLE!!!!

There is NO excuse for not spaying your cat. No excuse for dumping a spraying unneutered male: thats what unneutered males DO. FYI, unneutered males also tend to have a slew of behavioral issues like dominace and aggression. Getting them fixed tends to fix all the issues.

12-03-2005, 11:56 PM
I am not sure how old you are, but to come on a pet loving site and to tell us you got rid of the boy cat because he was bad, is disgusting to me, and I am not going to apologise if this makes you feel bad, because if that is what was done then you should feel more than bad, really really horrible, it was up to you and your parents to be responsible and find a decent home for this poor cat, there is no such thing as a bad cat, honestly your post infuriates me and makes my blood boil, no matter how old you are, my daughter is 13 and would never ever contemplate such an act.

I hope you took some of the advice offered to you,because it was good solid advice from experienced people.

12-04-2005, 12:46 AM
I don't mean to sound rude but you all attacked this poor person for not doing what "you" think is right. Now I am not saying that what she did was right but everyone has their own opinion. All she did was ask for suggestions on what to do. Maybe she was just looking into it for her own education and her parents have everything under control. She also said that she gave the boy cat to her neighbors and THEY got RID of him because he was bad, not her. :( How was she to know what they would do, maybe they took him to a no kill shelter you weren't there and you all don't know the whole story. It is comments like these from judgemental people that has made me not come here as much, not everyone but there are a few that make it hard to comment being afraid of being "attacked". Yes those cats should have been fixed, in my opinion, but they weren't. I understand the whole over populated kitty problem and yes it is sad but it is life, and we can all do what we can to help the problem but it will never be fixed, period. :eek: Man some people...

12-04-2005, 07:56 AM
I feel terribly sad for all the cats involved. I get "rid of" trash...not living breathing animals. Poor tom cat will be a statistic soon. :(

12-04-2005, 08:32 AM
It is comments like these from judgemental people that has made me not come here as much, not everyone but there are a few that make it hard to comment being afraid of being "attacked".

Man some people...
That sounds judgemental in itself. If she wanted people to pat her on the back and say "Gee, I'm so sorry you are in this mess honey.." its isn't going to happen here. Truth is she MADE this mess for herself by not spaying her cat. There are way too many people who put their heart and souls into rescuing animals just like her cat because their owners don't provide proper veterinary care or they do not work with their pets when problems arise.

You want comisseration, find a message board where people are ignorant of cat behavior and care. Perhaps a site on rock collecting... but there you might find someone who knows abot cats and would tell you the truth.

Some people... I was thinking that about HER because SHE isn't listening to us. SHE is giving excuse after excuse. Youth is NOT an excuse. Yes, when I was young, I had limited resources but I still took care of my responsibilities. I have a new foster as of last night because my DAUGHTER brought him home. She couldn't bear the thought of him out in the snow.... and she made sure I took him in. I'll say it again: is NOT an excuse, merely a hurtle to overcome.

I am sorry you feel like you'd be attacked for something. Not everyone comes here knowledgable in all things feline. I know I didn't. But I aslso had enough common sense NOT to get my cats pregnant.

12-04-2005, 11:32 AM
At the clear risk of getting my head bitten off....

I think the point has been made that this person has made mistakes in judgement, but she DID come seeking advice and education. Perhaps THAT could be the focus?

She has limited funds and kittens on the way and it is not clear how involved or aware of sensitive pet care her parents are. Maybe helping her LEARN would be good?

If it is a matter of proving I'm on the lines helping cats, well I live with ten cats...all with hard luck stories attached. Both of my dogs are rescues. Only the birds and the bunny were purchased as "premium" pets...and even two of the birds had health issues that were part of the reason the came to me.

I too have kittens that came from nightmares of neglect...Jack who was left behind in an apartment with two other cats and four pit bulls when his owners moved, was rescued by one of my students (who thought he was a she) and turned over to me when the landlord found out about him. Belladonna who was taken too young from her mother by a student and then given to me because she was not able to eat or eliminate. Her siblings were taken by the student's aunt and all died...Bella is going on three now. I often too go without so my animals have what they need. I spent hundreds of dollars to save the life of a stray I saw run over. I can not count the sick ones and the dying I have comforted and tried to bring to any easier life.

These are choices as adults we are free to make.

As a child I used to steal food from the pantry for our animals and vetted them as best I could with the help of my mom and gram. We did not go to thje doctor either but took care of what we could ourselves. Vets and doctors were for accidents. That was the reality for us. It would be wonderful if everyone has the wisdom and funds to make every cat life perfect...It would be wonderful if that were possible for humans too.

With education and guidance maybe someday it might be. It is hard not to blame when you are on the front lines with the victims, but please consider if blaming is going to do anything here except shut the door on learning how to become a responsible pet mom. Is continuing blaming going to accomplish anything except venting frustration at a problem that is way bigger that this young person? I'm not suggesting patting her back for mistakes, but how about helping her learn not to make those mistakes? Isn't that what adults are supposed to do? Or is our compassion for mistakes only for cats?

12-04-2005, 12:58 PM
Thank you.......well said.

12-04-2005, 08:31 PM
Lisamb since you posted your comments after my post I think you probably were referring to some of my comments, fair enough that is your right, however I wish to point out to you that usually I am the one to stand up for people and say not to be too hard on them etc etc, but you know what the shoe has been on the other foot in this instance, I am personally experiencing the end result of people not spaying their animals, and believe me it has caused nothing but a big headache and much not needed stress in my life, I have decided to be the responsible person in my neighbourhood because the owner won't and neither will anyone else, because I am an animal lover and cannot stand by and just witness terrible things happening, all of which is due to irresponsible people who refuse to spay their animals, the problems caused are far more than you think or even realise, I find it impossible to be sympathetic in this situation where normally I would, but hey I am now in amongst it all myself and truely understanding what Kim and other foster and rescuers really go through , and believe me if anyone has the right to speak up they do.

Having said that I do agree we can try and educate her, but being all sweet and nice as pie does not teach her or her parents anything, as kim would put it sugar coating it, I certainly will not defend anyone who choose to be an irresponsible pet owner regardless of their age, Kim is right youth is not an excuse, My own child is 13 and she is true animal lover who would take her responsibilities seriously.

Yes she said she gave the cat away, or should i word it as she did, she got rid of it, it was up to her to ensure the kitty was given to a good home and throughly investigate the prospective home IMO.

I certainly have no apologies to make to anyone . Just one more thing I do hold her parents responsible, but she can also do her bit, maybe educating her own parents, worth a try. Barncat you raised some good points and I am not entirley disagreeable with you at all, and yes what is done is done I suppose, but still it is not easy just to let comments like we got rid of him slide by, not for me anyhow.

12-04-2005, 11:45 PM
She also said that she gave the boy cat to her neighbors and THEY got RID of him because he was bad, not her. :( How was she to know what they would do, maybe they took him to a no kill shelter you weren't there and you all don't know the whole story. It is comments like these from judgemental people that has made me not come here as much, not everyone but there are a few that make it hard to comment being afraid of being "attacked". Yes those cats should have been fixed, in my opinion, but they weren't. I understand the whole over populated kitty problem and yes it is sad but it is life, and we can all do what we can to help the problem but it will never be fixed, period. :eek: Man some people...

...Man some people ?? What does that mean ?? Those who have been trying to offer advice on this thread have been doing just that, even if it should come across as judgmental. It's not always intended to sound judgmental, and sometimes that's the only way to get a point across and into someone's head that all of this is irresponsible behavior of the cat owner. You only have 29 posts so I see that you are relatively new to this site. Many of us on here are dedicated to rescue and fostering and "man some people" comments like yours just aren't going to last long here. I was sick to my stomach when I heard that this person "got rid of the boy cat" because as it was said, that male cat was just handed his death sentence.

12-05-2005, 06:55 PM
You know if I asked a question and got ripped a new one I wouldn't listen nor would I take any advice(especially if I was young)...all I was saying was there are alot nicer ways to try to educate some one on what you all believe is right.(And my heart goes out to you all that take in rescues and take care of them until they can find a new home, that would be like giving a child away,I for one couldn't do it and I thank you all who do.) ;) I may only have 29 posts but I used to come here everyday sometimes several times a day(stay at home mommy of 2month old and 8 yr old boys) and I myself am an animal lover and I know you all are too. I wasn't pinpointing anyone particular just they way most were reacting, just take peoples feelings into consideration when you are upset and want to "help" them. Do like I do when my 8 yr old is being an 8 yr old, count to 20 (sometimes more :eek: ) and then answer. :)

12-06-2005, 03:23 PM
Lisamb I have been here almost three years now, and most people know me fairly well, I am usually the type of person who gives people the benefit of the doubt and trys to be positive, however in this case I found it impossible to do that, because for once I am actually dealing with a problem in my life created by a person's irresponsibility, and guess what i DONT like it very much, sometimes you have to experience these things for yourself to really understand the full situation and now I believe i am, I fully understand peoples emotions riding high on this one, there are some people you just cannot educate, you just have to take the situation on yourself and right it, as I am trying to do with what I am faced with here.

Being all sweet and nice as pie does not always achieve anything, sometimes people need to hear it for what it is, I hear what you are saying, but until you have walked in some one elses shoes you really have not got a clue, and I say that referring to myself.,because before I had never been placed in a position as i am now, and never realised just how hard it all is and how emtionally draining it can all be, so anyone who does do rescuing or fostering, IMO have every right to feel annoyed at this thread, and say so, there has also been plenty of education offered to this poster to, and just for the record i do stop and think before i post.

12-10-2005, 08:01 PM
:( well i'm considered a bad mom from yall :(

12-10-2005, 09:12 PM
...and how exactly do you all elect a child take care of spaying a cat? the truth of the matter is that being in charge of what funds go where, her parents should've taken care of it. yes, she could rake leaves and give an adoption fee for each kitten to cover mom's spay, but what does that do if no one will take her to the vet's ofice? nothing. at. all.

We are not all born with a knowledge of care for every creature on the planet and a cloud mansion next to a vet's office. While I am not saying that all decisions made in this case were good, the "flame&blame" aproach does nothing to help reverse the situation. As frustrating as it is to most here, it's over. Done with. We can't un-impregnate the cat, and we can't pre-neuter the tom.
The cat is knocked up, the male is gone, the family can't afford one cat, let alone 3-9, and the parents don't care enough/are too broke to spay it. The best we can do now is offer info and hope everything goes well. It seems that in your situation, if something goes wrong during birth, you'd just end up losing your cat AND the kittens.

www.kitten-rescue.com has info on what to do in case the mom dies, as well as general kitten-care tips.

http://www.lovethatcat.com/spayneuter.html has a list of low-cost and free spay/neuter clinics throughout the US.

http://www.messybeast.com/handrear.htm more info on handrearing kittens

http://www.sniksnak.com/cathealth/howto15.html info on feline pregnancy and what to do when birth time comes

I hope she does fine and you can convince your parents to get her & the kittens spayed and neutered. Helping save up for it yourself and explaining the pros & cons of spay/neuter may help convince them to do it.

12-10-2005, 10:40 PM
Just for the record I have always stated her parents are the ones responsible here, however she is the poster, not them, so we can only tell her what should be done and hope she can have some influence on her parents somehow, I do understand she is only young and does not control the finances, and can only do so much,but she can still play an important part, even if she is the one to educate her own parents, does happen sometimes.

12-11-2005, 08:50 AM
Again, the advice you are getting on emergency care of kittens is great... but do not panic about all the things that could go wrong. Most cats have healthy kittens without much trouble.

Be aware and prepared, but in most cases, the female does just fine. Good food (whether special food or just as much of her regular food as she wants to eat), a safe warm place to keep her kittens and plenty of fresh water and she will most likely do fine. Putting old clean towels in her nest box is a good way of giving her a soft warm bed that is easy to wash, but if that's not an option newspaper is a good insulater (warm) and can be thrown away when dirty.

Some cats become very protective of their babies, so if she gets hissy don't take it personally or worry. Some cats love to have their person admire their kittens. Watch your cat to see what makes her comfortable. (One of my females back inthe day used to come in the house for treats and cuddles between giving birth to kittens... that was very unusual. Moms don't usually eat while they are in labor, but Sootie was hand raised from two days old (her mom was killed by a car) and she was a very devoted mommy cat.)

12-11-2005, 12:56 PM
The Found Cats,Porchies Angels and I are praying that the Kittens are born healthy.
As one who for the first time had Kittens in the house,due to Starry Pouncette,I pray that the Momma Cat and Babies will be All Right,and That The Momma Cat wont have to go through this again.

12-11-2005, 01:07 PM
Amen to that, Gary!

12-11-2005, 05:34 PM
:( well i'm considered a bad mom from yall :(

Sweetie we as rescuers see cats and kittens put to sleep by the day by the thousands, and most cats never have a full life, because they dont spay and neuter, and therefore we as rescuers try to help as many as we can get out of the shelters and into good homes, but meanwhile in the back of the shelter they are dying by the zillions, and our hearts are sick at the thought that all one has to do is go to the vet and alter their animals. I would hope and pray that you spay and neuter mom and dad, dad immediatly! And mom when she is done, and then I would also hope you would spay and neuter each of her kittens prior to them leaving for their new homes, this is the education we are out to teach and this is how you can help to help them, the mistake has been made and now its time to make it right. If you need help or have questions please feel free to ask, but know how we feel seeing what we see and now is happening in the real world, it breaks our hearts and make us angry. Please understand, and help stop this trend,,,,,,,you dont want your baby kittens or the mom and dad in the shelter put to sleep, so this spay and neuter thing is a must, maybe we can help you find someone near you to help there are lots of organizations out the than can, where are you?


12-11-2005, 06:49 PM
I feel awful for that "bad male cat" and the mom, and the poor kittens that will be born.

Here's an idea. Go on the internet and SEARCH for information. Considering you have many little lives on your irresponsible hands I'd recommend you get as much information as possible asap.

When these cats are born SPAY the mother and make sure you find good homes for the kittens. Do not give them away for free, and don’t drop them off somewhere to be killed. Interview each and every family and make sure you get them all perfect homes.

12-11-2005, 07:12 PM
Ratchet22 you put everything so well, I commend you for your tolerance, I guess I would have liked to say exactly what you said and how you said it, but at the time I was feeling overwhelmed myself by a situation caused by irresponsible people with pets.

Please take the advice offered, and try to assure the kittens go to good homes and take time to do that, not just so that they are gone, make sure whoever takes them agrees to spay or neuter each and everyone of them, even get them to sign something and check up on them later, this even you can do at your young age, then get mama spayed as soon as you can, don't want another litter on your hands,at least if you do this you are taking responsiblity for actions you did not take (e.g getting mama spayed in the first place)and that is a real step in the right direction, I know you are only young and can only do so much especially as you do not control the purse strings, but just talking with your parents about it and telling them what you think should be done, might just work and it will indeed make you feel better about the whole situation. GOOD LUCK.

12-12-2005, 07:45 AM
I don't think you are being irresponsible, it's parents. I am in the exact situation you are.... my kitten is pregnant because my dad woulden't spay her. I know how bad you would feel and that you have come for help. Again, good luck with the delivery.

12-12-2005, 12:11 PM
It saddens me to see so many parents who are not being responsible and not teaching their young folk to be, but at least you both know what is the right thing to be done in both situations, do any of you earn pocket money or have little jobs, maybe you can save up to have the cats spayed, some places do them very cheap, worth a thought, and I am sorry if I have appeared harsh with some things I have said, they should have been directed at the real problem THE PARENTS, which I have always said all along should be the ones responsible here, but unfortunately it is not them who is online, I wish it were. :(

12-12-2005, 03:45 PM
yep. I don't have a job, I am not old enough. and i can't baby sit because of hockey and school. I am pretty sure my dad will spay her after her kittens are weaned. How bout you babychicaleek?

12-12-2005, 05:45 PM
Well I sure hope so, pity he had not thought about it before they were brought into this world, but what is done is done,some people have this belief a cat becomes better natured after having kittens, not a good reason to let your cat become pregnant IMO. :( .

12-13-2005, 07:48 AM
well my dad really didn't want kittens at all. he just never listens to me :rolleyes:

12-13-2005, 01:40 PM
well my cat gemini gave me the idea that she might have her kittens in the
bath tub (is that safe?)


i already have someone that is interested in having a baby kitty

12-13-2005, 02:36 PM
Well that is a start, at least one baby maybe has a good home, have you checked out these people, do you think they will be good pet owners and will agree to de-sex the baby when it it time? :)

12-13-2005, 02:40 PM
I think the tub probably makes her feel secure, just make sure she has a lot of blankets to keep warm. Hopefully its not a tub you need to use.

12-14-2005, 06:02 PM
I'm giving up my room for Gemini and her kittens too :)
she deserves it its a way of saying sorry for being a bad mommy :(
tonight i'm going to prepare for her and kinda let her know its a good idea to have her kittens in my room my room is really safe i don't have that much stuff just a bed a few shelfs and a mirror which should be removed

i wanna know if thats a good idea your the cat experts :confused:

12-14-2005, 06:52 PM
That's a great idea!! She'll be less stressed when her babies are born. If you have a radio, play classical music when you're gone. She'll be fine. The more relaxed she is, the better her chances are.

She'll start to get restless, not eat much, mess her bed up (messing up the covers trying to get comfortable). When it's really close, she'll start panting and pushing. Just let her be. If she's on the bed, move her to a box on the floor. This way none of the babies can fall off the bed and get hurt. Talk softly to her and praise her on what a good girl she is. It lets her know that you're there for her. She'll clean each kitten up as they're born. It's normal for her to eat the umbilical chord and placenta of each kitten (sorry, I know it's gross). They should start nursing. It'll take up to 10 hours from start to finish.

Good luck kiddo. It's been a harsh reality. I do hope your Dad wises up. There's alot of good advice here that he should definitely listen to!! ;)

12-14-2005, 07:49 PM
You are a good girl for wanting to help Gemini through this, Donna has given you great advice, hope all goes well and post some pics of mama and babies when you can. :)

P.S Don't be too hard on yourself and consider yourself a bad mommy, just a mis-informed one, you are trying to make amends and have Gemini's well-being as your top priority , that in itselfs shows you have learn't alot here and are growing towards becoming a very responsible pet owner and that is all good.

12-15-2005, 05:14 PM
Thank you for all of your help :D

12-15-2005, 05:21 PM
Do you mind saying which state your are in? My kitty passed away earlier this year and I wouldn't turn down a kitten in need, I am not actively looking for a kitty right now because I am trying to get my new puppy a little more grown but I probably wouldn't turn down one in need.

12-15-2005, 06:08 PM
I live in Michigan :p

12-15-2005, 06:11 PM
Oh...never mind..I am in California...I am sure you can find home for the babies, they are easier to adopt out that grown up cats, and actually that is why I will probably eventually get a grown up cat. My neighbor just adopted a mature kitty, its a dilute calico and she is so sweet.

12-15-2005, 06:14 PM
That's Great :D

I'm also wondering what name would go perfect with


I only can keep 1 kitten when they are ready to leave their mother :(

I was thinking Melodi would be kewl but I wanna hear from you :eek:

12-15-2005, 07:41 PM
Melodi would be an awesome name, It is one I have picked out for any future kitties, I have a rather long list lol, mine is Melody spelt differently and Harmony. You are fortunate to beable to keep one, but remember NEUTER AND SPAY both mama and bubs when the time is right, keep that uppermost in your mind. :)

12-15-2005, 08:04 PM
Is Gemini looking around in a lot of different places lately? :confused: She may enjoy having a box in a closet where it's a bit dark, but with enough room for her to move around and clean off each kitten as they arrive into the world. And as Moosmom said they do (hopefully) chew the umbilical cords, and eat the placentas, but not always. Doing this is natural to a cat (and other mammals) and helps her to produce milk. ;) If she doesn't do so, you should be prepared to cut the cords off yourself. I have needed to do this with new mamas, and all I did was tie off the cord about two inches from the kitten's belly, and then cut the rest off with scissors. Cats teeth use a scissor like motion which shreds the cord on the ends so it doesn't bleed, but humans can't replicate that one! :eek: It will dry up naturally in several days and fall off. Be sure you are feeding Gemini a lot of wet food, and kitten chow also, as it provides her with calcium which will not only help what came out of her own body to make the babies, but also helps her milk supply. ;) I hope you take everyone's suggestions and get all the babies spayed and neutered along with mama before they leave. I rescue way too many kittens, and statistics say that out of a litter of four kittens, only one will have a forever home. Some will be dumped on the street, and some will end up in shelters that are already full. Michigan is one of those states where there's far too many adoptable pets already suffering, and it's the lucky ones who either find forever homes, or are euthanised humanely. Far too many end up on the streets, and it would be a shame for any of your babies to be to end up like that. :( ;)

smokey the elder
12-16-2005, 08:08 AM
The one thing is that the kittens will be weaned in late winter. There are very few kittens available then for adoption, so should go quick.

But please get Mama spayed after.

12-16-2005, 08:18 PM
You know the boy cat that got Gemini pregnant I named him Melodi before I found out he was a boy and I always thought those two names flowed :)

Gemini & Melodi

12-17-2005, 02:21 PM
She's been sleeping all day

aww baby Gemini ;)

12-17-2005, 03:21 PM

This is Gemini's 1st picture

December 2005 (7th months old)

12-17-2005, 03:26 PM

Gemini (white and grey) and Melodi (black)

August 2005

12-17-2005, 03:30 PM

Gemini 15 months August 2005

12-18-2005, 08:07 AM
Around January Gemini should have her kittens I'm guessing around
January 24th I'm really prepared right now Gemini is laying in the tub that's her favorite place to hangout or the laundry room (that's not safe)

12-19-2005, 07:53 AM
Gemini is a beautiful kitty!! Good Luck with the pregnancy!

12-19-2005, 08:28 AM
Cats have a way of finding what they think is a safe place to have thier Babies.
Pouncette had hers behind my LPS in the Wooden Pine Record Crates,where she was hidden.
She has disappeared and when I went to look for her,I herad the faint meewing.I removed the crate and there were Pouncette Gary and Ivon.
I got a clean towel,and brought them upstairs,into the spare Bedroom.
Then the Animal Welfare gathered them up,and All Three have Furr Ever Homes.
I hera that Gary and Ivon are very big for thier ages,and I think that Scratchy the Porchie is thier Dad.
We are praying that Your Gemini will be safe and that there will be no problems with The Kittens.

12-19-2005, 04:21 PM
Thank you soooo much for caring :)

12-19-2005, 06:24 PM
She is very pretty, she looks barely a kitten herself, take good care of her now and love her to bits and don't forget about the spaying. :)

12-20-2005, 02:02 PM
Ok :) everytime I'm on catoftheday.com Gemini is always laying on my bed in my room lol :p

Gemini is only 19 months (1 year and 7 months)

I adopted Gemini december 13 2004 (7th months old)

12-20-2005, 02:39 PM

Here is Gemini (7th months old) ~December 2004~

Climbing up our walls!!