View Full Version : Purring Habits??

11-25-2005, 07:35 AM
Just intersted to see if all your kitties, in the same way as their purrsonality varies in all other ways, have different habits when it comes to purring.

Max, well that boy purrs like a big diesel engine if you so much as go near him to initiate a head bump or whatever. You can hear him from the other side of the room and that is above the television! Hehe we often say that, like a car, he must have TDi stamped somewhere on his behind! :D :D

Candy willl 99% of the time purr if you have a scritching or rubby session but she is soooooo quiet that you have to get within kissing distance to hear her (I have absolutely nooo problem with that whatsoever)

Little Tom Toms, despite being the happiest boy alive, will choose his times. Normally after dinner when we're settled down in front of the TV for a while and then again during the night when he comes up for kisses and warmth. isnt is the best sound to hear a loud purr resonating through the dark night? Bliss!! :D :D

11-25-2005, 08:43 AM
Most of the Found Cats are great Thunder Purrers,they start purring at the First Pet.
I dont think that I have ever really heard John Hancock,or Rocca really purr.
Nugget has a great purr,but Scratchy who is nervous,is not.
Thats odd that those Meezers are not really Purrers,they are much more MEEEEERRRRRROOOOOOERS!

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-25-2005, 09:38 AM
Maya is our quiet cat here. She does purr when you pet her, but you have to put your ear on her head to hear it!
Inka & Zaou are my two purring diesels!! When tjey start purring, you can hear it from a LONGGGG distance!! Inka is my heavy-old-diesel, and Inka my new-diesel-engine :) .
About me then:I....
OOPS, this is just about cats, right :D :rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
11-25-2005, 10:03 AM
Amy has just started purring a lot. She is a soft purrer and you feel it more than hear it. Samantha purrs softly too. Giz is not still long enough to know rather she purrs or not and my sweet boy Chester, he purrs soflty too. I LOVE those you can hear across the room, especially at night when the lights go out.... Not a sweetier sound to go to sleep to.

11-25-2005, 10:29 AM
Felix likes his purring sessions when he's laying ontop of meowmie at night.He demands head scritches and rubs,when he has enough he lets me know with a gentle nip on the hand and he than leaves....Hes such a user ;) Hes not that loud,more of a softer purr.I love it when he purrs,he looks so peaceful and happy:D

11-25-2005, 10:47 AM
Oliver rarely purrs, he only likes love on HIS terms.

11-25-2005, 04:12 PM
Groucho, my little purrball, usually starts to purr when he wants some snuggle time and continues to purr throughout our snugglefest. At night he likes to sleep on my knees and I honestly don't know if he's purring or snoring.

11-25-2005, 05:10 PM
What a cute thread! :D

My Grace purrs very quietly and it sound like she has a cold or runny nose ... I love it! In fact some times her nose DOES run when she purrs! :D

Dexter the big boy has a big, soft tones motor ... love it as well.

So Small has a BIG purr for such a little tyke! :eek:

I won't hog the thread with ALL of my cats ... but each and every one of them are special all the way to their purr-boxes! :D

Horse Lover
11-25-2005, 05:42 PM
Whiskey my kitty if you just sit where she is she will purr non stop :D Socks on the otherhand she meows when she wants something and she grabs your hand and starts licking it its really cute :D but kinda odd! :D

11-25-2005, 06:25 PM
Kasha purrs pretty much all the time. The mere thought that someone might pick her up or pet her sets her to purring, a good sunbeam works too; or a can of squishy food; a soft blanket; the woodstove, whatever, she's a purring machine. A very loud purring machine! She even purrs while she's eating!

Glacier purrs most at night when he's kneading on me. He has a fairly loud purr. Purring causes Glacier to drool!

Pete sounds like a little engine. He purrs when he's laying top of me or when he sees Glacier. He does love Glacier.

Polly Paws purrs only for her daddy. She purrs at the mere sight of him.

Felicia is a selective purrer. She purrs only when she is very comfy and feels 100% safe. She's got a loud purr considering how tiny she is.

Onyx has a nice loud purr which he uses freely. It's a nice contrast to his meow, which sounds like a newborn kitten!

Ivy has an almost melodic purr. She purrs me to sleep every night while she shares my pillow.

Boots is full of purrs. He purrs when he's being held most or when he snuggling with another cat. He's very loud too!

Don Juan's mom
11-26-2005, 02:46 PM
Funny thing. The little cat has the BIG purr, and the big cat has the little purr. :confused:

Don Juan will purr when he climbs on my shoulder for "baby time." He purrs so quietly that I can't hear him unless I put my ear against him... but I sure can feel him. :) He will trill when I brush him, too.

Zerlina has a big rumbling purr that she deploys for her morning tummy rub. :D
