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View Full Version : Walk in the Park

11-23-2005, 01:36 PM
Today me and a friend of mine took my three out to the park. We took a bunch of pictures, they didn't come out that great (I need a new camera), but at least I got some.

While we were there, a bunch of little kids were there too...one of them tried to approach, and I don't like to take any chance of kids petting them, and the parents didn't even say anything. I literally had to turn and walk the other way to prevent this kid from touching my dogs. :eek: That's a huge pet peeve of mine.

A cool picture of Casey

Two of Sam (He can't be let off leash)


Casey sniffing at something



A couple more coming...

11-23-2005, 01:40 PM




That's all. Hope you enjoy them. :)

11-23-2005, 01:43 PM
looks like everyone had a good workout. my dogs love going to the park! we can't let Maggie off leash, even in the 6 ft. fence areas! boy, is she a jumper! :eek:

11-23-2005, 01:54 PM
What cute pics!!! I love all your dogs but that Boomer, he's something else! Looks like everyone had fun!

I also hate it when anyone, kids or adults try to pet my dogs without asking. Although if we are in a public place & other peopl are around & I have a dog that I don't fully trust you can bet your bottom dollar that they would always be on a leash!

11-23-2005, 02:11 PM
Great outing and pictures, we took SammyJ, kirby and Yollie to the park yesterday,forgot the camera, I can let Sammyj off the leash any where, but not kirby, he runs, so my daughter has to keep him on leash all the time..yollie isnt trained yet so no off the leash..lol.. :D

11-23-2005, 03:16 PM
looks like they had fun!They're all really pretty dogs! :)

11-23-2005, 03:36 PM
:eek: WOW how breathtaken adorable all you babies are.. Nice pictures..

11-23-2005, 03:50 PM
I love your dogs! They are all beauties. My friend and me took her 3 dogs to the park two days ago. Some teenagers tried to hit BODGER! Her beautiful boxer boy. He ran away from them though! Her other dog are both pups so they can't be let off the leash yet. They are both kelpie/mastiff mixes.

11-23-2005, 04:42 PM
All of your dogs are gorgeous, they look SO happy! :) I agree, Boomer does have a really unique look, he's super handsome.

I also HATE IT when people run up to dogs and pet them without even LOOKING at the owner. Especially parents who haven't taught their kids that "No!" means "No!" (and everyone wonders why so many kids get bitten?)... I couldn't even count the number of children who have ran up to my dog, asked to pet him, I said "Sorry, no. He's shy." and they acted like they didn't hear me and continued to pet him. Luckily, Gonzo never growls or nips at children and he really isn't that shy, it's just much better to be safe than sorry with strange kids running up to your dog. You definitely made a smart decision by walking away.

11-23-2005, 05:06 PM
Last week, I was in Petco with my friend. She brought her kittens Lily and Alvin. A little girl came up to me and ASKED if she could pet him. I said sure and it was over. She was very gentle. But of course some eight and 5 year olds came up and started petting them without asking when I was holding them. Molly got pissed and so did I. They pulled little Alvins ears! He meowed really upsetly. I don't pet dogs unless the owners say I can.

11-23-2005, 06:54 PM
Your dogs are all so cute, but I especially Love Boomer, he has a gorgeous face!!!

Ginger's Mom
11-25-2005, 02:48 PM
Your dogs are all so good looking. Aww, Casey is always the good one, huh? :)
I really like Sam he is a good looking guy.

11-25-2005, 05:48 PM
Thanks everyone. :) Yeah, Boomers the crazy one. Anyone want to take a guess at what he is? Your guess is as good as mine. At the shelter, they had him as a Collie Mix. Haha, yeah sure. We think Akita/Border Collie and maybe a little pit in there. I only let him loose with his leash still attached, and then only for a few minutes, he dosen't have a great recall, especially if a critter decides to run through. Sam usually wanders off, and has some incredible selective hearing. Casey's always good, don't know why but even if a squirrel runs out, she'll stop in her tracks if I tell to her to.

We saw an otter while we were out there, it was real neat. And then decided to turn back when we saw some stuff uprooted by hogs..they're not my favorite animal. ;)

Toby's my baby
11-25-2005, 06:50 PM
Great pictures!! Looks like they had fun! Thanks for sharing :)

11-25-2005, 10:43 PM
That looks like a nice place! If you can pm me, I'd like to know where it is. Looks like the dogs had a lot of fun. They are all very cute, by the way,