View Full Version : kitty in a bad home

11-27-2005, 01:45 PM
My best friend (Kayla) has a 9 year old brother and a cat. Well this cat has turned out really mean because the brother is so mean to it. It will meow and start walking towards the brother (Dylan) and Dylan will slap it on the head. He will run over to the poor thing and hug it really tight and the cat will bite so Dylan slaps it and then locks it in the bathroom. I feel bad for this poor cat :( :(

11-27-2005, 02:37 PM
That is horrible! Someone needs to smack that child a time or too. Where are the parents??? :mad:

Laura's Babies
11-27-2005, 02:45 PM
Those kind of children NEED to be taught how to RESPECT animals and I couldn't observe that cruelty without voicing my openion..... and I have with Samantha's former Mom. She would curse and slap Samantha and I couldn't keep quite witnessing that.

If you witness it again, you should speak up and say something, not attacking the child but informing him that they have feelings too and how would he like it if someone treated him like that. (Then mutter something about him coming back as a cat someday and getting a owner that treated him like he treats his animals.)

11-27-2005, 02:55 PM
Yeah I should tell him that. His parents don't care because the cat bites. I scream in my mind "IF HE DIDN'T TREAT HER LIKE THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE, THEN MAYBE SHE WOULDEN'T BITE!!"

11-27-2005, 03:18 PM
That is animal abuse pure and simple, it is his parent's who need to be taken to task, they obviously have not shown him how to respect animals, maybe you can talk to him nicely and show him how to handle animals, and teach him what his slack parents have not, this is a terrible situation for the cat to endure.

11-27-2005, 03:24 PM
The cat is biting to defend herself!! I see in that kid another Jeffrey Dahlmer. Kids who grow up abusing animals, move onto people. Speak up! Talk to the parents. Tell them if it continues, you'll have no other choice than to call animal control. Ask the parents if you can take the cat. Maybe you can find it a loving home, not one that is filled with abuse.

The kid is who turned the cat mean. UGH!!! :mad:

11-27-2005, 03:44 PM
How ANYONE, let alone a 'friend' to both the human, and an animal, could sit by and watch this happen, without saying a word, is very sad.

You call her a friend. You see her animal abused by her son. I feel bad for all of you. Most of all the cat- as he/she has no voice.

11-27-2005, 04:05 PM
Well my friend is his sister. She is 13 and doesn't know alot about animals. I called her today and asked her to make her brother be nice to her cat. She says I am butting into her buisness and saying that I think SHE is abusing the cat. That's the last straw!! The next time I go over there I will make sure her brother understands he can't do that. I was 9 four years ago and I knew that it was wrong to do what he is doing. I am going to talk to her parents if I ever see him do it again. They may give her away to another home because she is starting to pee on the carpet. I told them she may have a bladder infection and she is being treated for it now.

11-27-2005, 04:09 PM
here is a pic of her when she was a kitten.


11-27-2005, 04:09 PM
Poor cat! Sounds as if a talk is in order.... but it needs to come from an adult. No offense, but I doubt they'll listen to a friend of their young daughter's. It'll come across as bratty if you do it. These people are ignorant and they won't take kindly to a lesson given to them by a child who is more knowledgable than they are.

11-27-2005, 04:17 PM
Oh, I suppose your right.... but who should do it? My mother would just say to stay out of their buisness. :(

11-27-2005, 04:29 PM
If you don't think the parents will take kindly to you saying anything, can you at least speak to your friend or her brother, I would not take a harsh approach, but teach him how to handle the kitty if you can, I admire the fact that you are at least trying to do something to stop this and taking some responsibility even though the kitty is not yours', your own mother should be prepared to step in and say something animal abuse should not be tolerated, end of story, if everyone just sits and does nothing it will continue and could get worse, I was thinking maybe the cat was peeing because of the continous stress it is under from this boy, however am glad to hear it has had vet treatment.

If you can take it upon yourself to make a difference in this kitties life, you will be duly rewarded, just the feeling that you helped a helpless creature is the most wonderful feeling in the world, GO FOR IT, and try your best.

11-27-2005, 04:44 PM
Thanks so much. This is why I really like Pet Talk. My family doesn't take to researching and talking about animals as much as me, and it's nice I can come here to talk about it. Thanks again for helping me. I will talk to my friend and her brother.

11-27-2005, 06:07 PM
Sometimes a cild that is being bullied becomes very frustrated and takes it on on a small Creature.
I hope that you can help that Kitty before He becomes compeltely anti Social,and Unadoptable.

11-27-2005, 06:23 PM
Yes acctually Dylan is always being bullied. His sister told me about it.

11-27-2005, 06:31 PM
That 9 year old brat is old enough to know that a cat is NOT his personal punching bag :mad: ! :mad:! I can understand your position here between your "friend" and her brother. But what about the kitty who is clearly being abused? What's most disturbing is the parents won't step in and do something to set that kid straight no matter what it takes. It seems very unlikely that things will change over there and that cute little kitty will needlessly suffer for it. Report them to animal authorities in your area. This kid's abuse of the cat is scary and needs to be properly addressed!

11-27-2005, 06:39 PM
If your mum cant help you then tell a teacher and maybe she could have a word with his parents or get help for the poor kitty.

I dont know who I am more angry at, him or his parents :mad:

11-27-2005, 06:51 PM
I am prolly more angry at his parents. They are the responsible *ADULTS* and they should know when to draw the line. They are being stupid quite frankly.

11-27-2005, 06:56 PM
I am prolly more angry at his parents. They are the responsible *ADULTS* and they should know when to draw the line. They are being stupid quite frankly.

I agree! I hate parents who KNOW what their kids are doing and do nothing. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

11-27-2005, 07:06 PM
Absolutely the parents are at fault here, no doubt in my mind, it is up to them to teach their child to respect and treat animals properly, even though he is nine years old and should know better, he probably doesn't because his parents have not bothered.

Again do your best, and thank you for at least caring enough to come here and discuss it with us all and get advice, now go and act on it and help change that kitties life for the better OK.

11-27-2005, 07:14 PM
yep, I went over to her house today. I told her to talk to her parents. she did, and Dylan got in huge trouble for it. I was mad at them because they already knew what Dylan was doing and they didn't do anything until I spoke up.

11-27-2005, 07:16 PM
yep, I went over to her house today. I told her to talk to her parents. she did, and Dylan got in huge trouble for it. I was mad at them because they already knew what Dylan was doing and they didn't do anything until I spoke up.

Well done, I understand it must be hard for you since your friend is his sister and you dont like being forward with her and all but the poor kitty is needs someone with a voice

11-27-2005, 07:32 PM
Good for you in speaking up on behalf of this poor defenseless kitty. Thank you for doing that and I pray that the boy doesn't take it out on the kitty when no one is around.

What I don't understand is why the parents, knowing how their son treated the cat before, didn't say anything then. Why did they do it once you spoke up about it. It makes me wonder what kind of parents they are for not teaching him how to treat an animal with love and respect in the first place. Also if this boy is being bullied, I think the parents and the school should know about it so they can take care of the problem before their son hurts anymore animals.

11-27-2005, 08:30 PM
Yah, I agree. I think they did something about it because they know they could get in trouble about it. Kayla and Dylans dad is an alcoholic, so that's why I was afraid to warn them about it in the first place. I am kinda scared of their dad in a way.