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03-31-2002, 11:14 PM
I was on my way home from Mom and Dad's---a VERY long drive to make by yourself--and as the trip drug on, my mind began to wander. It knew better than to stray far, but as disobedient little ones do, it eventually left its protective casing & got lost in unfamiliar territory (aka thought). But before I could click ruby shoes together and chant, "There's no place like the cranium," I found my little mind in the emerald(?--hey it's my story, just go with it! lol) cell tissue reserved for PetTalk. Of course, you guys were all there....Spencer the Lion and Butter (he had a warm, friendly heart!) and Gini's Momma Kitty (who had the courage to bring her babies out from under the porch)--- Oh and Scooter! (Scooter had a brain! ;) just teasin' ya, my tux-man!)

My wee mind pondered all the different topics of the forum & couldn't wait to get home & continue down the golden paths (those yet to be read!) Why? Because, because, because, becauuuse..... because of the wonderful things you all post!

Uhhh...ok...lol I'll quit with the imagination (I TOLD you guys it was a long drive lol). ANYWAYZ... I really did think of 2 questions to ask you (and I really am wanting to read your wonderful posts). Soooo, w/out further hesitation, the questions:

1.) Aside from the cutsie-wootsie songs we make up for our furbabies, what is your favorite song that (in some way) involves an animal? (ex. America's "Horse with No-Name")

2.) What is your favorite animal related movie?

03-31-2002, 11:42 PM
Still pondering the song part ....

But favorite animal related movie? Can I have more than one?


and The Bear

spring immediately to mind ...

and The Lion King and .. okay, I'll stop now ...

04-01-2002, 12:11 AM

Gosh, I got so excited to put in my answer that I went totally blank.........it had a black horse and a young boy, and there was a shipwreck and they ended up on an island. Let's see Andy Rooney was in it.........no, idiot, not ANDY Rooney, oh what's his name?

Soooo, I had to jump off to Google and find out. Well, I loved, this movie especially the scenes with that boy riding his stallion on the beach bareback - and playing with him and teasing.

Oh yea, it was MICKEY Rooney (sometimes the grey cells just bunch up and I can't remember anything).

I usually prefer movies that are "real" in other words, no computer manipulation of the animals. But Karen, I agree Babe is right up there on my list.

Now for a song? Hmmmm, I'll have to get back to you.

Former User
04-01-2002, 03:41 AM
Dunno about the song... but movies, both Dalmatian movies were funny, Lassie of course;).
Those came to mind now, will get back to you if we figure out something else....

04-01-2002, 03:58 AM
OTIS AND MILO without a doubt! For those of you who haven't seen it, it's a great little story about a cute little orange kitten named Milo (you just know he stole my heart) and a precious little pug named Otis. It is an adventure that starts out with little Milo climbing into a box by the river (you know kitties and their curiosity) and it takes him on an adventure down the river with Otis following in hot pursuit!

Second choice would be "As Good As It Gets" with Jack Nicholson and the cute little Brussels Griffin!!

04-01-2002, 09:59 AM
I don't know about the song, but I just seen the movie Gentle Ben on Animal Planet Friday night and it was really good and it made me laugh, so for now I'd have to say "Gentle Ben" is my favorite animal related movie, but I also like Dr. Doolittle, the one with Eddie Murphy.

04-01-2002, 10:17 AM
My bunnies get a couple of songs....

My Bunny (Bonnie) Lies Over the Ocean,

and a great song from broadway play Bye Bye Birdie...it was a take-off on when Elvis was drafted into the army....only the character's name in the play was Conrad....
"We love you Conrad, oh yes we do, we love you Conrad and we'll be true, we love you Conrad, we do, Oh Conrad we love you...."

Well I change Conrad to the whatever bunny i'm with... Am I dating myself or what!!!

Homeward Bound is my favorite critter movie....with the Siamese cat and 2 dogs who go to a neighboring farm when the family goes on vacation and then try to get home.

Great question Zippy, Thanks for asking.;)

04-01-2002, 10:38 AM
Yes, I was a Munchkin in our highschool play of the Wizard of OZ! Now, you all know one of my well kept secrets. LOL! (I was 4 foot 9 back then too.)

I like the movie 'Mouse Hunt' the comedy where two men have trouble getting one tiny mouse out of their house. Also the new Dr. Doolittle with Eddie Murphy and all the 101 Dalmations movies.

The only song I can think of with an animal is the Micky Mouse Club Theme song. You know...
M I C K E Y M O U S E. It's been a long time. Brain is not too awake today.:D

04-01-2002, 10:41 AM
*grins* Yes, I'd have to say The Black Stallion would be my favorite animal related movie as well! Such a magnificent movie, there hardly is no speaking done (well except when they get back to civilazation) but yet there is so much emotion conveyed.

As for song... hmm... I don't really know, the only one I can think of right now would be "The Last Unicorn" but I dunno if that would be classified as an animal or mythical creature *shrugs* (great movie too tho).

04-01-2002, 11:36 AM
Fav 'animal' song: The Year of the Cat
Mom use to sing that to me when I was wittle!

I'm kinda sidin' with Karen...I have so many it's hard to put my finger on just one! (movie that is...)

Lady and the Tramp would be one of my all time fav. disney movies (along w/ The Aristocats, The Fox and the Hound...) As for the "real" animals...does anyone remember the version of Black Beauty that was released a few yrs back? Black Beauty himself narrarated the story...
The horse that played Black Beauty, Docs Keepin Time (aka Justin--I *think*) was absolutely brilliant! If I remember the article right, the horse was completly 'voice trained'--anyone remember the scene where the horse runs into the sheets drying on the line? He had to stop exactly when his trainer told him to or run into a giant tree! (Marvel #1: He didn't spook at the sheets flapping in the wind. #2: He continued with the sheet wrapped around his head, blocking his vision) That hoss is tops in my book!;)

Pam~ I LOVED Milo & Otis!!! And Gini/Ann, I loved the Black Stallion too!

04-01-2002, 12:35 PM
Zippy, I do remember that scene! Actually my brother gave me that movie for Christmas a few years ago because he knows how much I love horses! And that book by Anna Sewell was my absolute favorite growing up! I still read it a few times a year and I still cry at the sad parts!!
And the Black Stallion I love too! (I love black animals, can you tell!!?) I liked National Velvet too. I barely remember it as I haven't seen it in forever but when I was younger I watched it over and over again. I didn't even pay attention to the words or the plot, just the horses!!
Zippy, do you know if those horses were Friesians, in the Black Beauty and Black Stallion movies? Or was one of them a Morgan? I can't remember...I think I'll do a search on my lunch break...

As for songs... does anyone know that song "she ran calling Wilddddfire" I liked that one!:D

04-01-2002, 12:43 PM
Jenn~ I didn't know you were a horse nut too! I love Blk animals as well....I just love the way the sun glistens on their fur/hair!!

Docs Keepin Time was a Quarter Horse.

And the Blk Stallion was an Arab but I don't remember his name! :o

04-01-2002, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat

Lady and the Tramp would be one of my all time fav. disney movies (along w/ The Aristocats, The Fox and the Hound...)

Tonya!! Before I read your post, all 3 of those movies were going through my head as my favorite Disney animal-related movies!! I LOVED the Fox and the Hound the BEST. I used to cry and cry and cry when I was little about that movie. I had a little stuffed dog who looked exactly like Copper in the movie. I slept with it every night and still have it!

I saw the Eddie Murphy Dr Dolittle on TV last night. It was pretty cute. I LOVED the doggie. I really like any animal related movie as long as it isn't sad. Lion King was WAY too sad for me!! I had to fast forward a lot of parts when I watched it.

04-01-2002, 12:49 PM
Cass Ole`is the name of the Arabian horse that was in Black Stallion. Wasn't he wonderful?

04-01-2002, 01:00 PM
I vaguely remember an old Disney movie about trying to save a group of famous performing horses from the Nazis in WWII -- it seems like the movie was named after a type of movement the horses would do. Does anyone remember this movie? I loved it as a kid... I do believe my favorite animal movie as a kid was "That Darned Cat" with ... Halley Miles??? Not the newer one, haven't seen the current version.

One of my favorite 'animal' movies as an adult is "While You Were Sleeping". I love the contrasts of the cats owned by the two women involved with Peter.

:rolleyes: :D

04-01-2002, 01:11 PM
Jenn~ I didn't know you were a horse nut too!

Oh yes!!! Horses are my first and everlasting love!!! I rode saddleseat for years at my aunt's farm. Sadly, I dont' have the opportunity to be around them too much anymore. ($$$$$)


But someday.....

My mother says I picked Duncan because he's the "size of a small pony!" ;) :p

I had a dog growing up named Bandit (black mutt!) that was the best thing in the world but my "2nd" love was a horse named Grover!! (Real name: Midnight Warrior) He was a 17 hh pure black Saddlebred. I met him at a horse show where he was for sale and it was truly love at first sight. He and I were inseperable until the day he passed away. (We were the same age!!) I'll have to get a pic of him somehow, someday! I still miss him!! :(

04-01-2002, 01:27 PM
Amberlee...don't remember the horse movie you are speaking of...but I do remember Charlie the Lonesome Couger!! LOVEDDDD that one as a kid! (still do!)

I've seen both versions of That Darn Cat and prefer the second movie. It is way cute (but has much cheezier lines than the original :rolleyes: )

Jenn~ I hope you are able to get a pic of Grover...I'd love to see him!! My favorite horse is named Mortimer (Skip's Adventure is his reg. AQHA name)--he's a sweetie and a half!!

04-01-2002, 02:01 PM
It was Disney's "The Miracle of the White Stallions". There is a website (http://www.herrmannslipizzans.com/History.html) with more info about the Lipizzan Stallions.

(Okay, I'm obsessive. As if this is news to you all... :rolleyes: :eek: )

04-01-2002, 02:04 PM
AH! I remember it now!! (well...bits and pieces of it!) GOOOODDDD movie!

Dixieland Dancer
04-01-2002, 02:53 PM
Favorite song: A rendition of You are my sunshine!

You are my sunshine - My Golden sunshine!
You make me happy all of the day!
You'll never know dear how much I love you!
Please don't take my sunshine away!

Favorite movies:

Air Bud the Golden Receiver

Homeward Bound

04-01-2002, 03:25 PM
Here is one contender for best song ... (http://images.ucomics.com/comics/tmcat/2002/tmcat020331.gif) (Easter's "Cats with Hands" cartoon. Enjoy)

04-01-2002, 04:27 PM
Babe, Bambi and My Dog Skip (I still cry just thinking about it!)

Candace, that was my song for my beloved Dog of a Lifetime Jingles!!

Star gets.....Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.......
Cody's song is an original number, sung to the tune of the theme from the old TV series "Rawhide." Ya know....
"Rollin, rollin, rollin,
Keep them Huskys rollin...:rolleyes:

Don't ask!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!

04-01-2002, 10:23 PM
Hmmm movie well let me think about that one...hmmm the Sound of Music doesn't count does it? No! well okay just thought I would ask...Well Babe was good it had the whole sheep thing and dog thing and well can't forget the talking pig thing maybe that's why people say when pigs fly instead of when pigs talk because pigs have talked...but I would have to say my fave animal movie would be any of the old Muppet movies...

Now hang on The Muppets are animals true they are puppets but they are still animals you have the ever so cute Kermit D Frog, Miss Piggy, Fozzie (Wokka wokka) the great Gonzo (he's a whatever I know but still..) Animal (WOMAN!! WOMAN!!! tehe :D )

And song uh I'm wanting to say something by Barenaked ladies but that's just because I'm listening to them right now but we all know they have no songs that feature animals..and in case you can't tell Tracy's in a rambling mood.

I kind of like the Siamese cat song from Lady and the Tramp but I wouldn't say it's my fav and I can't say Run rabbit because it's sort of mean and the bumblebee song is out as well...so I'll say the Elephant song, gotta love the elephant song. :D

Former User
04-02-2002, 01:06 AM
Crikit, I had forgatten Muppets...I loved those as a kid! And yes, they count as animals LOL! Who can forget Miss Piggy anyway (well me obviously), and Kermit, my favourite! Thanx for reminding me

04-02-2002, 01:58 AM
I can't decide which movie is my favourite right now but I have 2 songs in mind:

1. Martha my dear by the Beatles
2. Delilah (Queen, I love the words Freddie Mercury wrote about his cat)

04-02-2002, 03:18 AM
I always loved "The Incredible Journey". I loved the courage of the animals, and when the old bulldog finally turned up, a bit late, I was always in tears.

04-02-2002, 07:16 AM
Have to make this real quick....busy workday today but have to say Babe (of course...having border collies and having had two litters of them...yeaaaahhhhh) but also The Bear and just loved Turner & Hootch, even though it made me cry. As for cartoon movies I'ld have to say Lady & The Tramp and DUMBO Later for the songs... I'm late I'm late I'm late.....:p laurie

04-02-2002, 12:37 PM
Princess Kylie thinks that only her little paws belong on a yellow brick road.

My favorite animal movie would probably be Cats and Dogs or the Dalmation movies.
And my favorite song I can think of would be "Atomic Dog" I guess

04-02-2002, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
Fav 'animal' song: The Year of the Cat
Mom use to sing that to me when I was wittle!

I'm kinda sidin' with Karen...I have so many it's hard to put my finger on just one! (movie that is...)

Lady and the Tramp would be one of my all time fav. disney movies (along w/ The Aristocats, The Fox and the Hound...) As for the "real" animals...does anyone remember the version of Black Beauty that was released a few yrs back? Black Beauty himself narrarated the story...
Pam~ I LOVED Milo & Otis!!! And Gini/Ann, I loved the Black Stallion too!

Oh! I liked ALL of these!!!:D Good question! Lion King is still my fave Disney movie, but I do like em all, it's hard to pick just one. Oh, and I loved the movie version of White Fang. I watched it over and over when it came out. Oh and can't forget K-9 and Turner and Hooch...even though that one is a bit sad. Jeesh! I could go on and on!!! LOL LOL
Did anyone see Gentle Ben on Animal Planet the other night?

Fave Song?? Hmmm...that's a toughy...does Cats in the Cradle count?? LOL

04-02-2002, 01:04 PM
For a song and to keep our high school from getting mad at me, how about 'Eye of the Tiger'? That's their theme song now since they are the Tigers. The school colors are crimson and white so I used those colors just for them.:D

04-03-2002, 07:51 PM
Eye of the tiger, why the heck didn't I think of that? I love that song...it's so 80's, I mean that in a good way. Now if you'll excuse me I now have to go and watch Bye Bye Birdie because I have a sudden urge to hear Spanish Rose :D