View Full Version : hi i'm Kersey

03-29-2002, 07:01 PM
mom keept tellen mee dat i gotssa innerdoose mi self. hi! mi name is Kersey an i love mi new ma n dad n bro Graham alot and alot. i am glad ta meet yoo all an i hope we kan be frens. i was skared dat my new ma n pa wood give me ta anodder ma n pa at first but mi new bro Graham told me ta un pak mi bags...dat i was heer to stay for good. dat made me feel better and less frade. ma n pa put me in skool too! i'm a googirl. ma n pa tell me so all da time. i lerned to sit wen mom stops walkin an waaait wen ma drops a kookie on da flore or opens da outtie dore i hafta waaaait until ma ses OK then i kan eat it or i kan go outtie. i like kookies. i also like goin ta skool an makin ma happie wen i heeeel and waaait an wen i sit.

i doont like da monstrr dat eeties all a mi stuffie fluff off da floor dat i pull outta mi toys tho.

tooday ma helded me an Graham in hur arms an tolded us dat we are hur dreems kome true. i asked Graham wat dat ment an he tolded mee i wold know wen i finich skool an bekome a smartie. some times Graham tels me i stink an i hav lizurd brains but ma ses he is kiddin an he reeeely loves mee. i noo hes my big bro but he is SMALLER den me an ma telled me dat he only teeses me kause older bros are apoosta teese theer lil sisturs. he is mi good frend an we play even tho he teeses me.

ma is tellin me not ta talk much longrr kause she dose not want ya to get bord.

nise meetin ya all. nitie nite.
love Kersey

ps heres a pikshure of me an Graham.

03-29-2002, 07:14 PM
Hi, Kersey!
Your mom is right, big brothers do tease their sisters. I have one myself. I love your picture with Graham. You are very sweet. Both of you. I'm so glad you found your forever home. I know your mom loves you to pieces. I'm sure you will make tons of friends here. Nite. Nite. To you too. Sweet dreams.:)

03-29-2002, 07:21 PM
Hi Kersey! Welcomes Ta Pet Talk Dis Here is Sadie
And Cincy!! I'm here tooo
And Cincy, and we just wanna tell ya wes glad ya found a good home and dat you gots such a good big brother and ma and pa.
And I jus wanna tell ya, as the lil sis, to make sure ya guets yur licks in too...don't lets yur olda brotter teaze ya too much. :)

Dixieland Dancer
03-29-2002, 08:33 PM
WoWser! They look soooo much alike! I'm glad Kersey is enjoying school so much. It is a great bonding experience. It might be nice for Graham to go to school again too. Just for a refresher and to have a little one on one time with mom!

I am looking forward to many more Graham and Kersey stories! And of course PICTURES! :D

03-29-2002, 09:12 PM
Howdy Kersey.
Simba here. I one day wish to meet you and your great brother Graham. I bet we would have fun romping around together! Me and my pal KayAnn are tring to get mommie and daddie to get us another doggie they wont do it :( Graham is so lucky to have you! I like your pic-a-ture too!

03-29-2002, 09:25 PM
We already know your mom and your brother, Graham, and we know about the great dad you have too!! :) We were all so excited the day that your mom announced that she had brought you home!! Seeing you and Graham together makes me smile real, real big :D :D :D (sorta like that).

You are one lucky girl to have found such a nice family to spend the rest of your life with!! Looks and sounds like you are already quite comfortable with them to me!! :)

Leslie, I could not be happier for you!!! :D

03-29-2002, 10:24 PM
DeaR Kersey,

Reece man here. I jus wanted to let ya know that I is the liddle brudder and my big sis teazes me 2!! But my mommie also told me that its cuz my sis luvs me, its just her job to teaze. So I lick her face an she actz grossed out but she reelly loves it! My mom tooked me to skool befor an now she said its Lolly's turn if Lolly doesn't act too big of a fweak at skool. She gets reel scared like in public cuz someone mean used to kick and yell at her lots. Anyway I jus wanted to tell ya not to feel bad when the big brudder teazes you! Welcom to da Pet Talk family! Everyone is REEL nice!! My 2 big sisters Lolly and Shiloh and my mommie also say WELCOME!!!!!!!!!

Luv, Reece

03-30-2002, 09:44 AM
Shiloh here:

Welcome ta ur new home! It's fun ta hava big brodder. I gots one. I just love ta bother him and try ta steel his goodies and food. I'm quick n I sometimes win! HA! Then mom catches me and makes me give it back. BOOO! I tries ta eat it reel quick afore I gets caught. I love him, though. When he lays around an looks sad, I come and sit by him n give him kisses. Sometimes he lets me. Sometimes he even wants to play with me! FUN! We sit together a lot. Mom calls us "bookends" Wazzat? We liketa go for walks together. Oh, gotta go for a walk wit dad now....

So happy that you found a great forever home!

03-30-2002, 10:00 AM
Hi ya Kersey girl! StarShine an Cody Girl here! Yuz sure ar one purty doggie! Ya knows Kersey, yuz gots the bestest forever home der wif Grahmster Bro, Mom and Dad. An my mOm tells us how much yer family loves their new kid and Grahams loves you lots an lots too! Yer eberthing a family could want in a doggie, and yer even doin good in skool! I think we're gonna be seein lots more piktures of the boooootiful Kersey and Super GRaham! So glads ta meet ya, Kersey. We love you. Love, yer pals, Star***Shine and Cody Girl.

03-30-2002, 12:01 PM
Howdy Kersey this be Smudge or Smudgealot as moomie callsed me sumetimes. You's a perdy puppy and I tinks Winter has a crush on Graham...

Shuddup, mes tinks Grahams cute but mes loves Toruque. Kersey, us wittle sisters gunna have to stick twogeher against are big bruthers...and one day we can wead a wittle sister wevolt. Classes aren't bad are theys? Mummie saysed that shes gunna put mes in unother obdi...listening to her class 'cuase last one we only had the last 3 classes and she only had me two days when we went to it. Me's have to go now byes byes...

03-31-2002, 03:47 PM
Sadie here,

Hello, Kersey!!! Welcom too Pet Talk! I'm sure you'll love it here! I love your picturez, they are cute! I'm gladz thatz yoo foundz a goodz home!

Love, Sadie May :) ;)