View Full Version : On a different note, Grrrrrrr.....

11-24-2005, 06:11 AM
Last night just as I was channel surfing, I heard a news story about a woman in the Cleveland, OH area who dumped 40 kittens in a park, in this lousy cold weather yet!!!! And the worst part of it is that she runs an animal shelter!!!!! The judge sentenced her to stay in the cold weather in the metro park last night. Ok, he thinks she's gonna get the point. Right. She had park rangers w/her the entire time, making sure that no harm comes to her. And she was crying and complaining about the cold. Waaaaa! Nine of the 40 kittens either died or had to be put to sleep because they were so sick. The judge is being praised but it needs to go farther than that! Her shelter needs to be investigated and those animals need to be removed from there. This made me so angry and sad. The kittens looked to be no older than 8 weeks old. Sorry. Just had to vent.


11-24-2005, 07:10 AM
That is just awful, and I agree the supposed 'punishment' goes nowhere near what is deserved. just imagine the suffering of all those poor kittens and their terrified little faces - it makes me sick. That's not to say the treatment those in the 'safety' of the shelter. it beggars belief, it really does. I pray that they all come to no harm and end up finding a loving, warm and affectionate home.

11-24-2005, 07:50 AM
I started a thread when I first heard of this sorry excuse for a rescuer...http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=89983

11-24-2005, 08:36 AM
Oh sorry. I didn't realize this was the same woman. I even signed the petition earlier. Thanx for setting me straight. :)


11-24-2005, 08:39 AM
She should be forced to stay in that Prk,in the Cold with no food,or water and be forced to beg Passer Bys for scraps.
Maybe then she would realize the evil that she had done.
A Pox on this Scum.
She should be brought up on Fraud Charges,if she has solicited Funds at all.