View Full Version : Speaking of dogs and roads.....

04-01-2002, 12:07 PM
While on my way to Andy's house this Friday, my heart skipped a beat at the sight of a dog standing on the side of Interstate-696 near Detroit.

At that part of the highway, it is 4 lanes and traffic was thick and moving fast. I was trapped in the far left lane with no way of getting over. Plus having Kia with me, I fretted to think (even now) if she had jumped out of the car if I had been able to stop... or if the dog might of had a disease.

I prayed to God to make the dog turn around and go back into the woods.

What struck me was how much this dog looked so much like Souraya's Drake. The same fuzzy face and ears with the same build. Only his coloring was more brown than gray.

I pray, if he or she has a family, that they are home safe.

04-01-2002, 12:24 PM
Oh, I hope the Drake look-alike is safe :(

I went to Alabam on Thursday afternoon for my 3 day weekend and saw a few dogs lying dead on the side of the road. I couldn't help but cry. It broke my heart.

04-01-2002, 12:39 PM
I've seen more dogs standing on the side of the highway lately than ever before. None hit as of yet (I don't think I could handle seeing that) and everytime I see them, I pray loudly to God to make them get away.

Recently on a trip back from Indiana, it was 3 dogs, ducking under the fence and watching the traffic....

If these precious animals have owners I can't believe how careless they are.... :mad:

04-01-2002, 02:05 PM
I keep a crate, leashes, food, and treats in my car for this very reason. The crate is huge and a pain to carry around in my Camry but it has come in handy so many times.

04-01-2002, 03:16 PM
Thankfully, we do not live on a busy street because our neighbors a few doors down are not responsible dog owners!!! The first time I met their little terrier she came running across the street to see Sadie and Cincy. She wouldn't come to me and she wouldn't go to her owner. Meanwhile, this idiot comes flying down the street with no obvious intnetion of slowing down. I stood in the middle of the road so that the dog wouldn't get hit and the guy had to go around. The owner said she was taking the dog in the car and didn't think she would run off..okay I thought, one time thing. It happens. BUT...

So many times since then I have seen that dog a few houses down...across the street...just wandering....and her owners are mowing the lawn, working on the car, or not anywhere in sight!!!
I know I watch for the dog everytime I come around the corner, but not everyone knows it may be there...I just hope the dog doesn't get hit.

04-01-2002, 04:16 PM
What struck me was how much this dog looked so much like Souraya's Drake. The same fuzzy face and ears with the same build. Only his coloring was more brown than gray.

Maybe it was a wolf? I hope he/she was OK also!

I have a strange tradition that my cousin and I started as little children. Whenever I see a dog or cat that has been hit by a car, I throw a penny out the window and say a little prayer for them and their family.
We actually say "Good luck in heaven." There is more but this is from the heads and mouths of 4 and 5 yr olds so I'll post it another time and place to make everyone laugh! It makes me feel so bad to see them and I know someone is missing them and will be heartbroken. And if they don't have a home, I will miss them!!! :( :(