View Full Version : PT Matriarch & Patriarch

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-29-2005, 03:30 PM
I was thinking the other day.....

I know we have some old ladies here - Peanut is 17, Speckles is 18, Mimi is....16(?), Samantha is 17(?), Kasha is...in her teens, and I know we have a few more that I can't think of right now.

So I was wondering, who is our oldest female kitty here on PT right now?

And since we can't discriminate, how about the oldest male? Since Tubby died, I guess I haven't been paying much attention to the elderly gentleman here because I can't think of any off the top of my head. :o

11-29-2005, 03:36 PM
I don't know how old Fluffy is exactly but we have had him 16 years now and when I first brought him into the vet, he estimated him to be 2 years old, so if that was correct, our old guy is 18??? :eek: :eek:

On a very sad note, my friend Steve called me today and told me he had to put his cat, Cricket down last friday.....she was 16. Poor Cricket, she was walking into walls and not knowing how to turn herself around. :( Rest in peace Cricket!! I know your daddy is missing you already!

11-29-2005, 03:38 PM
Kasha is 15. She'll be 16 in April. Twicket would have been 16 next month. All my other boys are just youngins! Glacier is the oldest and he's only 7!

11-29-2005, 03:54 PM
My Tabitha is 17... will be 18 June 10, 2006. And she seems to be doing wonderful! She has days when she would prefer to just lounge... but what kitty doesn't??? ;)

Her sister Sasha is only 2 and will be 3 in July of 2006! I know that Sasha is a total irratation to Tabitha, but again, what little sister isn't???? (Spoken by the youngest of 5 sisters!)

11-29-2005, 03:55 PM
Leonardo is my oldest. He's 15. I try not to think of his age. It will break my heart when he goes.

11-29-2005, 03:55 PM
I know we have some old ladies here .....
My goodness!! For a moment I thought you were referring to me!! :eek:

I think Pjevs could join the old gentleman's club, he must be at least 13-14 years old. We first saw him in 94 when we moved in, and he was sleeping in an old pram. Someone had moved out and left him behind. :( :( He looked at least two years old at the time. He is smaller now than he was, so who knows ....

11-29-2005, 04:01 PM
Debbie - I think this is a wonderful thread. Let's also have pics of our senior kitties here ... OK? I hope to one day be among the ranks of those who have been blessed to have a kitty for so many years! ;)


11-29-2005, 04:18 PM
Debbie - I think this is a wonderful thread. Let's also have pics of our senior kitties here ... OK? I hope to one day be among the ranks of those who have been blessed to have a kitty for so many years! ;)


You could always adopt a senior! :D Twicket and Kasha both arrived at my home as seniors. Twicket was over 13 and Kasha was already 15. Adopting them both has been a wonderful experience. I wish I'd had longer with Twicket, but I loved him enough for a lifetime in the 2 years I knew him!

Kasha having a kitten moment. She is very fond of a catnip toy that catmandu sent to Boots. Kasha has claimed it as her own. She still loves a good nip party!

My precious Twicket, taken in April 05. I have a copy of this one framed on my desk at work. I sure miss that boy.

11-29-2005, 05:13 PM
Our Winky (tuxie gent) is 16-17 still acts like a kitten chasing Ebony around.

11-29-2005, 06:39 PM
Michael and The Princess have to be in the 14 Year Old Range,and Nugget I think is a Senior too.
Hes pretty weather beaten.
Moose would be next at 12.Most of the rest are 8 to 10.
Scrappy 2 will be one soon.

11-29-2005, 07:35 PM
Samantha is 17, she will be 18 on June 26, 2006.
It looks like DonnaJ's Tabitha is just a couple of weeks older than Samantha so she isn't the oldest girl kitty.
When is Peanut's birthday?
I'm pretty sure that Mimi is 16, Logan will have to tell you when her birthday is.

Here is a recent photo of Samantha, laying around enjoying the good life of a spoiled senior kitty. :)

11-29-2005, 07:39 PM
Glacier , you seniors are beautiful ... and I HAVE thought seriously about adopting a senior! I just wouldn't want to stress one out by bringing him into my herd. Would have to seriously work out a safety zone for him / her.

SAMANTHA, you KNOW how much I love you! :D


Felicia's Mom
11-29-2005, 09:15 PM
Felicia is around 16; I got her in 1989. Beau was born March 15, 1992.

11-29-2005, 09:21 PM
I know we have some old ladies here - Speckles is 18,
Huh??? What??? Did someone call my name??? Oh it's you Auntie Debbie. Sorry, I was just keeping Meowmie's sweatshirt warm until she puts it on. This is hard work for an old lady you know. If I were to visit you, I would keep your clothes warm to. Yes, I'm a senior and my Meowmie picked me when I was 10. Next April I celebrate my 19th birthday. I'm pretty slow these days and love to spend my spare time sleeping. Then I get up and go on the couch and nap. Then I wake up and jump on the bed and snooze until Meowmie comes home. It's quite a life and I love it. Oh my, I hear the can opener...must go and see what's for dinner. I hope it's fish flavour.....yummmy!! Bye everyone and thanks for thinking of me Auntie Debbie. I wuv you!

Speckles xoxoxo

11-29-2005, 09:25 PM
My cat Chaucer just turned 14 on Thanksgiving day. Here is a picture of him with my guinea pig Paco.

11-29-2005, 09:45 PM
Isn't that gorgeous, the cat and GP together. My cat could never tolerate GPs.

My former neighbor has a cat that would have been about 21 in March but I haven't seen either of them lately so don't know if kitty is still with them.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-30-2005, 09:53 AM
So, so far it looks like Speckles takes the Grand Matriarch status at 18+ and Fluffy gets the Grand Patriarch status at an estimated 18.

Seems there is quite the fight for the 16-17 year old status. When it comes down to whose birthday is when, you know you've got a close one. I don't know Peanut's exact date of birth, but she was about 8 weeks old during Christmas of '88 which would put her at just 17 recently.

I can't believe how well Samantha is holding up. She doesn't appear to have started the severe aging that I noticed in Tubby and that I can see in Twicket (because I know what to look for). I believe she will live to a ripe old age, which hopefully all the matriarchs and patriarchs will do!

Interesting though, how there seem to be so many more elderly ladies than gentleman here. Wonder if cats are like people and the ladies have a longer life span than the men?

Speckles, I would love for you to keep my sweatshirts warm for me. And I have a spot on the couch that would fit you perfectly, and one on the bed too, so come on down sweety! :D

11-30-2005, 11:12 AM
We estamate too as Winky was appx 6 months old when he adopted my son. and that was 9/1989

K & L
11-30-2005, 11:17 AM
Unfortunately we don't know how old any of our cats are since they were all rescues, either feral or tames.

11-30-2005, 12:12 PM
I got Bo as a baby (about six weeks old) in December of 1989, so he just turned 16. I think he is aging remarkable well. He does need help now with his grooming, but then again he has always had that thicker undercoat. He will look ratty if I don't comb his fur for him. He still jumps very well and has no problem jumping up on my lap or onto beds. He is even gaining a little weight back (in his belly) after his hyperthyroidism treatment in August 2004. I sure love him lots, and he is a very affectionate cat.

