View Full Version : Magic's Story

11-19-2005, 06:20 PM
I have posted pictures of Magic and how much she loves her ball but now I'd like to tell you a little about her history. She is a pure bred sheltie that was born in a puppy mill and sold to a pet store at the age of six weeks. From there she was purchased by a woman with an eighteen month old child. The woman soon learned that a young child plus a puppy was way too much work so she gave the pup to her mother. The mother didn't want Magic because she already had two very large dogs and didn't want to bother with training a puppy. She kept Magic for about three weeks trying to rehome her. When it was time for this woman to go on a trip she boarded her own dogs but didn't want the expense of boarding the puppy so she talked an aquaintence into taking the pup for the two weeks she would be gone. This woman raised boxers and didn't want the pup either. She finally ended up at the pound when the first woman refused to take her back. She was unloved, untrained and unwanted. She was taken from the pound by a Sheltie Rescue Organization (lucky girl) so by the time she was five months old she had learned absolutely nothing except not to trust people and fear large dogs. I adopted her at six months from the rescue organization. We have had our issues and trials with Magic but she is worth every ounce of the effort we've put forth in shaping this wonderful little dog. Please consider rescue before you buy a pup, there are so many that need forever homes. I will always have rescues in my home.

11-19-2005, 06:43 PM
That is so great that she was saved from that..Sammyj wasnt a rescue persay, but his first owner died..im still dealing with issues he caused my poor baby..many of them pure curelty..I bought him from a lady about 3 hours away, and im very gald I did.. :D

11-19-2005, 07:48 PM
Thats so sweet. :D

my bridge dog Muffin... is also was a rescue. my mom was heading to work one night.. and almost hit her with her car. :eek: when my mom got out,, and looked her over and seen that she alright. got back in her car and started to drive off.. but the dog tried to follow her.. so my mom stopped,, opened the door and let the dog in.

i was only 9 years old at the time. and was thrilled to have a new dog. but she told me not to get attached to her.. becasue her owner could come and claim her... i didnt understand what she ment at all by that. but luckily,, no one claimed her.. she became mine :)

new mom to a veiled
11-19-2005, 07:57 PM
You and Magic are very lucky to have found each other ;)

11-24-2005, 02:31 PM
That's such a sad, but wonderful story! I love Magic's name, fit's her, and her story very well! I'm so glad that you now how Magic, ;)

Toby's my baby
11-24-2005, 03:09 PM
That is a great story!! I'm glad she is in good hands now! Can't wait to see more pictures of beautiful Magic!

11-24-2005, 11:09 PM
What a sad story, but with a happy ending at least. Magic is lucky that you found her!