View Full Version : Tick help needed

11-22-2005, 08:35 AM
We've been battling ticks for years. We have woods across the road from our house and I think that is part of the reason we have such a problem. I keep Frontline on my dogs, always. We also treat our yard with granules. We still have ticks. :mad: I check the dogs at least once a day, usually twice and always find a few ticks on them. I'm going out of my mind. There are certain times of the year that are worse than others and right now is one of the bad times.
I would appreciate any advise and suggestions. Thank you in advance.

11-22-2005, 08:40 AM
Oh im so sorry your having such a prob. I have no idea what to do about them ,but just wanted to say good luck with getting rid of them, I know they were a big prob for us in ok, but I dont rember what we did :(

11-22-2005, 08:53 AM
I would ask your vet to see if there any treatments you could give them that are better on ticks. I give my dogs frontline, too, and when we go hiking in the woods they get ticks, too, but fortunately since I live in town it's not a problem most of the time. Frontline doesn't seem to be very effective against ticks- one time Marta got a tick embedded in her 1 day after I applied the frontline. They've never had fleas, though.

I don't know how often your dogs are outside, but if nothing else works you could keep them indoors more. Ticks are scary because of the threat of disease. Good luck!

11-22-2005, 10:29 AM
I would ask your vet to see if there any treatments you could give them that are better on ticks. I give my dogs frontline, too, and when we go hiking in the woods they get ticks, too, but fortunately since I live in town it's not a problem most of the time. Frontline doesn't seem to be very effective against ticks- one time Marta got a tick embedded in her 1 day after I applied the frontline. They've never had fleas, though.

I don't know how often your dogs are outside, but if nothing else works you could keep them indoors more. Ticks are scary because of the threat of disease. Good luck!

Yea, I never had a problem with fleas either. The dogs are only outside to go potty and then it's right back inside. We used to play ball outside, but that is now an inside activity. :( I should probably try something other than frontline. I tried a holistic garlic treatment and for awhile I thought that it seemed to help, but not as good as I would have liked it to worked.

11-22-2005, 11:17 AM
There is a product out there, just for ticks. It is applied just like advantage. I thought the name was preventic but all I could find for that is just collars. I know that it can be used with advantage (not sure if it can be used with other flea treatments) but it works wonders.
If I can find or think of the name I will let you know... I'm trying.

11-22-2005, 11:20 AM
Fenway gets tics too, even though I put tic medication on him (Frontline) each month. I found one crawling on him the other day. When I went to get the tweezers, it was gone! I've found them on me and I've found them in my bed - dead (gross).

I always thought that after the first frost of the season, they would all die. But they haven't (those little buggers)!

I guess I too, will have to ask the vet for something stronger.

Good luck.

11-22-2005, 09:15 PM
I think even if you didn't remove the ticks, they would soon die. Ingesting the blood from a dog treated with Frontline should cause the tick to die and drop off very soon.

11-23-2005, 08:22 AM
I think even if you didn't remove the ticks, they would soon die. Ingesting the blood from a dog treated with Frontline should cause the tick to die and drop off very soon.
But the longer you leave them in there the greater the chance you have of your dog getting lyme disease.

11-23-2005, 12:06 PM
Luckily Florida doesn't have as many cases of lyme disease as some places, but we do have cases of it. :(
Ticks are a big problem around here even in nice neighborhoods. It's worse here though because of the woods. It's pretty common for us to get wild animals in our yard, usually racoons and things. We do on occasion see larger animals, this past summer we saw some deer. We have a wild life preserve about a half mile down the road. We also live between 3 lakes.

I'm going to have Justin put down granules again tonight.