View Full Version : We're getting started!

11-30-2005, 06:24 PM
Magic and I are on our first leg of training in Fly Ball. She has to complete an Obed 2 course in reliable recall before we can get down to the fly ball training. That is scheduled for Jan 6, 2006. I'm really excited about her becoming involved with other dogs and being able to interact with her ball rather than just playing in the back yard. She is fantastic at retreval and I think she'll do fine in Fly Ball. We will have an evaluation of her body structure and a thorough vet check before she ever gets started but I'm really glad to have something to do with her that involves other people and dogs!

11-30-2005, 07:17 PM
She looks like she's saying "I'm ready, Mom, let's go!" Beautiful girl!

11-30-2005, 07:39 PM
LOL thanks, but what she's really telling me is there is a chipmunk in the front yard and I'm too slow to help her catch it!

12-01-2005, 07:20 AM
You shouldnt have to do a course on recalls....
If your traning right you`ll work in that in calss.

Thats what we did.
But sasha has an alright recall anyway, BUT, We practice recalls everyday.

that weas one of the first things we practced.

and not to mentions that most obediance rules go right out the window while doing flyabll.. :)

but good luck

12-01-2005, 05:45 PM
LOL thanks, but what she's really telling me is there is a chipmunk in the front yard and I'm too slow to help her catch it!

Hee hee - we humans are just *so* slow, aren't we? ;) It's a wonder our animals put up with us sometimes, especially when we just don;t understand how urgent say, chasing that chipmonk, really is!

12-03-2005, 09:13 AM
Flyball sounds fun! I've seen dogs compete and it is just amazing to see how fast they are and how much fun they are having. Hope you and Magic both like it!

12-27-2005, 11:53 PM
Congratulations how exciting :D. Have fun and enjoy your classes, Flyball is great and uh...... addictive :p.

12-28-2005, 08:44 AM
I would love to try Flyball but I don't have the dog for it. I am so glad you are trying Flyball. It's a wonderful sport for dogs to bond with their owners and get excerise. Congrats and good luck! :D

12-30-2005, 05:14 PM
That's awesome! ;) Gonzo is a Flyball pup too, herding dogs absolutely own the sport... hehe.

Great recall and solid Obedience really is necessary unless you have a super driven ball-addict. My BC prefers other dogs and people way over getting a tennis ball out of a box, so we spent over a year working on advanced Obedience to get him more focused. Now, he won't even LOOK at the dog in the lane next to him when he's racing. Good Obedience will definitely make Flyball training much easier for you and Magic! I can't wait to see how you guys do, I'm sure you will be competing by this summer ;)!!

Also, I suggest you get a very durable tug toy (rope, nylon, bungee, or rubber material works best) and get Magic addicted to it... she only gets it during Flyball as a reward. You'll need her to be tug-obsessed when you start competing.

01-15-2006, 11:54 PM
So how did your first lesson go? :D