View Full Version : Crazy dogs!

11-22-2005, 11:14 AM
Yesterday was a really sedentary day at work until about 4:30. We had fed the dogs and all of them were outside in a run. We were inside cleaning cages but a lot of them were barking so I went outside to tell them to hush when I noticed Koko. She had her teeth caught in the door (the doors are fencing like a chainlink fence) and couldn't get them out. She was bleeding and I totally freaked out. I ran inside trying to find a doctor and I finally found Dr.D up front on the computer. Thank GOD we were not busy! She ran to the back and tried to get her loose. With all the commotion Dr. Mitchel ran outside too. All of the dogs were still barking ... of course the whole time they were barking at Koko. While I started taking them in the doctors had to give her a sedative and once it took effect they literally took plyers to pry her off! We brought her back inside and waited for her to wake up. She had a lot of teeth pulled and this is the only way she was able to get her teeth caught in there.

I should have known -- about a month ago she got out of her run inside ... which was locked! She ate all of the dog food :rolleyes: She is a chocolate Lab, though, and what Lab doesn't eat all the food? LOL

And, ironically, another chocolate Lab named Cocoa (same name different spelling) came in as all of this was happening. She has a lot of medicine and I was telling Destiny that at medicine time she becomes a butthead. She won't take it in food, so you have to shove it down her throat. She has 6-7 pills each time and you have to do them all at once and run away or she'll eat you :( So I held the dog while Destiny shoved them and she started to try to get away, so we tried to back away and as we did that she bit both of us. She broke the skin on me and one of my fingers is sore and pretty much unusable. I wonder how I'm going to cook Thanksgiving :(


11-22-2005, 12:00 PM
LOL! I would have really freaked out! Poor Koko! She had to get her teeth pulled? The must have hurt. But at least its over:)

11-22-2005, 12:12 PM
Aww poor Koko!! That must have been really scary for both her and you guys. When I worked at a boarding kennel, we had owners fail to tell us that their dog is terrified of thunderstorms, one hit, and when we came in in the morning the dogs mouth and paws were bleeding from trying to get out.

We also hang buckets up for water for the crazy labs and such, and we came in one morning to find a 6month old lab hung up in the bucket, it's leg was broken. That was pretty scary.

I hate dogs that bite..it's really annoying when you have to do something with them. It must be worse for you though, you probably get all kinds in the vets office. The boarding kennel didn't accept aggressive dogs whatsoever. I did get bit once by a Bull Terrier, but it was an extremely hard play bite that punctured my thumb.

Is Koko okay now though?

11-22-2005, 12:22 PM
Maltese_Love - she had her teeth pulled a few years ago in a routine dental, not because of yesterday! That is the only way she was able to get her teeth in. I'm sure it hurt a little, but she still has enough teeth to eat dry food :)

Areias - Wow those stories sound horrible :( It is a little worse at a vet office. We can deny them service for boarding, but not for checkups and vaccines and other treatments. We don't deny service for Cocoa I'm guessing because she's usually only mean when it's time to give pills. The doctors decided yesterday to have the techs feed her and they will only feed small amounts and add the pills to her food. Putting the pills in her food has never worked before but hopefully since it will only be small amounts she will be hungry enough to eat them!

We denied ever boarding a GSD again about 2 months ago. He bit for no reason, although he never broke the skin. A lot of times we get dogs that bite and are aggressive and it's usually the little ones, and since they're small we continue to board them. We usually deny service for the large dogs but there is a husky that comes in that bites for no reason. And he hurts! I don't know if the doctors even know that he bites -- I've never told them. I've come up with some really creative ways to handle him so that I don't get bitten ;) But he's coming in over New Years and I'll be working so we'll see how that goes!