View Full Version : Sunday at Max, Candy and Tom's House

11-20-2005, 03:11 PM
Hello pals, here is Max, Candy and Tom speaking. It is Sunday today and we thought you would be interested in seeing some pictures of us. We have been quite lazy, but still very, very cute, so here we are for your viewing pleasure...

Here's Max, he is king of the household a real big labrador of a boy, our big, big, darling furry man...
Is that a paw, or a big white boxing glove......?
Now, here's Candy, or is it Alien Candy? Shhhh, you're a few weeks too late for meow-een sweetheart...

And Tommy, seems to have taken the same disguise.....tom...or an alien puss.....tom, or an alien puss........ you decide.....
that's all for now, happy fun one and all, see you soon.

max, candy and tomxxx

11-20-2005, 03:20 PM
Hi Max,Tom and Candy this is the Found Cats.
I see that your Guardian takes lots of hotos of you too.We think thats its thier memory is not so good,and they need to look at Photos,to remeber who we are.
As long as the Treats and Food keep coming!

11-20-2005, 03:24 PM
Hey found cats... This is max, candy and tom speaking. Our meowmie's dad ( our grand-cat-father) has been researching the family tree. ..... We have discovered many family members in, of all places,;.......cat-ada......So its much furry love all over the world.....yours genetically meow-ing...

max, candy and tom (dusty too, especially sends kisses to Mr MTMagnicifent.)

11-20-2005, 03:39 PM
Wow :eek: look at those eyes.Very cute pictures!! :D

11-20-2005, 07:30 PM
Cute pictures, those are some BRIGHT eyes there! :eek:

11-20-2005, 07:46 PM
Hi Max, Candy, and Tom! It's about time we get some pictures of you on here! You are three beautiful kitties, and I hope we get to see you a lot more often----aliens or not! :D


11-20-2005, 08:16 PM
Hi there, fellow kitties! It's so nice to finally meet all of you. Don't know what it is about Meowmies and flashy boxes. Tom, looks like everything is worked out with your Meowmie and she was really very nice about it. Our best cases are those settled out of Cat Court. Aboose is very hard to define but we PT kitties MUST remember that we have hoomins that love us, care for us, and protect us. Every kitty should live the way we do, we really don't have reason to complain. We should say our kitty prayers for all the poor kitties that don't have homes and hoomins to care for them. We may complain but you must admit we're a darn lucky bunch of kitty cats here.

Laura's Babies
11-21-2005, 12:02 PM
HI BABIES!! Good to see you, you are so pretty and look so handsome!!!

11-21-2005, 01:25 PM
Those alien pictures are a hoot.

Nice to see pictures of your furkids.

I love the unique markings on Max's face. Too cute. :)