View Full Version : do you give your pets nicknames

Miss Z
11-23-2005, 02:14 PM
I certainly do! Does everyone else? These are my pets nicknames as follows:

Zsa-Zsa: Zizzy, Fizzy, Pusscat

Foxy: Girl, Fox, Miss Boo (when we're feeling very in love with her)

Tia Maria: Tiaz, Baby, Sweetpea

Laura's Babies
11-23-2005, 02:16 PM
Chester is my "Big Boy" and the girls are "Mama's little gurls"..... (yes, "gurls".)

11-23-2005, 02:23 PM
Oh why of course!!My Felix has his nick names....

Sookie baby,(This is the most used)
Mommys angel,(he got a got a circle on his forehead I call a halo)
My little man,
Mommys Boy,
Mommys widdle fatso :o (he's now starting to get a bit of a belly..too cute)
Chicken Ball..hehe

I also sing a short song :o Promise not to laugh....it goes like this :D

Felix is mommys sookie baby,and he's mommys little dick
yes he's mommys sookie baby,and he's mommys little dick.

hehehe :o :rolleyes:I think I have lost it!!! ;) :p

11-23-2005, 02:26 PM
sure do,
Poofy, big boy, baby girl, tinytot, sweeties, cutsie pie..on etc..lol :D

11-23-2005, 02:28 PM
Charleston: Well Charlie is his main nickname ;) We also call him dork, dude, Char, baby, sweetheart

Jamie: Jaimers, Jaims, sweetheart, dork

Not really a whole lot haha

11-23-2005, 02:30 PM
Oh gawd yes lol.

Mandy is officially Manny. We never say the D in her name. But she is also May-May, Manny Fo Fanny, Butthead (because she's a meanie sometimes)

Nova - Novey is what I generally call her. It's almost like it's her real name ;), Nov, Nova Shanova, Best Dog Ever :D

Luka - Lulu, Luka Lou, and nothing else yet since we've only had her 3 weeks ;)

11-23-2005, 02:34 PM
Oh my.... do I ever have some nicknames for my girls! :eek:

Tabitha: Tabby, Tabby Butt, CuddleBunny, Booboo, LittleOne

Sasha: Sashieochieboo, Sachieocie, and "sashalawashadabeecherdabacherdaboocherdabeeperdabo pbopbop"

Please don't ask about that last one! :rolleyes: I have NO idea where is came from, but she comes running when I even start to say it!

11-23-2005, 02:43 PM
Of course!!!


Shadow: Shabadow dog, Shadow Baby, Cow dog
Kyra: Ky, Kyra kid
Jack: Jack dog, Black dog, Doofus, Goof-head, J dog, JJ (His real name is Jumpin' Jack Splash) Jackie-loo (in a really high pitched screach!) JackJack
Micki: Boogaman, Booga, Mick, Mickers, Meeester, Meester Mouseman!!
Mini: Min, Minard, Princess, Face, Mouse, MouseMouse


Jasper: Jaspy, King Tut, Jaspurrrrr, Jasperkitty
Lassie: Fat cat

foster kittens...
Batman: Batcat
Motchka: Motchygirl

The guinea pigs really don't really have nicknames, Henry I call Henners, Elvis - Elly, Mo - Mokey man

11-23-2005, 02:46 PM
Jillie is Jillianna Banana, Thug Puppy, Pinkie(doesnt have much hair), Midggie(midget) Dog ((shes small)), Angel-baby-Lover-Puppy-sweetie-pumpkin-lumpkins

Frankie is Mista F'ankie, Cranky Frankie, little dawgie, Frankiestein

Matt is Mattie Bratty, Hot Rod, RahRah, Pamela(;)), Bert, Owwthathurt (he calls himself that alot)...

Binkie is Inkie Binkie

Nicky is Miss NickNicks

11-23-2005, 02:57 PM
LucyLou- Lucy,goose
Kodie- brown dog(lol),big boy

those are the ones we use the most.

11-23-2005, 06:27 PM
I sure do!!

MooShoo = Shooman, Mooman, Mr. Moo

Mollie Rose = The Divine Miss "M", Queenie, Rosie Girl

Maya Linn = Maya LaQuita, MayaMaya

Shortie = Sortie Girl, Lil Monkey, Short and Sassy

11-24-2005, 03:45 AM
Oh, yep! - there's nicknames here!

Let's see - here are just a few of them:

Weezie: Weezie Woo, Weezer Peezer, Fluffer Girl, and the ever-popular, Hateful. (She's a "bad cat" - she attacks strangers! - and sometimes people she knows!)

Eepie: Eeper Peeper, Eepie the Poo Cat (when she was a kitten, she slept in her litter box and pooed on everything else!), and Calicow (because she is one fat calico!)

Grey Girl: Grey Grey, Mama's Most Beautiful Grey, and Good Morning Kitty (because always gives me kisses in the morning as soon as I wake up)

Neko: Neko Neko the Amazing Kitty Gecko (got any idea what a kitty gecko is? - me either!), Slinker Cat, and Chibi Neko