View Full Version : Please be careful, everyone...

03-29-2002, 11:27 PM
I want to express how much you all mean to me, tonight more then ever. Unfortunately, I was in bed trying to fall asleep when I heard someone doing 50-60 mph in my 10 mph parking lot, then I heard the tires squealing, then the dreaded crashing and crunching of steal. I figured some fool was trying to see how fast he could drive through a parking lot and ended up crashing into the cars that were parked in the carports, but within 5-10 minutes I heard the cop cars start coming...I looked out my window and saw that a car had gone over the railing, and came crashing 6 feet down, flipping the car completely upside down. I watched in horror as the cops tried to pry the kid out of the drivers seat, and looking in the upside down car, to see if anyone else was in it. The the fire truck got here, then the ambulence. They may have used the "jaws of life" to pry the car open so they could pull the body out. I have never seen what the "jaws of life" look like, but they looked like they had this big, giant motor that they had by the upside down car. They finally managed to pull the driver out, but he was not breathing. They began to recessatate him and they worked on him for quite awhile. One person in the crowd said that she was an RN, and that kid was dead. The life was gone out of his body. When I saw him, I realized that he had to be no older then 20. Unless by some miracle, the doctors/surgeons are able to save him, that kid is dead. They stopped recessitating him when they took him away.

When they were done putting the body in the ambulence, they examined the car just to make sure no one else was in it, and the fireman pulled out a huge, empty booze bottle. He looked at the crowd and said, "see what drinking will do to you", as he threw the bottle back in the car.

That was someones child. What a waste of a life. All because of a foolish decision to booze it up and then hit the road. Thank goodness no one else was in the car, but what a shame.

My heart is heavy tonight. I mourn for the parents of that boy. I am so against drinking and driving, I can't help to think how stupid that kid was, but he WAS someones child, and his life was so short.

I should go to bed, but my heart and mind are racing. I feel so bad for that kids parents. When the car came crashing through the steal railing and down the 6 foot drop, it also hit 2 cars that were parked in the carport, so he killed himself, and took out his car, plus the two that were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I just can't wait to get out of this place. I wish I could find a place without drunk drivers :(

Please be careful everyone. You just never know when those fools hit the road, and I wanted to share the experience so hopefully those of you who tend to drive on "heavy drinking nights" are SOOOO careful, and that you try to avoid driving at all on these drinking nights. I don't want any of my wonderful friends here on PT to ever get hurt by drunkin fools like the one who lost his life in front of my apartment today.

I love you all. Please be safe. If you read this message, please say a prayer for that kids parents. They will get some horrendous news tonight...news that I am sure all parents dread more then anything in the whole world.

03-29-2002, 11:42 PM
Leslie, I am so sorry you had to witness that. I started crying as soon as I started to read your message. Please hold tight to Graham, Kersey, and Dan tonight. Thank God none of you were hurt. Try to get those images out of your mind. I will say prayers for the boy's parents tonight :( I will also pray that this changes at least one person's mind about drinking and driving.

03-29-2002, 11:47 PM
thats horrible Leslie. Another reason why i am afraid of the world.

03-29-2002, 11:59 PM
How awful, what a terrible thing to witness. I wish strength for the family of that kid :(.

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-30-2002, 12:08 AM
That is so terrible, and what is worse kids hear about this kind of stuff all the time and think it will never happen to them :( . Thank God you and your family were safe indoors, i am sorry you had to witness such a terrible tragedy :( . I will remember that poor kid's family in my prayers but also, we need to pray for all the children..... they have it so hard now-a-days......... the world is so fast and scary and peer pressure is everywhere :( :(

Dixieland Dancer
03-30-2002, 05:51 AM
Leslie, I will say a prayer for the parents of that boy. I know first hand the agony of losing a loved one because of drunk driving. My Mother was in the wrong place at the wrong time when a drunk driver decided to run a red light. She was killed instantly and he walked away with minor scrapes and bruises. She was only 27 years old with three small children at home. I was the baby and only 4 years old.

Because of this senseless act, I never really knew my mom. I was blessed with a great dad though so I feel fortunate. I am 42 years old now and the pain is still there. The questions... what if, why? I pray constantly that I will be able to see my son grown so he never has to know the pain of losing me or his dad. I look forward to seeing my mom in heaven though and plan on doing a lot of catching up!

I will pray for you too that the images you saw don't linger too long. You are special to all of us too so you take care and try to get some rest. A couple extra hugs for Graham and Kersey couldn't hurt!

03-30-2002, 06:16 AM
Leslie as I saw the subject that it was started by you I was almost afraid to read further. I just didn't want to read of anything more happening to you and yours in light of Graham's accident. What a thing to have to experience right before falling asleep. I know it would have shaken me to the core to witness that and sleep would not have come easily. You have done a service by posting this because maybe someone who is reading might take the message to heart and make better decisions for themselves in the future because of your warning. My heart goes out to this boy's parents also. How does a parent go on after something like this has happened!!

Two weeks ago my co-worker got a phone call that one of her daughter's friends was killed in a car accident at the age of 20. His car was hit by a 79 year old driver who probably should have hung up his car keys years before. There are so many things to look out for when you drive that you really need eyes in the back of your head.

Dixie I am so sorry to hear about your mom passing away when you were only 4 years old. That driver deprived you of one of the most basic loves in life, the love between mother and child!! I know that your dad did a wonderful job raising you though because you are one of the most delightful people here at Pet Talk and that is not by accident! Oh how sad, that bad things happen to good people and that good people must pay with their lives through the reckless acts of others.

May we all just hug our families and friends a little bit tighter this weekend and be thankful to God for those we cherish and are able to hold in our arms.

03-30-2002, 07:42 AM
Oh, Leslie, I am so sorry that you had to witness that whole incident. I do believe that the sooner you and Dan can get that new home of your own, the better off you'll be! As beautiful as your setting is, seems like you have been plagued with sad things there.

As soon as I read about the accident, I felt my heart constrict and started thinking about his parents and how their lives will never be the same. I am so grateful that no one else was injured or killed by this foolish act. But, you're right, they will never have their son back. And as a mother that thought makes me sick to my stomach. Candy, for some reason, I guess I didn't know that about your mother, but your timliness in telling us about it appreciated. I know it hurts to even think about it. My family has much to be thankful for.

I hope you can rest and get past this.

03-30-2002, 08:38 AM
How horrible to have to see that. I know how you feel about drunk drivers. My uncle was hit & killed by one. It was horrible.

03-30-2002, 09:13 AM
I also feel so sorry for the parents and will say a little prayer for them. Unfortunately parents cannot be with their children twenty four hours a day and have to rely on what they taught them. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't.
Dixie, I was so sorry to hear about your Mother, what a tragic thing to happen, thank God you had such a wonderful Dad.
Our number one Grandson has just started drving and of course we worry all the time, but luckily he is not allowed to drive at night, must have an adult at all times in the car when he is driving, and is under constant supervision. It may seem a little harsh, but then again it may save his life.
Leslie I am so sad to think that you had to witness that tragic accident, it is something that stays with you.
Hope you have a better day today.

03-30-2002, 09:23 AM
What a sorrowful report. I am so sorry that it had to happen and you had to be a witness to it. My heart goes out to the parents. What a tragedy. What a waste. I am sad. :(

4 feline house
03-30-2002, 09:39 AM
I almost passed this by since it was in a dog category.

What a terrible thing to have to witness.

Being the mother of a driving teenage boy, an impulsive one at that with a prior history of drug abuse, this scares the BEJEEZUS out of me.

They say the loss of a child is the worst thing anyone can go through. Too bad these kids don't have tapes of that phrase playing in their ears twenty-four hours a day. I grieve for and pray for the parents of that boy.

My sister was killed by a drunk driver. It was 23 years ago and I still think of it everytime I go through that intersection.

Dixieland Dancer
03-30-2002, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by 4 feline house

My sister was killed by a drunk driver. It was 23 years ago and I still think of it everytime I go through that intersection.

I am the same way when I go through the intersection where my mom was killed. My son always says 'You're thinking of your mom, aren't you?' I always tell him "Yes, I am thinking of my mom and your Grandmother. She would of really loved you!" Life does go on though.

Thanks for the kind words about my dad. He and my husband are my best friends and I am truly blessed!

03-30-2002, 08:04 PM

What a terrible thing to witness. It would be very hard
to put out of your mind and go to sleep after that. Hope
that tonight is a lot more peaceful ! Hugs & Kisses to
Graham and Kersey.


I can't properly express my sadness at hearing of the
early loss of your Mom. I guess i think of my own Mom
and what a 'rock and refuge' she was for me, my brothers
and sister while we were growing up. My "Poppa was a
rolling stone" so to speak, and I never really' knew' him
as a person.

I pray tonight for all our Pet Talk members, their families
and friends that have suffered the loss of innocent lives.
I believe in my heart that all will be reunited in heaven. Liz.

03-30-2002, 09:48 PM
Candy, and 4 feline...I am so sorry to have brought up memories and pain with posting my experience. I am so sorry that you lost your family members...Candy, my dad died when I was 11 months old and so my mom was the one to raise my 2 brothers and I. My mom raised us and she and my husband are both my best friends in the entire world, too. If anything, I think it brings the remaining family so close together and it creates such a strong bond between parent and child.

4 feline... Iam so, so sorry about your sister. That is so terrible. Why do drunken fools get behind the wheel? Thank God that fool kid didn't take any other lives but his own when he decided to get behind the wheel in his condition.

Alot of people have been walking past the accident site, and seeing the missing strip of railing and all the broken glass. Every time I walk by the accident site I think of the parents who had terrible news last night...why do people still drink and drive??? It just sickens me. Candy and 4 feline, I can't express my sympothy enough for your losses. It's just not fair.

Dixieland Dancer
03-31-2002, 02:05 PM
Leslie, Please don't be sorry for posting about the accident. You needed to express yourself and we want to be there for you even if it is via the web and not in person. If I was there in person, I would give you a hug and let you cry if necessary.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. Why this happened and why 4-feline's sister and my mom had to pass at such an early age is a question I can't answer but when I get to heaven and see my mom again, it won't matter.

I am who I am in this world because of circumstances. I do not drink because of what happened so many years ago. Perhaps someone reading this will also realize the dangers of drinking and driving and think twice before doing it. If they do drink then maybe they will seek out a designated driver!

Please, never be afraid to post subjects even if they are sad. We grow from all things in life.

03-31-2002, 07:29 PM
AMEN !!!


04-01-2002, 11:54 AM
(((HUGS))) This is late, but I am so sorry that you had to witness that Leslie.

And I huge Hug for all of you that have lost loved ones.

I was just 14 when my parents and I were the first on the scene to a horrible drunk driving accident. I drunk driver behind the wheel of one of those "monster" trucks hit a car full of high school students head on.

I will forever see the images, and even though some kids lost their lives, my mom was able to save one with the CPR training we learned in Girl Scouts.

04-01-2002, 02:23 PM
Leslie, your heart is larger than life. Witnessing that was hard but it had to mean something. You passed this story on to many many friends worldwide, and we will all pass it on to other people we know. This local tragedy that happened in your sight will be known world wide soon. Hopefully that means the word will hit people and make them stop and think.

I get angry when I hear things like this because it's not like people aren't aware of the dangers, so WHY DO THEY DO THIS! It's simple, everyone thinks it can't happen to them. I hope tragedies like this reach at least one young person, or one person who thinks drinking and driving is okay.... if it reaches one person then that is huge.

Clear your head Leslie. There is nothing you could do, but passing this on to all of us will do more than you know.

God Bless you Leslie, and everyone. I pray you are all safe as well.

04-01-2002, 02:53 PM
Candy, I just went back and re-read the responses from you all. I was very surprised to hear about your mother. I know you have had many years to try and heal but something like that will never go away I'm sure. You are an amazing and strong woman. She is very proud of you, I am positive of that. She is watching over you and your family every day though.... she knows your son and loves him just like you say she would. Bless you Candy.

4 Feline, I was very sorry to hear of your loss as well. Losing someone to something so senseless is devistating. It's unfair and hard to think that there is a reason for it. But there is. I'm sorry you lost your sister.... she too is watching over you, and making sure you are okay:)

04-01-2002, 03:02 PM
Leslie, I am sorry you had to witness that. I lost one of my closest sorority sisters to a drunk driving accident. Adrunk driver was driving South on the Nrthbound lane and hit Lisa's car head on. I was in the car behind her and saw the whole thing. They had to cut her car to get her out, but she was already long gone :(

Only 2 weeks later, my best friend was out talking a walk when he go hit by a drunk 16 year old. Christian dies on impact.

These experiences were so shocking and real. I couldn't think of anything else for days! I can still see the images of Lisa's lifeless body being pried out of her car.

Candy and 4-feline, I am sorry for your tragic losses. I wish people would just be smart and stop being so careless. No only do they endanger their own lives but the lives of many others.

04-01-2002, 03:31 PM
I am so, so sorry to hear of everyone's losses involving drunk drivers. You can never help thinking of the "if onlys". I can't imagine the pain of losing a family member or close friend, especially at such early ages. I send my deepest sympathies and prayers to you all.