View Full Version : My friday has offically been ruined.

11-18-2005, 05:01 PM
My little brother, my friend and I were all outside playing basketball when we saw a black and white dog, with a red leash dragging behind him. I've seen this dog sooo many times. He lives at one of my neighbors houses. I tried to go and get him, i figured it would be easy since he had a leash, but my little brother said when they tried to get him before, he growled and barked at him. I went inside to tell my mom to come and see if she could get him, (People speed by so fast in my neighborhood. Jerks.) and we tried but couldnt. So our next plan was to get some food for him, and at least put it near his house so he'd be over there and not run around just loose. We went inside and the next thing i know, my little brother and friend run inside and tell me that the dog just got hit. I automatically ran outside, in socks and ran over to where the dog was laying. It was one of the worst things I've ever seen.

Anyway, the dog didn't look to be TOO hurt, but he was yelping which obviously meant he was in pain. His left ear was bleeding, and he was just laying there breathing. I was freaking out, screaming for my mom, and telling her to call someone. There happened to be some guy walking his dog (on no leash) and he said he saw it. He didn't care, just stood there. The lady who hit the dog left, she got out of her car for about a minute and got back in and sped away.

We knocked on the dog owners door, and two little kids came to the door saying no adult was home, yet i could see an older guy laying on the couch. :rolleyes: My mom kind of stepped into the house and saw the guy and asked if he had a dog. Im not sure who he was, but he wasn't the owner of the house. Anyway, he got on the phone with the owners and was just standing at his porch asking what he should do. Meanwhile, me and my friend katie are like calling anyone we can think of who might have a number where we can reach someone to help us, but no luck. We dialed 411, we tried pretty much everything. The guy was just standing there, i was crying my eyes out, because no one would help this dog. He was just laying there, and looked SO helpless, and it made me think of Cami and how upset *I* would be. Anyway, the guy took just about forever, and when we finally reached someone to help us, he was already gone. :( :(

I feel like maybe if i wouldn't have tried to get him, this wouldn't have happened. I can't stop crying or shaking and i feel soso horrible. My friday is for surely ruined.

11-18-2005, 05:41 PM
Do you mean Gone as in dead or gone as mean he ran away? Either way, I am really sorry. It's not your fault at all though. It's the owners. Why did the dog keep getting away. Because he wasn't restrianed properly!

11-18-2005, 05:43 PM
I would have brought the dog to the emergency vet clinic instead of waiting around for that twit to get ahold of someone. Its the same as finding a hurt stray, you know?? ARGH people like that make me SO MAD

11-18-2005, 05:46 PM
Poor dog :( Thats so awful.

I'm sorry that you had to see that :(


11-18-2005, 05:57 PM
I'm so sorry this happened to you and that poor pup. It's not your fault. As least you were trying to help the dog.{hugs}

11-18-2005, 06:01 PM
Aw Am, I'm sorry. :( That's horrible. It isn't your fault, so don't think like that.

Call me if you need me. <3

11-18-2005, 06:02 PM
Oooh no how awful! Once I found out the owner wasn't home I probably would have rushed him to the vet. But you did everything you could and you didn't do anything wrong. It's the owner's fault that he got out in the first place.

11-18-2005, 06:05 PM
Hug to you I know it's such a helpless feeling. It's not your fault you were just tring to help him. He's now free and safe.