View Full Version : Josie & Brodie - Pics Galore! (finally!)

11-28-2005, 04:01 PM
I know it's been awhile. I have been a bad meowmie for not posting pics more often. :eek:

I'll *try* to make up for it today. :)

First of all, Josie has become such a cuddle bug!!! She would hardly ever do this before . . . so this was a big event, and we had to get the camera out!

(That's me holding her, btw)

Just look at that face!

Josie is constantly grooming on Brodie.

More grooming . . . He must taste good. ;)

Posing . . .

Brodie watching a bug on the ceiling . . .

Taking a nap TOGETHER! (never thought I'd see this!)

***More to come***

11-28-2005, 04:05 PM
They are about the same size now. Josie still has a few pounds on him though. :D

They've been glued to this window lately . . . since the leaves have been blowing around. It's so cute. :)


I love this one:

More window pics:



That's it for now! Hope you enjoyed!!! :)

11-28-2005, 04:07 PM
My Goodness you have some wonderful Cats there and Brodies getting to look more like Mr Scrappy every day!
Thank You for sharing Your Cats!

11-28-2005, 04:45 PM
Oh Christa, yes, it has been way too l-o-n-g on seeing pictures of your Josie and Brodie.

Those cuddle pictures are just too darn adorable of Josie. Don't you just love it when they decide that cuddling isn't so bad and those pictures of her grooming Brodie are priceless. She is such a pretty girl with the sweetest of faces.

My, my, look how BIG Brodie has gotten. He has turned from one adorable widdle kitty, to one handsome boy.

Great pictures. :D

11-28-2005, 05:26 PM
Gorgeous kittys.Glad they are getting along so well.

11-28-2005, 05:30 PM
YIPPEE! Josie and Brodie pics! How absolutely adorable Miss Josie looks lovin' on her meowmmy!!! :D

Awww, I can't believe how big our "baby" Brodie has gotten either! :eek:

Christa it's great to see you posting!


Laura's Babies
11-28-2005, 05:41 PM
I ditto all the above responses, including that it is good to see you posting. Josie is one of my favorite PT kitties and I been wondering where she was. You got a great bunch of pictures posted here and as they say "one picture is worth a thousand words"

You got a million here with this one! This one is priceless! NO caption needed.

Cold weather must be effecting all the kitties. I have had more lap kitties this month than I can ever remember having before. I LOVE lap cats and they have kept me so deprived until here lately. Now whenever I sit down, I have one in my lap.. Gotta be the cold weather!

11-28-2005, 07:12 PM
Cold weather must be effecting all the kitties. I have had more lap kitties this month than I can ever remember having before. I LOVE lap cats and they have kept me so deprived until here lately. Now whenever I sit down, I have one in my lap.. Gotta be the cold weather!

LOL . . . I know exactly what you mean! Brodie is my *true* lap cat! Every single night, he's in my lap at some point. Josie has only begun to get up in our laps. She'd rather sit beside us and lay over on one of us. :rolleyes: We count that too though. :)

11-28-2005, 07:24 PM
Josie and Brodie are so cute! :)
My favorite photo is the same one that Laura quoted of the two of them looking out the windows.
Thank you so much for posting some new photos of your cute kitties.
Give them both some hugs, kisses and cuddles from me. :)

11-28-2005, 10:59 PM
aw those precious moments! and you captured them - wooo!

the first one of couch purring throughout the window has touched my heart . . . priceless one!

wow, both has grown up since the time I sae them.. *tsk tsk* ..'long time' isn't allowed here. ;) ;)

great kodaks. :D

11-29-2005, 07:20 AM
Beautiful cats, and beautiful pictures. I especially love the window ones. :D