View Full Version : Toxoplasmosis Help!

11-25-2005, 01:26 PM
Okay here I am again, you guys are awsom with this stuff, well I have a kitten and she has really gone down hill, the worst part are tremors, stiffness cant walk ect ect. the vet suspects FIP, i refused to put her down and after 3 vets and a whole lot of research we put her on clidamycin 2 days ago, and her stiffness is getting better as well as her tremors, which my vet assumed maybe she has toxoplasmosis, so we started her on the meds to see, she was getting worse and worse and no time to test, we had to try something. did a blood panel everything fine, did everything we could think of and every thing was fine. Anyways now that she is starting to look and act better, I ASSUME we are looking at this disease, she still has her hard times but is showing better results than she has all month, no diarrhea, eating well, just neurological and tremors ect. With this said I have a million unanswered questions.....anyone know?

1. Since she has had neuroloigcal problems from this, tremors stiffening ect, will she ever completely recover?

2. Are my other cats at all at risk to getting it from her?

3. Will there still be a chance I could loose her?

4. The clidamycin seems to be making her nausuas, is there anything I can do with this med to help her not feel that way, this is a 21 day dose thing, I feel bad for her?

5. I hear that once a cat has this they always have this, any one know about this, especially since they all have it, doesnt make since?

will have more but lets start here

By the way, Casey did not have to redo his surgery and is doing great, he is a little snot,,,and rowdy as ever!

11-25-2005, 02:00 PM
I am not that familiar with Toxo, but I do know something about helping the side effects such as nausea.
1/4 pill Pepsid BID (twice a day)
Check with your vet about the weight of the kitten and the dosage.

I think other cats and humans can catch Toxo as it is shed through the litterbox.

The kitten should be isolated, the litterbox should be bleached often.

I do believe you might still lose him, but you might not. Which is not the case with FIP which is always fatal.

If you really think it's not FIP then help him. If there is a fluid buildup in the abdomen or chest, the kindest thing to do would be let him go.

When you get a chance, we want to see pix of Casey.

Thank you for caring.

I will cross post your inquiry on another site.

11-25-2005, 02:23 PM
I wish I had some answera but I will leave that to PTERS more expert than I.
All I can do,is offer prayers from the Found Cats that you will be able to help Casey,and that he will be all right!!!

11-25-2005, 03:06 PM
thanks guys, I will check with my vet tomarrow, I leave for vegas monday will return wed night, and have lots to do prior to going, will do what I can to get pics soon, Sasha doesnt seem to have any fluid, she is chubby but always has been, just a poor quility kitty, but yet so precious, hey rose where do I buy this stuff you are talking about for the nausua



11-25-2005, 03:25 PM
Pepsid (Pepcid) not sure of the spelling, is the over-the-counter human antacid.

Please, concurr with your vet, before treating the kitten.

11-25-2005, 03:34 PM

The clindamycin is NASTY tasting stuff. I always ask for ANTIROBE capsules as a substitute. (you can empty the capsules into food, if the cat is eating)

Here is more info on Toxo


Sections from another article:

The most commonly reported clinical signs associated with feline toxoplasmosis are anorexia, weight loss, lethargy, dyspnoea (due to pneumonia), ocular signs (iritis, chorioretinitis) and pyrexia. Other less common features include gastrointestinal signs (vomiting/diarrhoea), neurological signs, lymphadenopathy, jaundice, myositis and abortion.

Diagnosis of feline toxoplasmosis**
The diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is problematic and a definitive diagnosis rests on demonstration of the active form of the organism in tissues taken at post mortem examination or in biopsy samples. Laboratory tests may also be used as diagnostic aids and these are outlined below:
Treatment of feline toxoplasmosis**
In the past, treatment for toxoplasmosis has been based on a combination of sulphadiazine and pyrimethamine. However, recently, clindamycin used at doses of 25-50mg/kg/day (divided into two or four doses) has been suggested as the treatment of choice in feline toxoplasmosis. Although it has been proposed that the use of clindamycin obviates the need for concurrent pyrimethamine therapy, studies in man suggest dual therapy is still required to maintain efficacy. The situation in cats is unclear, but combining clindamycin with pyrimethamine (at 1mg/kg/day) may provide more effective therapy. Pyrimethamine therapy is often associated with myleosuppression and, to avoid this, cats may be given folic acid at 5mg/day for the duration of treatment.

The entire article:

Laura's Babies
11-25-2005, 05:57 PM
rose, I hope you get your questions answered and the answers can help you. I have no answers but just wanted to let you know I will try to watch this and see how it goes for the baby.

11-25-2005, 06:55 PM
Carrie is the one with the baby, I'm just trying to help.


Laura's Babies
11-25-2005, 09:40 PM
Keep us posted.....

11-27-2005, 11:19 AM
Oh what a relief! Sasha has been on the meds since last wednesday, she is playing and walking again, not like a normal baby, but great for how bad she was. I am so thankful to see her like this again, the meds are a 21 day doseing cycle, ugh, so far so good! I am able to take her out and her tremors are far and few, she can walk around now much better than she did before. She doesnt really stiffen up or fall down inless she gets really excited and takes off running then she goes down, and tremors start. So we have to take it slow, and she does, she knows, she follows me around (the therepy i give her is to walk twice a day) like a puppy dog, really slow and calm, and lately she has been in her cage playing with her toys, something she has also not done in a long time. Though we did not test her for this disease, I am under big suspision that she is definetly toxoplasmosis positive. Still learning alot about it but if anyone would have to it would be me, I have learned more in the last 7 months about cats and kittens than any vet! My vet even has learned ALOT from me, as I am always bringing him something new to figure out, and he has a hard time because i deal in pediatrics, most vets wont even touch it, they tell me they are to delicate, but not my vet, he jumps right in and helps me get to the problem and get them well, HE IS SO AWSOM!!!!!!
Headed to vegas tomarrow will return thursday night, taking sasha to my freinds who does rescue, cant wait to get back to her,,,,,,,ii wil miss her sooooo bad :(

03-01-2006, 09:26 AM
Ok, took her to a neurologist yesturday, Sasha has been diagnosed with an extreamly rare condition, Anyone want to comment on this if you know ANYTHING?

Have you heard this before?
I have done online research and hoping to speak to a couple that have a kitty with it, wondering if anyone here has heard of it, experiancing it?????

Her condition is called Myotonia


03-01-2006, 12:47 PM
I have no personal experience of the disorder in cats but did recognize the medical term since it is a human disorder also. This can be helpful because results of research in one species can be beneficial to another. In humans, it's a nuisance that impacts quality of life to some degree, but it doesn't have a great impact on overall health. You must be relieved that it is something that she can live with, though giving gentle excercise to a young cat is going to be challenging. Are you corresponding with Ken Pope?

03-01-2006, 12:49 PM

03-01-2006, 01:45 PM
Someone posted a while back that toxo, while contagious from cats to humans, is easily prevented by washing one's hands after cleaning the litter box. Nails, too, I would add.

Just heard that - check with your vet.

Good luck!

Glad your baby is better!


03-01-2006, 02:55 PM
Ken Pope's web site is inspirational:


Has his work with special needs cats and dogs been discussed in pet talk before?

03-01-2006, 03:40 PM
When I read all this, I was hoping it was NOT little Sasha!!!! Will send prayers to help her get better!!! Please keep us posted!!!!

03-01-2006, 04:17 PM
When I read all this, I was hoping it was NOT little Sasha!!!! Will send prayers to help her get better!!! Please keep us posted!!!!

Thanks, She will have to live with her condition from what I am reading, there is nothing on this condition (myotonia), it is extreamly rare, Sasha I assume at this point is the 2nd cat known with it, I hope there are more somewhere
So we can learn from each other for the cats in the future that have it. And get it documented......

Not much hope with that, but I will continue on with the popes and with the neurologist and pray all the way that something can be given to these cats to help their condition some, though I dont ever see it cured, maybe something can help. They have dogs with it, but the meds they give the dogs is toxic to cats, so there isnt much at all..... :(

03-01-2006, 06:57 PM
Carrie, Post your question about Sasha's myotonia condition here...http://www.handicappedpets.com/cgi-bin/msg/webbbs_config.pl
Chances are others may have heard of this condition and be able to either dig up links, or share knowledge. I hope you can find some help for her...keep us posted. ;) Jan

06-05-2006, 02:09 PM

June 1, 2005 ---- June 3, 2006

Myotonia is an EXTREAMLY RARE condition, and never seen in cats. Most are euthanized because no one knows whats wrong, Sasha taught me alot about dedication and Love, she became my bestest friend ever. I am saddened that she is gone. She survived with her condition for a year. I am proud of her for all she did, and I will miss her so much. Myotonia needs to be known, it's out there and cats can be affected by it. It is a muscle condition; it's not a death sentence. She loved to eat, and would come running when it was time, her favorite food was Iams wet kitten food, it was hard for her to even move, but for food, she could run! I miss her dearly and will never forget her, nor will those that knew her. She was very special, and there is no other kitty like her. We love you Sasha, rest in peace now till momma sees you again
With Love,


06-05-2006, 02:40 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Sasha's passing. Play gently, little girl, you were called home much to early.

06-05-2006, 07:48 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of this...RIP Sasha you were very special...wait for your mommy at the bridge.

06-06-2006, 12:21 AM
OMG this is heartbreaking! I have to read more about myotonia...you say it's not a death sentence, but I wonder what happened to the little girl!

BLESS YOU for loving her! She had a far far better and longer life than she EVER would have had so many others.


06-06-2006, 05:54 AM
Poor sweet Sasha... :( I'm glad she had you to care for her even though it wasn't long enough. R.I.P. wee girl. :(

06-06-2006, 08:29 AM
Godspeed to the bridge sweet Sasha.

Your Mommy will find you One Fine Day.

06-06-2006, 08:45 AM
I am so sorry Carrie :(

I just read through this thread and of course am very sad to read that Sasha is now gone....but, I am glad that she had a happy life and was loved. Maybe someone else can read about her condition - and another cat may be allowed to live out it's life.

Hugs to you.

06-06-2006, 10:22 AM
OK you guys made me cry :( Its been a tough week without her thats for sure. No its not a death sentence, what I mean by that is that there is no research on it, no one i know has ever even heard of it, it is rare, but the problem is its because most are euthanized and diagnosed as FIP or Distemper, etc. and this is done because these diseases can show some of the same symptoms as Myotonia, but the difference is the symptoms are NOT all there, all but 1 or all but 2, where as Myotonia she had all of those symptoms, and was diagnosed with it from the neurologist, I am finding it hard to have her not here, it is breaking my heart, the few that knew her, like my vets office, are very saddened by this, she was a wonderful kitty, and very special to say the least. She would win the hearts of everyone that saw her and knew her. Many times over I was told FIP and to euthanize, and I did not, and I moved on and on till I had an answer that fit, and so everyone was with her and I through this, and her strenth and my persistance we moved forward with what we had. She has taught me and everyone ALOT, and I, for her, will make sure that every one in my path will know what Myotonia is, its not a disease, its a condition, The Problem is the medicine to help with dogs that have this condition is Toxic to cats, therefore there is nothing for them . Thanks for your wonderful replys, I miss her alot and cant wait to see her again someday

Carrie :D

06-06-2006, 05:47 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about sweet, precious Sasha. Poor baby, thank goodness she had you to care for her so lovingly. I know you miss her terribly, but rest easy knowing you did all you possibly could do for her.

Play hard at the Rainbow Bridge, little one. Your meowmie loves you. :(