View Full Version : Simba's easter

03-31-2002, 03:29 PM
Simba mostly stayed in my room while we were eating so i went in there and sat with him while i ate.... he licked my plate when i was finished and i left some food on there for him;)
When we were done eating i let him out and my cousin Cory and my cousin Aimee played with Simba fighting over who go to make him do a trick (lol)

Heres Cory makeing Simba flip a treat off his nose and catch it.

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraida/p56e3b1cde62e876da190e13f8c6fb387/fdd61c87.jpg Cory and Simba

Aimless (Aimee:p ) with Sim.


I was soooooo happy this morning... iw oke up.. the easter bunny didn't come.. BUT My sister is here!!!!!!! She drove all the way from michigan left 9 yesterday morning and arrived here at 3 in the morning as i was sleeping! She drove all the way threw!!! :D Hope you all had a GREAT Easter.!

03-31-2002, 03:44 PM
Sounds like you and Simba both had a very special Easter with lots of fun. Wonderful pictures. Simba is so sweet.:)

03-31-2002, 06:31 PM
KayAnn, I'm so happy you had such a nice holiday! Seeing family from far away is extra special! And of course, Simba did not let US down! Love his adorable "frog leg" pose in the 2nd one!:) Hugs and kisses to Simba!!! Sandra

03-31-2002, 09:58 PM
KayAnn, those pictures of our handsome Simba are wonderful, and the ones with I think are your cousins are great too. It looks like you and Simba had a great Easter. And the best part of the day was your sister surprising you.