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View Full Version : Kia's Near Death Experience on Easter

04-01-2002, 11:37 AM
After reading your post aly about Sheba... I think God was with us both.

Kia had a great weekend with Andy and his family for Easter. We both did. On Saturday, Andy took us to Three Dog Bakery where we bought her some treats as well as her own Easter Basket full of goodies.

After church on Sunday, the three of us went to Andy's parents for Easter Dinner (they live in a quiet subdivision).

I opened the door to get something from the car, when Kia bolted. I called for her to come back but her "game" was on. She ran across the street to the neighbors and I watched as they tried to catch her in vain. By now, me, Andy, and his dad are calling for her. She starts to run towards us but makes a sharp right and books down the road towards the busy intersection.

In a sheer panic I run after her. She has stopped in the yard just before the intersection and is looking at me with this, "Mommy try and catch me!" look. I'm on my knees begging for her to come to me.

Nope. She turns and bolts up the hill, thru the backyard of the house on the corner towards the road.

I scream expecting to hear car horns and screaching brakes, as I had lost sight of her when she went over the hill.

Unbeknownst to me, Andy has ran back to his parents to get her leash and hotdogs.

I'm booking it over the hill and Andy wastes no time in catching up to me.

I'm in near tears. Kia is only 20 feet from certain death and every time I walk towards her she moves away from me. I freeze, begging her to come back.

She's standing at the side of the road at this point and I close my eyes not wanting to see my dog be killed. This is NOT how I planned on spending Easter. I can barely hear Andy behind me calling Kia when I open my eyes for a fraction of a second to see Kia darting past me into Andy's arms.

I wanted to faint.

Needless to say, she didn't get her Easter basket full of goodies that day.

And I have three distinct new white hairs.....:rolleyes:

The house to the far left is the backyard in which I went scrambling thru.... you can sorta see the hill between the house and a little above the wooden fence.... I think I tore up someones flower bed in my panic....

Former User
04-01-2002, 11:41 AM
Oh good grief, how scary! My heart was beating like maniac when I read your text...phew, I'm glad everything is okay now though!!!

04-01-2002, 11:47 AM
Kimmy! What an aweful experience! I am so relieved that Kia is OK. I bet your heart was about to stop. Hurray, Andy for saving the day!

04-01-2002, 11:56 AM
Thank God this story had a happy ending. I was so scared reading it. I could only imagine how you felt.

04-01-2002, 11:58 AM
I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. She's never bolted out of the door like that.

I wanted to yell at her for running away from me but at the same time hug her tight.

All the while she's looking at me like, "What's wrong mommy? Didn't you like my game of tag?"

:p :rolleyes:

Andy was rewarded with lots of kisses. :D

04-01-2002, 12:01 PM
Oh gosh, I can certainly relate to that panic! How scary!! How wonderful that Andy was able to think of the leash and hot dogs. I would have reacted exactly like you. God certainly was watching over Kia. I am so glad everything worked out for you and you all came away unharmed, well except for the few extra gray hairs!

Kia - Don't do that again!!

04-01-2002, 12:01 PM
Oh Kimmy! I feel for you.:eek: :( I have been there and it is SO heart STOPPING when our furry ones behave that way. I am so glad Kia is ok. Kia you NAWTEE girl. You should NOT scare your Mama like that. Thank goodness for Andy and the hotdogs. Kia, Hope you will be giving your Mama extra love and being specially good today.

04-01-2002, 12:03 PM
I'm so glad Kia's Guardian Angel was on the job! I believe animals have them too! I would have been just sick if it had been me. So, glad your wonderful baby is safe.

04-01-2002, 01:52 PM
Scary, Scary, Scary!!!

So glad it had a happy ending!

Dixieland Dancer
04-01-2002, 01:59 PM
Glad Kia is okay! My heart was racing through the story but I had a feeling as soon as you mentioned HOT DOGS, she was okay. When all else fails we can always rely on HOT DOGS! Thank goodness!

04-01-2002, 02:24 PM
Andy was rewarded with lots of kisses.

Kisses from who exactly? You? Or Kia? Or both? ;) ;)

You write an excellent story, had me at the edge of my seat....! I know the feeling you had in the pit of your stomach. I've been there! Especially with a black dog bolting across the street after dark!! YIKES!! :eek:

04-01-2002, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by jennifert
Kisses from who exactly? You? Or Kia? Or both? ;) ;)

That's easy... BOTH!! ;) :D

She was so sad this morning. She misses Andy just as much as I do. :(

04-01-2002, 02:49 PM
:D a Song for Kia

-Hot dogs, Ar-mour Hot Dogs
-- What kind of dogs love Ar-mour Hotdogs?--
Big Dogs, lit-tle dogs,even VERY NAWTEE dogs
Chubby Dogs, skin-ny dogs, ev-en dogs who
RUN for blocks
Love hotdogs, Ar-mour hotdogs
The dogs to bring KIA in at night!

So glad she is OK... but ever since I read your post this AM the song has been in my head.:rolleyes: :D

04-01-2002, 03:09 PM

I gotta write that down and sing it to Kia. Thanks LoudLou.

04-01-2002, 03:22 PM
Glad to hear Kia is okay!

I can only imagine how scared you must have been! Cincy has run off on my twice now, but thanksully both times the streets we not that busy and she actually never left the grass and went into the street. The first time, Sadie ran her down for me and yesterday, at my parents house she got around the front of the house, but stopped when she got near the road...still didn't come back when I called, but at least stopped...one small step....

When my first dog, Oreo used to run off, someone would go for the leash and whatelse but OREO cookies...I know, chocolate is bad..i just didn't know that at 14! Good Save Andy!!!

04-01-2002, 04:39 PM
Oh Kimmy, how frightening! My heart was pounding, just reading your account! Thank God, Kia had an Easter Angel on her shoulder yesterday....Oh Kia, what a fright you gave your Mommy!! AND those grey hairs!!!!! Like with children, after something like that, you want to hug them to death and scold them all at the same time! I'm so glad Kia is OK!!!!! Phew!

04-01-2002, 07:01 PM
That is so scary as I have had it happen. I can relate to the begging and crying. Someone on this message board stated some time back (?Aly) that lay down on ground - face down and a dog will almost alway s come to see whats the matter esp. if you are crying. Happy things turned out good for you and Kia.

04-01-2002, 07:13 PM
WhenI read "Kia's near death...scared me to death! I thought, "Oh my god!". I'm so very happy she is ok! Looks like she likes Andy pretty good! I'm glad to hear everything turned out alright, oh, did Kia get her Easter Basket yet?!;)

04-01-2002, 07:14 PM
Boy this had me on the edge of my seat! I think it is every pet owner's nightmare! Thank God for Andy and hot dogs!!!! ;)

04-01-2002, 10:39 PM
Glad Kia's okay I would hate to hear otherwise.

Smudge has done that or something like that to me twice, once was a month or after we had him and it was really cold out and he somehow got out of the yard and run up and down the alley and almost on to the busy road that borders my street...it's the same road that I saw my aunt's dog get hit on when I was five so I'm terrified of my dogs going near it, and the other time was when we were at a trail and his leash slipped out of my hand and he ran off looking for daddy who he saw drive off...luckily it was also a dog show so there were lots of dog people around and someone managaed to contain him long enough for me to catch him...just thinking about him running towards the transcanada makes me shudder.

Luckily Winter hasn't thought to do anything like that I think she likes it to much here. But like I said glad Kia's okay.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-01-2002, 11:01 PM
-Hot dogs, Ar-mour Hot Dogs
-- What kind of dogs love Ar-mour Hotdogs?--
Big Dogs, lit-tle dogs,even VERY NAWTEE dogs
Chubby Dogs, skin-ny dogs, ev-en dogs who
RUN for blocks
Love hotdogs, Ar-mour hotdogs
The dogs to bring KIA in at night!

quote from loud lou
LOL LOUD LOU!!!!!!!!!!!

OUCH KIA...... don't scare your mommy like that!!! Kimmy if I was you I probably would have died I am so glad everything is o.k.

04-02-2002, 01:39 AM
That must have been really scary... i laughed at the hot dog part though... only because my mom once chased out neighbors dog down the street while waveing a hot dog and yelling "here boy here boy" LOL that dog alwasy got out thank god he never got hurt. One time, the dog that my neighbor just had to put down, she had wandered away from home which she would NEVER do. They could leave their front door open and Terra would just lay there in the front yard not doing anything or barking at anyone. Even befor we had Simba and we used to leave the garage open Terra would wanderin in our house but thats as far as she would go.. .. i went searching threw the neighborhood for a good 2 hours on my bike. I finnally found her put a leash and collar on her and walked her and my bike home and i was at the complete different side of the neighborhood.

04-02-2002, 02:27 AM
i used to have 2 german shepards- a male and a female who used to bolt out the gate everytime they have the chance. and i would be so frantic and afraid coz they treat it as a game and would run a way everytime i get near them.
what actually is the best solution at times like this?if we were to go after them they would think it's a game of tag!!!

04-02-2002, 04:05 AM
Thank God for Andy's quick thinking! What a dreadful experience for you.

04-02-2002, 04:43 AM
just saw this....thank god that kia is o.k.....and that your heart has finally returned to its' original locale....not in the top of your throat!!!!!!!!!!! please thank andy for his quick thinking....i'm going to the store to get a pack of dogs now for emergencys!!!we don't eat them,but they are good for safekeeping!!!!!

i am so glad that kia is unharmed....the title of your post scared me to death!!!!
loud lou....love your song!!!!

04-02-2002, 05:15 AM
Naughty girl, Kia! Good guy, Andy :)

I am glad you got her back. That must have been terrifying.

04-02-2002, 06:14 AM
Sara too funny!!! Loved your song and found myself singing along. Now I won't be able to get that melody out of my head all day long! :D :D

04-02-2002, 07:04 AM
WOW:eek: :eek: that was a heart stopping experience. Thanks God all is well that would have been awful for Kia, your family and whoever would have been the one to hit her.

04-02-2002, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
oh, did Kia get her Easter Basket yet?!;)

Nope. I haven't opened it yet. She won't touch the treats I bought from Three Dog Bakery and barely eats her food. Yesterday she got sick. :(

I think she's coming down with a cold.

The things we go thru to keep our pets safe. For a minute there I was tempted to go around and get in traffic just to get Kia to get away....

04-02-2002, 10:29 AM
Wow, that is quite an Easter. I am soooo glad it was a happy ending. I hate that feeling of uncontrol and having to watch what happens next.

So happy you and Andy and Kia!!

by the way... my inlaws live in Eaton Rapids and we visit them often in the summer. I love that town, what a nice place to live!

S & S
(Sal and Sierra)

"where there is love, there is life.... Gandhi

04-02-2002, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by hobird58
by the way... my inlaws live in Eaton Rapids and we visit them often in the summer. I love that town, what a nice place to live!

What a small world! Do you mind sharing their last name? Perhaps I know them. Or maybe my mom does, she works for the school. :)

I love my town. I've lived here since I was about 8. :)

04-02-2002, 12:58 PM
I can feel your pain when the furpups run for greener pastures. Being a mom to a greyhound we had it often!
Shaianne would "break loose" and once she ran down to my dad's work, dad thought My mom had her until he saw she was alone. Then she got loose twice down in my sister's subdivision and headed for 2 major highways. She got loose and ran over to the nursing home across the street. The best one was when she was at my parents overnight and got loose 2-3 times in one day and then he had her down to my grandparents and popped the collar over her head and took off in a snowstorm and was racing the snowplow. My dad thought she was a goner until she passed the snowplow. And turned around and headed back towards him. Then her collar broke down at my grandparents and her flexi leash came flying back to my head until I ducked. Then we chased her in the snow. It was a trip!
And Keegan has had some close calls too Thank God people are careful and compassionate and at least slow down for her when she runs across the road. At least they don't try to run her down, yet anyway, I am sure one day an a--hole will drive by and not care.. Let's hope not tho. She can run fast but not near as fast as Shaianne did!

04-02-2002, 02:20 PM
I am just so glad that Kia is ok!!! What a scare.