View Full Version : A bad day for my sister.......

11-30-2005, 03:11 PM
My poor sister was accosted yesterday, this moron tryed to take her handbag off her, she resisted and held on tight, he let go at the same she did and she fell over resulting in a very bad sprained ankle, she is all black and blue, he got away unfortunately, some people did come to her aid, but only when it was too late, that is why he ran off, there were not too many people around at the time it happened.

People said to her why did you not just let him have it, as she put it to me it is just instinct to hold on, besides she had all her credit cards, money, drivers licence etc in there, damed if that moron was going to get it, so she is on crutches today and in a lot of pain, and off work , so far cost her over a 120 dollars just for medication , doctors visits, xrays etc.

It is a sad world we live in today for sure.

11-30-2005, 03:25 PM
It is a sad world we live in today for sure

Ain't THAT the truth!!!

Why these kinds of people don't get jobs is beyond me. I hope your sister heals quickly, Carole. Give her a hug for me and tell her I said RIGHT ON!!! I would've kicked him in the hoos-hoos. Jerk!! :mad:

11-30-2005, 03:30 PM
OMG! That's awful. Your poor sister. I hope she'll be okay. I'll send positive thoughts her way. Where does your sister live? I have a co-worker who that happend to once. She was living in MA at the time. She said it was a frightening experience and she gets mad and upset to this day just talking about it. They never found her purse. I hope they find the guy who took your sisters purse.

11-30-2005, 03:50 PM
Its sad but true, evey where in the world we have to be carefull..hope your sister is better soon.. :(

11-30-2005, 04:34 PM
I am sending positive vibes your sisters way. I hope she is on her feet soon.

11-30-2005, 04:53 PM
I'm with Donna too bad she didn't inflect pain on him. I would have fought too. Prayers for quick healing. But Way to go sister!!!!

11-30-2005, 04:55 PM
Yikes! I am so sorry! Please tell her to take care of herself!

This is why I no longer carry a purse. I usually just have a driver's license and possibly my ATM card. I do not carry any credit cards - we got rid of them all. I only take my check book when I know I'll need it. Sad world we live in to make me make all these changes.

11-30-2005, 06:47 PM
Yup people think little old NZ is crime free, but no longer the case, I suppose in comparison to larger countries it is, but it is no longer a place where you can leave things unlocked for sure.

It kinda happened really quick so she did not get a good description of the jerk, so i guess he will not get caught, but let us hope he is not going to try it again in a hurry, but i have my doubts about that.

Thanks for the well wishes and she is taking some pain killers, antiflamms for her ankle and it is a bit better today,but yes it does give you a shock, so unexpected.

I remember once she was in a cafe having lunch and this guy snatched her bag, but two members of the public chased him and caught the jerk and she got her bag back, it was good to see that happen in this day and age, she made sure they both received a gift for their trouble as she was so pleased to get her bag back.

Laura's Babies
11-30-2005, 07:12 PM
Years ago, I worked 2 jobs for 2 years so that I could get a newer car. Soon as I got it, some idiot broke into it and stole the speakers and tried to steal the radio but I think they got interupted because they only got as far as pulling the knobs off of it. I was SO mad that if I had got my hands on whoever it was, I would have beaten them to a pulp!! I was so furious that I could have killed them and not blinked an eye doing it.. I worked for TWO years and some lazy so and so to lazy to work for what they want tried to steal what I'd worked for?? :mad: The policeman that wrote up that report begged me if I found out who did it to call THEM and not try to handle it myself... Ha!

I hate a thief more than anything! If I see something you have that I want, I WORK so I can buy my own! I would have reacted the same way your sister did though. Here in the TV news they had a thing about this time of the year and not to even carry a purse. Put things in your pockets and pay attention to your surroundings when outside and always be alert. They said they target people because they ARE targets, walk alert, looking around, with no purse and you are less a target.

11-30-2005, 07:25 PM
It is a sad world Carole. :( I'm glad your sister wasn't too badly hurt (broken bones or dead), but I'm sure she's terribly shaken up over it all. No one needs their life jeopardized like that! :mad: I gave up carrying pocketbooks many years ago. I carry what I need in my pockets, and that's it. Too many purse snatchers around here to risk it. :rolleyes: Hope sis's sprain heals fast.

11-30-2005, 08:06 PM
That's just horrible! And stuff like this really gets to me. I'm so sorry for your poor sister, Carole. Hope that she gets well soon. :)

11-30-2005, 08:37 PM
I would have resisted and tryed to fight him off, too! :mad: I hope she feels better, and can get back to her job!:)

12-01-2005, 11:55 AM
carole ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she feels better soon. And what a nightmare she faces making sure all her credit cards are reported stolen. They don't make it easy on a person .

12-01-2005, 12:45 PM
Lisa the good news is he did not get her bag, she fought him off, I guess that was what she was thinking what a nightmare it is to cancel everything and get new ones, etc, so he got nothing, thank goodness.

12-01-2005, 01:28 PM
Lisa the good news is he did not get her bag, she fought him off, I guess that was what she was thinking what a nightmare it is to cancel everything and get new ones, etc, so he got nothing, thank goodness.
Oops, sorry I missed that part of the story. I'm glad he didn't get her bag but am so sorry about her ankle.

Anita Cholaine
12-01-2005, 01:34 PM
This is awful..... Hope she feels better soon.... Crime is something we know very well here, in Buenos Aires....

12-01-2005, 03:42 PM
Your poor sister. :( I hope her ankle heals up soon as well as the bruises. What a scary ordeal. :(

12-01-2005, 04:07 PM
Thank You, yes her foot is a bit better today, but black and blue from the ankle to the toes, she managed to get herself upstairs to the computer, but was not sure how to get down again , I hope she did not get stuck up there, no doubt she figured it out, at least she has her handbag intact that is something and the satisfaction of knowing that little jerk did not get it.