View Full Version : I think I found my answer...

Laura's Babies
11-24-2005, 01:55 PM
As most of you know, I have been very disturbed by Amy's worsening condition with her CH.. I guess I locked in on the words the condition don't get any worse and that is what I expected. Well, while I am waiting for the sweet potato pies to bake, I been surfing the web, looking for ANYTHING that would help me.... I found this and I guess this is what I been looking for and explaines it. I was ready to pack her up and take her out of state to a specialist to help find a answer to her worsening condition. See what I have put in bold...

(Just makes me want to CRY!.... and I have)
Cerebellar Hypoplasia
The cerebellum is the portion of the brain responsible for the control of motion. When a puppy or kitten is born with an underdeveloped cerebellum, the condition is known as congenital cerebellar hypoplasia. There are infectious causes of this condition in both cats (panleukopenia infection prior to birth) and dogs (herpes virus infection prior to birth). Improper development of the cerebellum may occur due to injury, poisoning or just from an accident in development in the uterus. It is generally possible to see signs of this condition almost as soon as the puppy or kitten is born. Affected animals have tremors and unusual jerky movements or may fall down when they try to move. The symptoms do not get worse as they age. As the kitten or puppy grows it will learn to compensate for its condition but there are usually lifelong signs of a decreased ability to coordinate movement. Almost all dogs and cats with congenital cerebellar hypoplasia can live happily as pets with a little special care to compensate for their disabilities. This condition can be confused with cerebellar abiotrophy, a different disorder in dogs in which the puppy has a normal cerebellum at birth but it gradually dies. Signs of disease identical to cerebellar hypoplasia occur but the timing is different. Puppies with this condition seem normal at birth but usually start to show signs of problems after they are 2 months or more of age.

11-24-2005, 02:12 PM
Cerebellar kitties often start showing signs shortly after birth. I have a whole bunch here Laura, and none are getting worse, but Eli is getting fat & lazy! :rolleyes:

Ally Cat's Mommy
11-24-2005, 02:29 PM
Oh Laura, I am crying with you :(

I don't have any experience with CH, but I am sending you HUGE HUGS and positive thoughts and prayers.

Hopefully some of our other members with special kitties can give you some reassuring news.

Amy has a wonderful Meowmie and she is truly blessed to have your love and care.


Laura's Babies
11-24-2005, 03:42 PM
Jan, how old was Eli when you got him? I got Amy when she was exactly 2 months old and she is now 2, I think. Maybe it is different with each one or peaks out after a certian age? I don't know! I just know I was not expecting ANY changes and right at her first birthday, she started changing and around each birthday, she seems to make a noticable decline. Her jumps down off the bed, sofa and chairs have harder landings, she has more problems getting up on the sofa, bed or chair but still refuses to let me put her up there.... I have taken my box spring and matress and put them on the floor to make it easier on her to get up and down from there.

The one thing I do have to say, with each decline, she becomes more and more affectionate and gets in more and more lap time. This time since I have had her home she is constantly by my side, or getting in my lap and PURRING! (She never purrs!) She is such a little sweetie pie!

11-24-2005, 04:03 PM
The Found Cats and I will add Amy,to Our Prayers and hope that you are able to help that Very Special Kitty.
And Mr Fluffy had been appointed Amys Guardian Angel,to help her all that he can
Bless Your Heart for giving Amy,her Furr Ever Home!

11-25-2005, 08:35 AM
Eli was probably about 4 months old when I got him, and it was obvious from the get-go he was special needs. His two littermates were also affected, but to much lesser degrees. I think a lot of it has to do with him being older now (he'll be 10 in April). He's taken lots of falls and all his teeth are gone as a result. He has slowed down a lot over the years, but I think it's more to do with his weight. Has Amy gained more weight, or been more sedentary? :confused:

smokey the elder
11-25-2005, 08:41 AM
Diva's condition deteriorated with time. She used to be able to safely climb stairs. About 3 years ago she knocked her head so bad falling down the stairs she had a seizure! Smart little devil that she is, she connected the dots and no longer attempts the stairs.

I need to hold her while she potties. She knows to yell for help when she needs it. She lies down and eats out of a low food bowl and drinks water. She has trained me very well to see to her needs.

Diva is nine and a half years old. I know of a CH cat who lived to be over 20,

Diva's condition seemed to stabilize at about 6.

She is the most loving cat, and is very grateful to us! I hope Amy doesn't deteriorate any more, but the situation can be managed. I never had had a CH cat before, so it was very alarming until the vet explained about it.

Laura's Babies
11-25-2005, 09:11 AM
smokey the elder, thank you for your information and experience on this condition. Those falls Amy is taking are what scares me, I jump up every time I hear that awful "THUMP" of her falling.

Jan, we watch Amy's weight pretty close, I know that weight will make it harder for her legs to hold her up. SHe is holding on 9 pounds which looks good on her, not to fat, not to thin although when you hold her, she feels boney. She has a medium size bone structure so 9 pounds look right on her. She mostly lays around (on her side) as most pictures I post of her show. She sits up now and then, always leaning against a wall or something, but not a lot. She stands to eat or drink but lays down to play. She suddenly don't use her kennel much for sleeeping, preferring the floor, sofa or chair. When the other cats do that rip and run playing, you can tell she gets excited and wants to play too but she never trys to join in, just watches with that excited look on her face.

As much as it saddens me, I think I have my answer... I just hope it levels off before she gets to, to bad. Her litter mates, I saw the day I got her and a few times after that and they were not effected by CH, had no symptoms at all.

I can see I am going to have to rearrange my house to where she can't climb on things to get up on the higher places to HOPEFULLY save her from some of the falls. I caught her laying on the kitchen counter just yesterday and took her down and scolded her when she tried to get right back up there again.

11-25-2005, 05:17 PM
Oh Laura, my heart breaks for you. I can just imagine how sad it must be to watch her struggle. Your visual picture of her wanting to play with the others, but not being able to, really hit me hard. :( Maybe like you said, you can fix your house to be a little more jump/climb resistant ... I just wish I had an answer for you. :confused: It may come to the point for her own safety that you confine her to your bedroom and floor mattress (how VERY sweet of you) when she can't be watched. I'm sure she would love to just curl up on Mommy's bed for hours at a time. Maybe you could alternate room buddies for her too with Giz and Chester? Don't give up on her, she is a sweetheart ... and try to remember that like the blind kitties, she has never known anything different!


Laura's Babies
11-25-2005, 05:52 PM
Kim, I can never give up on her! She has taught me so much about determination and not quitting until you accomplish your goals but for now, I think she has quit challanging herself and accepted that she can not do everything she would like to do. I knew this winter would be hard on her and we are just now getting our winter weather. I am coming to finally understand and accept, my eyes are opening and her condition is no ones fault, there is no where to place any blame and I can get on with the business of acceptance. Loving them so much, you hang on to hope as long as you can.... but the day comes when you have to accept it and move forward. Now I have a better understanding and can plan things to make life as easy on her as I can and get into some preventive measures.

This is one of the reason why I love Pet Talk so. I would have hung onto that hope and looked for a place to place blame and ran around in circles and never known or had to face the truth of her condition.. Goodness knows, I really think her vet was scared to tell me, he NEVER used the CH term with her to me even.... I can deal with what I KNOW, it is the UNKNOWN that you can't deal with. I just think her vet realized I was not ready to hear all that yet.

11-25-2005, 06:24 PM
Sweetie .. I worried about having said "don't give up on her" right after I posted that thread. I KNOW that you would never give up on her ... that's not really what I meant, but couldn't think of how to phrase it. I guess what I should have said, was don't give up hope FOR her! We both know that God is in control of every aspect in our lives, and THAT is what I was meaning!


Laura's Babies
11-26-2005, 12:43 PM
Kim, I knew you meant hope. I will always have hope that better weather, calmer nerves and such will have her do turnarounds, even if temporary. I always hope for days when she will act like she fells better and can get around better..... that is what I meant by me not giving up... So far, she has done better in the springs and summers... worse in the winters. I think a lot of her problems now are associated with Hurricane Katrina and her having to go to a strange house (at first to ride out the storm in her kennel..VERY stressful) and then to go stay in a completely different house without anyone she knew for the air conditioner ( I can imagine her horror at that) until Kevlin got his power back.

When I first brought them back home, she yowled if she thought I was leaving her, something she has never done before and about the time that stopped, it turned cold on us down here. Now it goes from cold to hot, hot to cold.. NOW it is suppose to start raining and rain for 3 days.... :mad:

11-26-2005, 02:15 PM
Poor sweet baby! It sounds like your weather is pretty much the same as Tennessee weather! :rolleyes:

11-26-2005, 03:39 PM
Keeping Amy in our thoughts.

Hugs for both of you.