View Full Version : Are my dogs INSAINE?!?!

11-24-2005, 12:28 PM

well here's my problem. I have 2 dogs and have people over today for Thanksgiving. So far only a few people got here but my dogs are INSAINE!? Whenever someone rings the doorbell they both go on their backs and start to pee when the guests come in. They are still little puppies but this is INSAINE! My hardwood floors can't take this!

Help!? is this normal?


11-24-2005, 12:36 PM
Any advice? Grandma just got here and there they go AGAIN!

11-24-2005, 12:53 PM
If your dogs haven't been around alot of people before & since they are puppies I'd suggest putting them in their crates in another room for a bit.
Then when you are done with dinner and everything and have time to pay attention to them get them out.
They are probably just nervous about all the hustle and bustle that's going on.

That's just a quick fix for now though. You really should socialize them and take them to obedience school. It works wonders!
Good luck and have a good day:D

Toby's my baby
11-24-2005, 03:04 PM
Anna gave you good advice, when everyone is done eatting, I would take them out and just let them explore, dont give them to people to hold so that they are forced into situations that they might not want to be in, especially if there are little kids. Just let them go around and sniff everyone. Hope something works, good luck!

11-24-2005, 10:36 PM
Give them some work to do, some exercise that will really tire them out. That's what I do when Zero misbehaves and it generally fixes the problems...he has too much energy !!

11-24-2005, 10:55 PM
They're not insane, just pups in a new and *scary* situation. Too late for this time, next time, try having them on leash when guests are coming over, so they can feel more secure with you at the other end to "protect" them. How old are the pups?

Sampson-my guardian angel
11-30-2005, 06:18 PM
sort of a mix between some peoples saying. I would put them outside to greet the people so that he doesn't go on the floor. Good Luck! :D