View Full Version : snowdoggies!

03-31-2002, 05:34 AM
My dog Tina LOVES snow! Every winter when the snow comes she get so happy and will plow through it with her face, bury her nose in it and roll like crazy in the snow. She loves it so much! It's so fun to see her have so much fun.

Is this a common thing among dogs, that they love snow so much?

Here is one of my photos of her after she has been in the snow;


03-31-2002, 08:41 AM
My Lab mixes absolutly love to play in the snow!! They will stay out running in it as long as I will let them. My mom's dogs on the other hand (beagle/poodle mix and a golden/cocker mix) hate it. They go out, do their business and want right back in.

I guess it isn't unusal for dogs to like snow, but does depend on the dog!

03-31-2002, 12:42 PM
That is a beautiful picture, but then again Tina is so beautiful so how could it not be :D

My houndies LOVE the snow way more then I do ...lol..

04-01-2002, 12:10 PM
Oh wow! I LOVE that picture!!! Its soooo beautiful. You should enter that in a contest.

It doesn't snow here but I know my dogs would hate it. Reece hates getting his feet in wet grass. Lolly doesn't mind wet feet as much but I have a feeling snow might freak her out.

Dixieland Dancer
04-01-2002, 02:03 PM
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN FACE! She looks like a angel with all that snow on her eye lashes and face.

My Dixie and Dusty (Goldens too) also love the snow and get rejuvenated by it. Personally, I'd like to live where it never snows. Or at least not have to drive in it. :rolleyes:

04-01-2002, 06:48 PM
Just to show me how much my girls love the snow...we have one small patch of snow left under our tree. Today I was outback playing in with the girls and they went under the tree to wreslte in the patch....Silly Snow Girls!!!:p