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View Full Version : This makes me so angry!

11-25-2005, 07:30 PM
I belong to a forum called udog and there is a girl there that thinks pitbulls should be banned! I put movies up and showed her reasons why they should not be banned and she refused to even read them. She said "They are so fake. That is probably digitally remestered to make it look likr pitbulls are innocent." Boy she got me really upset!

11-25-2005, 07:33 PM
she's obviously ignorant and stubborn, a bad combination...best not to even waste your time :p

Toby's my baby
11-25-2005, 07:37 PM
I would just forget her. Pit Bulls are so sweet, I dont understand why people cant see that. :(

11-25-2005, 07:37 PM
that's terrible! that's like saying we should ban a certain race of people just because they are different then most of us. :mad: there is an pit bull that hangs out around my house that is the SWEETEST dog i think i've ever met. he lets my brothers just woller all over him. he's even scared of the cat. what a MEAN dog! :rolleyes:

11-25-2005, 07:38 PM
heh my good friend has a pitbull ...they're supposed to be so vicious right? wrong...his pitbull comes up and licks my akita zero and they play with each other all the time! the dogs are both male as well :)

11-25-2005, 07:41 PM
i know. I told her if she is a dog lover why even bring up that subject when she knows all she will get are negative responses. I said:

absolutley not! People are really stupid sometimes and if they ban pitbuls what are the fighters going to move on to? Rotties, Jack Russels, any dog they can provoke to fight with each other! I work with pitbuls and not one of them is aggressive. SB861 is just a retarded way of saying they think pitbuls are worthless and should be killed...here is a movie i want you to watch. You really shouldn't punish the breed...just punish the people who do it. I think the most dangerous thing on a pitbul is their tail because it is long and skinny. I mean...really...no offense to you but that is so stupid. Punish the deed, not the breed.


Go there...tell me if you change your mind about this

http://www.crai-ky.com/staff/outdoors/2005/boar-hunt/images/Pitbull%20after%20Fight%20with%20Russian%20Boar_jp g.jpg

If you noticed the dog didn't do that to himself...he was provoked to fight with another over food! If you even bothered to watch the movie it says about Neville, well i talked to his dad...i really did. He belongs to dogster.com trust me...pitbulls are very sweet natured and are only like that when provoked or brought up wrong. The pitbull i work with, Tank, was brought up right and he is the coolest dog i have ever me. I am saying that he is even cooler than my pets. Think about it...if you really love dogs so much you wouldn't even bring this up on a forum of people who love dogs.

11-25-2005, 07:47 PM
You just have to ignore people like that and not let them get to you. Obviously nothing you do or say will change her mind, so why waste your time and energy? Unless she physically is killing Pits, then you have nothing to worry about. It's a shame really that someone who calls themself a "dog lover" thinks this way, but you can't get through to everyone unfortunately :(

11-25-2005, 07:50 PM
i know...and as long as i belong to that forum i have to deal with her...great...

11-25-2005, 07:56 PM
Is there not an "ignore" or "block" function on the board?

11-25-2005, 07:59 PM
no...unfortunatley...i am very sensitive on this topic and if she continues to talk aout them i will request to have her banned

11-25-2005, 08:00 PM
no...unfortunatley...i am very sensitive on this topic and if she continues to talk aout them i will request to have her banned

If she is as persistant and ignorant as you've made her out to be, that seems to be the only suitable course of action if she doesn't improve or respect others' opinions that are different from hers'.

11-25-2005, 08:17 PM
yeah...evidently she isn't what anyone would consider a dog lover

11-25-2005, 08:22 PM
OMG that is so sad. I just feel awful for these poor pitties that love people and all some people do is want to make them extinct. They want to kill them all. I just can't understand it, really, I can't. :(

11-25-2005, 08:26 PM
i know...grrr, this is why i tell everyone that people suck!

11-25-2005, 08:32 PM
lol DISS yourself! lol.... j/k

11-25-2005, 08:40 PM
She's obviously a dog lover! :rolleyes: Just don't listen. She needs a reality check. Lute is correct. It's like banning a whole race of people from society if you banned pits. What are they going to do? Shoot all the remaining ones in the world and call it a day? I doubt ANY owners would let them shoot their beloved dogs. Idiot. My friend has a dog who was exposed to a little fighting and he must be one of the sweetest dogs I know. What a dog lover! :rolleyes:

11-27-2005, 10:26 AM
yeah...hehe, i know...grrrr...i hate people like that(This is the only thing i stereotype about)

11-27-2005, 10:49 AM
that's terrible! that's like saying we should ban a certain race of people just because they are different then most of us. :mad: there is an pit bull that hangs out around my house that is the SWEETEST dog i think i've ever met. he lets my brothers just woller all over him. he's even scared of the cat. what a MEAN dog! :rolleyes:

Your so right..shame on her..and those like her.. :(

11-27-2005, 11:55 AM
yeah...like i said before...punish the deed, not the breed

11-27-2005, 01:02 PM
I can see why some people are scared of pitbulls but..

I can understand why people maybe weary of pitbulls, Some of them do look pretty mean dogs but then again If people carry on just judging the dogs on the way they look then most of the breeds will be banned, I haven't actually met a real pitbull, only ever seen photos but I wouldn't cast any judgement on a pitbull, one dogs behaviour cant be connected to every other dog of the same breed but some people are so ignorant and they cant see that, I pity them really because from what I've heard pitbulls seems like a gorgeous breed of dog and if it was possible it would be my next choice of dog to have, I've heard the horror stories about how they "attack" people but personally that wouldn't put me off, its totally down to the owners the dog needs a proper owner to show them how to behave, Ive had people pulling their children away from my jack russel and we was a bit weary at first about how she was going to be when she was older because of the steriotyped breeds of vicious dogs but this is the dog that lays with her legs in the air wining for a tummy rub she hasnt got a vicious bone in her body and she absoustly LOVES kids.

In my opinion if shes too stupid to realise what a stupid cow shes being over the dogs then shes not worth bothering with to be honest

11-27-2005, 05:23 PM
I must say, that was WONDERFUL video! ;)

11-27-2005, 09:37 PM
lol...yeah...it's sad though

Pitbulls are the way they are depending in how they are brought up...I mean i went to the park with Lucy and this lady is pointing at Lucy, shaking her head to the twins and yelling to me. "Please take your dog away, i don't want my children to get hurt by her. She looks,"get ready for this, "Vicious." I was so mad at her i went and sat on the thing with Lucy and then tied her on the merry go round. "You know what Lady, Lucy is the sweetest dog i have ever known in my life! And you know what, she could probably kill your kids too. But i'm not sure she has enough energy to lick the children of a skunk!" She got so red...hehe, there's more though..." And you know what, i think you should think twice about what you say about her too! You don';t even know her, and you say she looks vicious. Do you have any idea what breed she is?" The lady looks at me furiously. "A pitbull." And i look at her. "So what if she was a pitbull. Are you really gonna hold that against her? She is an Australian Shepherd, not a pitbull, but you know what, even if she were i would love her all the same. so the lady looks at me, shakes her head and smiled. "Either way, she would look better dead." I was almost crying...i can't believe she could say that about my beautiful little lucy!

11-28-2005, 10:08 AM
I must say, that was WONDERFUL video! ;)
I agree! I sent it to a lot of people. Don't let that ignorant person get to you...if you can't get her banned from the board, ignore her if you can. ;)